Call for Papers (117)

 CfP: Leibesvisitationen 

posted by Amalia Kerekes 11 years ago
Mit dem Titel "Leibesvisitationen. Der Körper als mediales Politikum in (post)sozialistischen Kulturen und Literaturen" findet eine interdisziplinäre Tagung am GWZO Leipzig vom 19. bis 21. September 2013 statt.

 CfP: transcarpathica 

posted by Katalin Teller 12 years ago

Das transcarpathica jahrbuch der germanisten rumäniens (JGR) ruft auf zur Einsendung von Beiträgen für den Band 10 (2011). Das Jahrbuch wird herausgegeben von der Gesellschaft der Germanisten Rumäniens (GGR) in Zusammenarbeit mit dem DAAD. Über den DAAD ist auch die Verteilung des Jahrbuchs in deutsche Bibliotheken gesichert. Einsendung der Beiträge bis zum 30. November 2011.

 CfP: Neo-Anti-Colonialism Ukraine 

posted by Katalin Teller 12 years ago

The Kowalsky Eastern Ukrainian Institute (Kharkiv, Ukraine) has launched a call for papers for its publishing project Neo-Anti-Colonialism vs. Neo-Imperialism: Relevance of Postcolonialism in Post-Soviet Space, devoted to the discussion of anti-colonial, postcolonial, colonial, and imperial discourses in Eastern and Central Europe, and Eurasia.

 CfP: European networks 

posted by Katalin Teller 12 years ago

The Third International Conference on Nordic and Baltic Studies of the Romanian Association for Baltic and Nordic Studies and will be held from May 25-27, 2012 in Targoviste, Romania. Papers are welcome for the conference European networks: the Balkans, Scandinavia the Baltic world in a time of economic and ideological crisis. Deadlines for submissions: proposals for panels and roundtables (approx. 500 words): December 31, 2011, abstracts for individual papers (approx. 300 words): February 1, 2012.

 CfP: Balkan Wars 1912/13 

posted by Katalin Teller 12 years ago

The Center for Balkan and Black Sea Studies (Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul), the Department of History (University of Regensburg) and the Institute for the Study of Eastern and Southeastern Europe (IOS, Regensburg) have announced a call for papers for their international conference on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Balkan wars 1912/13. The conference The Balkan Wars 1912/13. Experience, Perception, Remembrance will take place on October 11-13, 2012 at the Center for Balkan and Black Sea Studies (Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul). Coordinators: Katrin Boeckh, Mehmet Hacısalihoğlu, Heike Karge, Sabine Ruta. Deadline for submissions: October 31, 2011.


 CfP: Narrative der Arbeit und Arbeitskulturen in medialer Reflexion 

posted by Amalia Kerekes 12 years ago
Vom 30.05.-01.06.2012 findet die Tagung "Omnia vincit labor? Narrative der Arbeit und Arbeitskulturen in medialer Reflexion" an der Universität Leipzig in Kooperation mit dem GWZO statt.

 CfP: After the Fall, Behind the Wall  

posted by Katalin Teller 13 years ago

The Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA) invites papers for the panel After the Fall, Behind the Wall - East European Representations of the German-speaking West organized in the framework of the 2012 convention on March 15-18, 2012 in Rochester, New York. Deadline for submissions: September 30, 2011.

 Crises in CEE 

posted by Katalin Teller 13 years ago

The School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London welcomes papers for the 11th International Postgraduate Conference on Central and Eastern Europe Crisis: Interruptions, Reactions and Continuities in Central and Eastern Europe which will take place 15-17 February 2012. Deadline for submissions: July 15, 2011.

 CfP: Terror(ism) and Aesthetics 

posted by Amalia Kerekes 13 years ago
Hosted by the Department of Comparative Literature at the University of Szeged (in association with the Section of Language and Literature of the Szeged Branch of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences), the conference (September 22-24, 2011) will focus on the multifaceted and at times uncanny relation between the political notion and discourse of terror(ism) and the tradition of aesthetic thought from antiquity to the present.

 CfP: Demokratiegeschichte im deutsch-polnischen Kontext 

posted by Amalia Kerekes 13 years ago
Die internationale und interdisziplinäre Nachwuchstagung des Instituts für Germanistik und des Instituts für Geschichte der Adam-Mickiewicz-Universität Poznan sowie des Herder-Instituts findet am 26.-28. September 2011 statt.

 CfP: Textwochen SciFi 

posted by ush 13 years ago
Kritiken, Seminararbeiten, Bibliografien, Blogeinträge, journalistische Arbeiten u.ä. Texte aus dem Bereich von Science Fiction, Vampir/ismus, Apkalypse, Werwölfe etc. werden zur Einreichung gebeten

in der Woche vom 6. bis 12. Januar 2011

unter: eLib Textdays!

 CfP: Der Holocaust in der Musik 

posted by Amalia Kerekes 13 years ago
Das Wiener Wiesenthal Institut für Holocaust-Studien (VWI) veranstaltet gemeinsam mit dem Institut für Analyse, Theorie und Geschichte der Musik eine internationale Tagung zum Thema "Der Holocaust in der Musik". Die Tagung wird am 4. und 5. Oktober 2011 an der Universität für Musik und Darstellende Kunst in Wien stattfinden und durch ein künstlerisches Rahmenprogramm Ergänzung finden.

 CfP: The Balkans in the Cold War 

posted by Katalin Teller 13 years ago

The LSE IDEAS, the Centre for International Affairs, Diplomacy and Strategy (London School of Economics and Political Science) and the Konstantinos Karamanlis Institute for Democracy (Athens, Greece) calls for paper submission for the international conference The Balkans in the Cold War to be held on 27-29 May, 2011 in Athens, Greece. Deadline for submissions: January 3, 2011.

 CfP: Krieg im Geschlechterkontext 

posted by Amalia Kerekes 13 years ago
Die Forschungsplattform „Neuverortung der Frauen- und Geschlechtergeschichte“ der Universität Wien in Kooperation mit dem Arbeitskreis Historische Friedensforschung (AKHF) veranstaltet die Tagung "Krieg im Geschlechterkontext.Themenfelder und Perspektiven der Frauen- und Geschlechtergeschichte des Ersten Weltkrieges" von 29.9. bis 1.10.2011.

 CfP: Childhood Delinquency - East-West 

posted by Katalin Teller 13 years ago

On 12 and 13 March 2011, The Centre for British Studies, Humboldt University, Berlin is hosting a two-day conference on the History of Juvenile Delinquency in the 19th and 20th Centuries: East-West Comparisons. Deadline for submissions: October 15, 2010.

 CfP: Orientalism 

posted by Katalin Teller 13 years ago

The University of Illinois welcomes paper proposals for its conference on The Dialectics of Orientalism in Early Modern Europe, 1492-1700 to be held on October 7-8, 2011. Deadline for submissions: November 15, 2010.

 CfP: Joseph Roth als Stilist 

posted by Katalin Teller 14 years ago

Die Konferenz zu Joseph Roth als Stilist. Annäherung durch Theorie und Übersetzung (Mainz, 15.-16.07.2011) erwartet Vorschläge zu Konferenzbeiträgen. Einreichschluss ist der 15. September 2010.

 CfP: Conference on Slavonic and EE Studies 

posted by Katalin Teller 14 years ago

The British Association of Slavonic and East European Studies invites papers for its upcoming annual conference in 2011. Deadline for submissions: September 15, 2010.

 CfP: Vampires in London 

posted by Katalin Teller 14 years ago

On November 2-4, 2011 Simon Bacon (The London Consortium) organizes an interdisciplinary conference on Vampires: Myths of the Past and the Future in collaboration with the Centre for the Study of Cultural Memory, Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies, University of London. Venue: Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London. Deadline for submissions: April 30, 2011.

 Musik in der Lebenswelt 

posted by ush 14 years ago
Musik in der ‚Lebenswelt’: Immaterielle Dimensionen der Musik-Kultur von Deutschen in (und aus) den südosteuropäischen Siedlungsgebieten

Internationale Arbeitstagung im Rahmen des interkulturellen Forschungsprojektes "Deutsche Musikkultur im östlichen Europa – Musikgeschichtsschreibung und Erinnerungskulturen“"

11.-13. November 2010 | Universität Bonn, Abteilung für Musikwissenschaft/Sound Studies

 CfP: Cultural Heritage on the Web 

posted by Katalin Teller 14 years ago

The Instytut Historii Sztuki Uniwersytet Wrocławskihas launched a call for papers for its conference on Cultural Heritage on the Web: Access and Exchange of Information to be held on 7th- 8th December 2010. Closing date for submission of abstracts: June 15, 2010.

 Russian Utopianism 

posted by ush 14 years ago

The Russian Institute for Cultural Research (Moscow) seeks articles for a collected volume on Russian Utopianism in the International Context to be published by the publishing house 'Progress-Traditsiia' in 2011.

We hereby invite papers on any aspect of Russian utopianism, but pieces with a focus on the interrelationship of Russian and Western utopias are especially welcome.

 Trauma & Literature 

posted by ush 14 years ago
The Journal of Literary Theory (JLT) invites contributions for 5/ 2 (2011): Trauma and Literature
asks for the submission of articles.

Submission Deadline: March 15, 2011.

 CfP: Religious Minorities in CEE 

posted by Katalin Teller 14 years ago

Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies launches its call for papers for its issues in 2011. The third special issue is on "Religious Minorities in Central and Eastern Europe at the Beginning of the Third Millenium". Deadline: February 1, 2011.

 CfP: Conflict of Interest in CE and EE 

posted by Katalin Teller 14 years ago

Conflict of interest (COI) is usually understood quite broadly as a social phenomenon related to corruption, lobbying, nepotism, patronage, clientelism or the activity of informal networks of power. What are the current expressions of conflicts of interest in various spheres of social life in Central and Eastern Europe - politics, economy, science? What approaches to COI social sciences should apply? Why does COI often remain an unexplored issue? In what ways are scientists, including social scientists themselves, involved in various conflicts of interest, such as ‘rent-seeking’ activities?

Conference date: 25-27 August, 2010, Torun (Poland). Deadline for submissions: May 31, 2010.

 Jewish Identities 

posted by ush 14 years ago
Jewish Identities in Contemporary Europe
International Conference
Institute of Germanic&  Romance Studies, University of London
Monday, 11 to Wednesday, 13  April 2011

Convenors: Professor Lucille Cairns (University of Durham) and Dr Andrea Reiter (University of Southampton)

Deadline: September 1, 2010.

 Staat oder privat? 

posted by ush 14 years ago
18. Tagung Junger Osteuropaexperten (JOE) - Staat oder privat? Akteure und Prozesse zwischen Staaten und Gesellschaften in Osteuropa

22.-24.10.2010, Berlin

Bewerbungsschluss: 15. Mai 2010 

Aus den ausgewählten Beiträgen werden thematische Panels für die Tagung zusammengestellt. Die Auswahlentscheidungen werden Anfang Juni mitgeteilt. Die Tagung wird von der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Osteuropakunde (DGO) und der Forschungsstelle Osteuropa an der Universität Bremen (FSO) mit Unterstützung der Otto Wolff-Stiftung organisiert und findet in der Europäischen Akademie in Berlin (EAB) statt. Kosten für Unterkunft und Verpflegung werden von den Veranstaltern getragen.

Beate Apelt (FU Berlin), Gabriele Freitag (DGO), Irene Hahn (Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt/O.), Heiko Pleines (FSO Bremen), Hans-Henning Schröder (FSO Bremen)

 CfP Romanian review of European Governance Studies 

posted by Katalin Teller 14 years ago
The Romanian Review of European Governance Studies is currently accepting manuscript submissions for the June 2010 issue. Deadline for submissions: April 15, 2010 (and September 15, 2010).

 CfP: Consumer Culture 

posted by Amalia Kerekes 14 years ago
Centre for Intercultural Studies at the Philosophical Faculty of Palacký University in Olomouc holds 3-day international conference Consumer Culture: between aesthetics, social distinction and ecological activism (October 7-9, 2010 Art Centre of Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic).


posted by ush 14 years ago
Re-Visionen. Kulturwissenschaftliche Herausforderungen interkultureller Germanistik. Tagung der Gesellschaft für interkulturelle Germanistik an der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen vom 23.09. bis zum 27.09.2010
Ort: Universität Göttingen, Historische Sternwarte
Deadline: 15. April 2010.


posted by ush 14 years ago
Perturbationen oder Das „Prinzip Störung“ in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften: Hybridisierung, Grenzräume, Figurationen der Störung, Wissenschaftliche Tagung auf Schloss Rauischholzhausen, 05.- 07. Juli 2010.
Bewerbungsschluss: 05.04.2010

Tagungsleitung und Veranstalter: Prof. Dr. Carsten Gansel und Norman Ächtler in Verbindung mit Prof. Dr. Peter v. Möllendorff, Prof. Dr. Silke Tammen und Prof. Dr. Franz-Josef Bäumer

 Mapping und Kartografie 

posted by ush 14 years ago

Internationales Kolloquium: Eine Metapher wie alle anderen? "Mapping" und Kartographie in der Literatur und den Kulturwissenschaften, Limoges, 25.11. bis 27.11.2010; Deadline: 30.03.2010.

Interdisziplinäres Kolloquium der Forschungsgruppen E.A. 1087 „EHIC“ (Espaces humains et interactions culturelles, Université de Limoges), GEOLAB UMR 6042 CNRS (Géographie physique et environnementale) und E.A. 4236 „ECHANGES“ (Equipe sur les cultures et humanités anciennes et nouvelles germaniques et slaves, Université de Provence).

 Cultural Space & Identity 

posted by ush 14 years ago

Cultural Space and Identity in a Post-Socialist Context
Ljubljana, Slovenia,
8-10 September 2010
Organizers: University of Ljubljana, Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television in conjunction with STEP - Project on European Theatre Systems

Abstracts of 200 words or less (in .doc, .docx, or .rtf formats) should be submitted by 30 April 2010 to Dr. Barbara Su’ec Michieli ( and Prof. Steve Wilmer ( The authors whose abstracts are accepted will receive confirmation of acceptance by 10 May 2010. Complete papers should be sent by 1 September 2010. Selected papers may be invited to be developed further for publication in a hard copy volume.

 Western Balkans 

posted by ush 14 years ago
RRPP Annual Conference Social, Political and Economic Change in the Western Balkans

Interested young researchers and scientists (MA and PhD candidates) are invited to apply to participate at the RRPP Annual Conference that will take place in Albania from 25 till 26 June 2010. All interested candidates should submit their short Curriculum Vitae (1 page), an outline of their research paper to be presented at the conference (300-500 words) and a short motivation letter by 15 April, 2010 the latest, through The selection process will be completed and announced by 10 May, 2010.

For those accepted, the University of Fribourg will cover travel and accommodation expenses, and/or provide opportunities for co-financing if the costs in individual cases exceed the average expenses per participant coming to the conference. The selected participants will be informed about the programme and specific workshops of the conference, as well as the technical details in due time. The organisers reserve the right to limit the number of applicants accepted to participate at the conference.

 Zwischen Ritual und Tabu 

posted by ush 14 years ago
Zwischen Ritual und Tabu. Interaktionsschemata interkultureller Kommunikation in Sprache und Literatur
Colloquium: Cairo, 03.-07.11.2010
Bewerbungsschluss: 30.04.2010

In Verbindung mit der Außenstelle des DAAD in Cairo lädt die Gesellschaft für interkulturelle Germanistik (GiG) zu einem Colloquium vom 3.-7. November 2010 ein. Da das Colloquium in den Räumlichkeiten des DAAD stattfinden wird, muss die Teilnehmerzahl auf maximal
begrenzt werden.

Aus den eingehenden Referatsanmeldungen mit abstract (im Umfang von max. 1 Seite = ca. 2500 Zeichen) wird vom Beirat eine Auswahl getroffen nach Maßgabe der fachlichen Qualität und thematischen Einschlägigkeit; die MENA-Zugehörigkeit und ein GiG- bzw. DAAD-Bezug (Alumni, Mitglieder) können als ergänzende Kriterien herangezogen werden. Ein Teil der Referenten kann auf Antrag einen Zuschuss zu den Reisekosten erhalten. Nach Abschluss der peer reviews wird das Programm endgültig formuliert und publiziert.

Interessenten mögen sich bitte ab sofort – spätestens jedoch bis zum 30.04.2010 – anmelden bei Frau Anne Wildfeuer, DAAD Cairo Office, 11, Sh. Saleh Ayoub, Zamalek, Cairo; Tel.: +20 2 2735 27 26-108; e-mail:

 CfP: Cultures at War. Austria-Hungary 1914-1918 

posted by Katalin Teller 14 years ago

The conference "Cultures at War. Austria-Hungary 1914-1918" to be held at St Hilda’s College, University of Oxford, 13-15 April 2011 welcomes paper proposals. Deadline for submissions: March 14, 2010.

 Discourse & Dialogue Studies 

posted by ush 14 years ago
Discourse and Dialogue Studies between Theory, Research, Methods, and Application | Diskurs- und Dialogforschungen zwischen Theorie, Methodik und Anwendung is the 24. international Conference by the Croatian Applied Linguistics Society in Opatija on May, 20-22 2010. Deadline for submissions is March 15, 2010.

 Summer School on Cold War Italy 

posted by Katalin Teller 14 years ago

The 2010 European Summer School on Cold War History has launched its call for papers for the Summer School on September 1-4, 2010 in  Bertinoro (Forlì), Italy. Deadline for submissions: April 9, 2010.

 Phänomene der Fremdheit 

posted by ush 14 years ago
Call for Paper: Phänomene der Fremdheit - Fremdheit als Phänomen

Schau ins Blau, das Online-Magazin des Erlanger Interdisziplinären Zentrums für Literatur und Kultur der Gegenwart versteht sich als ein literatur- und kulturwissenschaftliches Organ. Es greift aktuelle Themen und Entwicklungen aus den Bereichen der Wissenschaft, Kunst und Kultur auf, um diese in einem interdisziplinären und internationalen Kontext umfassend zu diskutieren. Dadurch entsteht ein Dialog zwischen den verschiedenen Wissenschaften und Künsten. Das Magazin enthält neben wissenschaftlichen Leitartikeln auch künstlerische Beiträge in Form von literarischen Essays, Hörstücken und Kurzfilmen sowie Beiträge aus der bildenden Kunst. Aktuelle Phänomene der Gegenwart werden so nicht nur im Kontext verschiedener Wissenschaftsdisziplinen diskutiert, sondern auch durch den konkreten Dialog mit gegenwärtigen Künstlerinnen und Künstlern. Rezensionen aktueller Bücher runden diesen Dialog ab.

 CfP: Ed. Vol. on Balkans 

posted by Katalin Teller 14 years ago

Submissions are invited for an edited book provisionally entitled BALKANS: Foreign Affairs, Politics and Socio-cultures. The book will be published by Epoka University Press as a first English book in the Balkan area in terms of encompassing three main issues of the Balkan countries and foreign affairs of the global actors toward Balkans. The book aims to be a main reference and primary source by bringing together selective academicians, scholars and experts from the world. The planned book is a collaborative project initiated by a working group dedicated to these themes located within the Epoka University, Tirana, Albania.

 CfP: Ed. Vol. on Reclaiming the Personal: Oral History in Post-Socialist Scholarship 

posted by Katalin Teller 14 years ago

Contributions are invited from scholars in various areas of humanities and social sciences whose work utilizes the oral historical method and directly speaks to the main focus of the proposed collection - Reclaiming the Personal: Oral History in Post-Socialist Scholarship. The editors are seeking submissions that reflect on, deal with, and respond to this changing paradigm of scholarship from a variety of perspectives and standpoints.Deadline for submissions of abstracts: February 15, 2010.

 CfP: (no) free lunch – zur Frage sozialer Grundrechte Wien 

posted by Katalin Teller 14 years ago

Vom 18. bis 20.11.2010 organisiert die Società im Juridicum Wien eine Konferenz u.d.T. (no) free lunch – zur Frage sozialer Grundrechte. Vortragsvorschläge werden bis zum 30. Mai 2010 erwartet. Der Call (deutsch und englisch) kann hier als .doc untergeladen werden.

The Società is organizing a conference entitled (no) free lunch – zur Frage sozialer Grundrechte to be held at Juridicum Vienna in November 18-20, 2010. Papers shall be submitted by May 30, 2010. The call can be downloaded here (in German and English). 

 CfP: Linguae Mundi Nr. 5/2010  

posted by Katalin Teller 14 years ago

Der Redaktionsrat der Linguae Mundi lädt ein, die Nummer 5/2010 des wissenschaftlichen Jahrbuchs mit einem Beitrag zum Thema Heimkehr und Heimkehrer in der modernen Literatur und Kultur mitzugestalten. Das Jahrbuch Linguae Mundi wird von der Samuel-Bogumil-Linde-Fachhochschule für Fremdsprachen in Poznan herausgegeben. Es ist bestrebt, mit sprachlicher, kultureller und methodologischer Offenheit und Vielfalt die Fragen der modernen Literatur  und Kulturwissenschaften anzugehen und die aktuellen Debatten innovativ fortzuführen. Es verbindet eine thematische Vielfalt mir einer deutlichen Schwerpunktsetzung der jeweiligen Nummer und präsentiert außer den Fachbeiträgen auch essayistische Formen, Besprechungen neuerer Publikationen und wichtiger wissenschaftlicher und kultureller Veranstaltungen. Linguae Mundi erscheint jährlich. Einreichschluss für Abstracts ist der 15. Februar 2010. Der Call kann hier als .pdf auch untergeladen werden.

 CfP: Cinema Studies Essex 

posted by Katalin Teller 14 years ago

The Centre for Film Studies at the University of Essex, UK, is pleased to announce the international conference Beyond the Cold War: New Directions in Soviet, Central and Eastern European Cinema Studies. This conference, featuring a range of distinguished speakers, aims to offer both a survey and a critical, reflective assessment of the broad range of new and emerging approaches to the study of cinema under the conditions of State Socialism in Central and Eastern Europe. Deadline for submissions: January 31, 2010.

 Projektförderung ASO-ZSI Ljubljana 

posted by Katalin Teller 14 years ago

Das Austrian Science and Research Liaison Office Ljubljana (ASO Ljubljana) schreibt, in Kooperation mit dem Zentrum fuer Soziale Innovation (ZSI), den mittlerweile fünften Call for Proposals für Projekte zur Forschungskooperation, Anbahnung und Netzwerkbildung zwischen Österreich, Slowenien und den Westbalkanländern (Albanien, Bosnien-Herzegowina, Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/1999, Kroatien, der ehemaligen jugoslawischen Republik Mazedonien, Montenegro, Serbien) aus.

 CfP: Minority Politics Cluj 

posted by Katalin Teller 14 years ago

The ECPR Standing Group on Federalism and Regionalism, together with the Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania and the Romanian Institute for Research on National Minorities (ISPMN), will organize an international conference entitled ‘Minority Politics within the Europe of Regions’. Dates: 17-20 June 2010. Location: Cluj, Romania. the deadline for submitting abstracts is February 20, 2010.

 CfP: Mediterranean Worlds Conference Cyprus 

posted by Katalin Teller 14 years ago

The Eastern Mediterranean University invites participation in the second edition of Mediterranean Worlds Conference, an interdisciplinary conference on the narratives of this remarkable region. What is of express interest to this conference is the way in which civilisational shifts, fusions, faultlines and oscillations of the Mediterranean world have given rise to extraordinary interpretations, life-world strategies and symbolic constructions. Such activity is manifested in the remarkable literature and art, philosophies, religions, archaeological readings, political theories and economic practices of the region. Deadline for submissions: June 3, 2010.

 CfP: Writing CEE Warsaw 

posted by Katalin Teller 14 years ago

The Institute of History at the Jagiellonian University will host a conference "Writing Central Eastern Europe" devoted to travel writing on Central, Central Eastern and Eastern Europe. The conference will be held at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków on 11-12 June 2010. Deadline for submissions: January 15, 2010.

 CfP: Netzwerke des Exils 

posted by Amalia Kerekes 14 years ago

Mit dem Titel Netzwerke des Exils. Künstlerische Verflechtungen, interdisziplinärer Austausch und Patronage nach 1933 findet die internationale Tagung des Instituts für Kunstgeschichte der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München am Center for Advanced Studies der LMU München am 12.-14.11.2010 statt.

 CfP: History by Generations 

posted by Amalia Kerekes 14 years ago

To explore the issues raised by the concept of generations in transatlantic perspective, the Generations in Modern History program and the German Historical Institute are jointly organizing the conference History by Generations: Generational Dynamics in Modern History, on December 9-11, 2010 in Washington DC.

 CfP: National Bodies in Eastern Europe 

posted by Amalia Kerekes 14 years ago

The conference at the Victoria University of Wellington (August 28-29, 2010) explores the spread of nationalized thinking as it relates to the body. How did people in Central Europe, Eastern Europe, and the Balkans classify each other in terms of national concepts? Topics of interest include: bodily practices, literary concepts of the body, national sexuality, national clothing, sporting nationalism, and eugenics. We expect to publish selected proceedings. Abstracts are due 1 June 2010.

 CfP: Interaction with Others. Polish-German Conference 

posted by Amalia Kerekes 14 years ago

"Interaction with Others" is one of the main topics in Sociology and the Polish-German relationship. Therefore SKNM and KITE Academic Science Associations of Sociology and International Relations (University of Wroclaw) want to deal with this topic more deeply and host an interdisciplinary Polish-German Conference. The conference is taking place on 25-26 March 2010 in Departure of Social Science in Wroclaw, Poland.

 CfP: The Art of Oblivion 

posted by Katalin Teller 14 years ago
The 2010 ESSE conference in Torino (Italy) calls for papers for its seminar entitled The Art of Oblivion to be held August 24-28, 2010. Deadline for submissions: January 30, 2010.

 CfP - EE in Transition 

posted by Katalin Teller 14 years ago

Papers are welcome for the conference Cultures of Indebtedness: Displacements of Value in Eastern Europe to be held January 22-23, 2010 at New Europe College, Institute for Advanced Study Bucharest, Romania. Deadline for submissions: November 25, 2009.

 CfP Individual Research Competition, Education in SEE 

posted by Amalia Kerekes 14 years ago

As part of the Advancing Educational Inclusion and Quality in South East Europe Initiative the Education Support Program of the Open Society Institute (OSI) announces a competition open to individuals on the elaboration of research papers using the statistical data collected as part of the 2008 Cross-National Survey of School Principals in South East Europe (SEE) countries. Proposals are invited primarily from graduate students and early carrier researchers.

 CfP International Graduate Student Conference on the Cold War 

posted by Amalia Kerekes 14 years ago

Three partner institutions, the George Washington University Cold War Group (GWCW), the Center for Cold War Studies (CCWS) of the University of California Santa Barbara, and the Cold War Studies Centre at LSE IDEAS are pleased to announce their 2010 International Graduate Student Conference on the Cold War, to take place at George Washington University’s Elliott School of International Affairs, April 22-24, 2010.

 CfP: Konferenz in Pécs 

posted by Katalin Teller 15 years ago

Das Germanistische Institut an der Universität Pécs erwartet Beiträge zur Konferenz Wechselwirkungen. Deutschsprachige Literatur und Kultur im regionalen und internationalen Kontext. Die Tagung wird anläßlich des Jahres der Europäischen Kulturhauptstadt Pécs vom 9. bis 11. September 2010 veranstaltet. Anmeldungen (Formular hier) sind bis zum 30. November 2009 an die OrganisatorInnen zu schicken.

 CfP Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook 

posted by Katalin Teller 15 years ago

Historical scholarship has in recent years placed new emphasis on leisure activities as a research subject with tremendous potential to teach us a great deal about values, social connections, and everyday life. The Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook will devote a section of the 2011 volume to essays on Jewish Leisure Activities in German-Speaking Europe from early modern times to the Nazi period. Deadline for submissions: October 1, 2009.

 CfP Fachzeitschrift 

posted by Katalin Teller 15 years ago

Die Zeitschrift Studien zur deutschen Sprache und Literatur wird seit 1954 von der Abteilung für deutsche Sprache und Literatur an der Istanbul Universität herausgegeben. Galt es zu Anfang noch die Arbeiten der türkischen Germanistik einem interessierten Publikum zugänglich zu machen, hat die Zeitschrift heute einen Schwerpunkt im Bereich Interkulturalität und vergleichender Arbeiten (meist türkisch-deutsch) aus den Gebieten Literatur- und Sprachwissenschaft sowie Kulturwissenschaft und Sprachvermittlung. Seit 2009 erscheint die Zeitschrift zweimal im Jahr (Juni und Dezember), wobei die zweite Ausgabe immer einen speziellen Thementeil hat. Für die Ausgabe 2010/2 ist ein Thementeil zum Schwerpunkt Interkulturalität in den German Studies – aktuelle Forschungsansätze in der angloamerikanischen Germanistik geplant. Die ausgearbeiteten Beiträge müssen für die erste Ausgabe (2010/1) bis Ende September 2009, für die zweite Ausgabe (2010/2) bis Ende Januar 2010 vorliegen.

 CfP Transcultural Memory 

posted by Katalin Teller 15 years ago

The Department of English and Comparative Literature, Goldsmiths, University of London, and The Centre for the Study of Cultural Memory, Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies, University of London invite papers for their upcoming conference to be held February 5-6, 2010. Deadline for submissions: July 21, 2009. (This conference marks the inauguration of The Centre for the Study of Cultural Memory.)

 DoktorandInnen-Tagung Wien 

posted by Katalin Teller 15 years ago

Auf Initiative von Franz X. Eder und Philipp Sarasin wird in Wien am 11.-12. Juni 2010 eine DoktorandInnen-Tagung zur Wissens- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte stattfinden. Die Veranstaltung ist ein Kooperationsprojekt zwischen dem Graduiertenkolleg des Zentrums "Geschichte des Wissens" (ZGW), einem wissenschaftlichen Kompetenzzentrum der Universität Zürich und der ETH Zürich, sowie dem Institut für Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte, dem Institut für Geschichte und dem Institut für Zeitgeschichte der Universität Wien. Einreichschluss ist der 31. August 2009.

 Estetika next issue 

posted by Katalin Teller 15 years ago

Estetika: The Central European Journal of Aesthetics welcomes contributions in English or German on all topics related to aesthetics, the philosophy of art or the history of aesthetics, especially on (but not limited strictly to) the possibilities of the transformation and re-description of traditional concepts (such as the aesthetic experience and the aesthetic object); the cognitive and social dimensions of the aesthetic (das Ästhetische); the emotions and affects; the history of aesthetics; the history of aesthetics as an institutionalized discipline; and, last but not least, the definition of aesthetics in contrast to traditional and more recent disciplines (such as the theory of art, the psychology of art, cultural theory, and visual theory). Reviews of books (published not more than 2 years ago) are also welcome. The deadline for the submission of articles for the upcoming issue (01/10) is September 30, 2009.

 CEU Graduate Conference 

posted by Katalin Teller 15 years ago

The 5th CEU Graduate Conference in Social Sciences calls for papers for "Old Challenges in a New Era: Development and Participation" to be held 19-21 June, 2009 at Central European University, Budapest, Hungary. Deadline for submissions: April 15, 2009.

 DGV Tagung 

posted by Katalin Teller 15 years ago

Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde (DGV) erwartet Beiträge für ihren 15. Workshop u.d.T. Kulturelle Aneignungen: Anverwandlung - Anpassung - Camouflage, der in Frankfurt am Main vom 30. September bis zum  3. Oktober 2009 veranstaltet wird. Einreichschluss ist der 31. Mai 2009.

 Lesbians in Eastern Europe 

posted by Katalin Teller 15 years ago

Guest Editors Anna Borgos and Judit Takács have announced a call for papers for the Special Issue of the Journal of Lesbian Studies. Papers shall be submitted by April 30, 2009.

 Internationale Graduiertenkonferenz: Kulturanalyse im zentraleuropäischen Kontext 

posted by Amalia Kerekes 15 years ago

Die Graduiertenkonferenz (Universität Wien, 24.-26. September 2009) möchte sich mit der Anwendung kulturwissenschaftlicher Ansätze im zentral- und sudosteuropäischen Kontext auseinandersetzen. Thematischer Ausgangspunkt der Konferenz sind die radikalen Veränderungen Zentraleuropas nach dem Systemwechsel 1989 und die historischen Bruchlinien in der Geschichte der ehemaligen sozialistischen Länder. Im Zentrum des Interesses sollen Themen stehen wie: Gedächtnis und Erinnerung, Kulturtransfer, Fremd- und Eigenbilder, Nationsbildung, Zentrum und Peripherie, politische Transformation und kultureller Wandel.

 Cold War 

posted by Katalin Teller 15 years ago

The 20th anniversary of the collapse of the Berlin Wall provides us with an ideal opportunity to look back at the Cold War era and reassess it from a modern day perspective. Two decades after the Cold War was said to have ended, the concept of a Cold War has once again reappeared in the rhetoric of world politics. Therefore, one cannot argue that the Cold War was merely a process of the past with minor relevance to the present. The 9th Aleksanteri Conference Cold War Interactions Reconsidered, will be hosted by the Aleksanteri Institute and will take place at the University of Helsinki on 29-31 October, 2009. There are only a several days left to submit papers: the deadline is March 15, 2009.

 Culture and Security in Serbia 

posted by Katalin Teller 15 years ago

The Centre for Civil - Military Relations (Belgrade) is organizing an international conference on Culture and Security Sector Reform: Political, Strategic and Military Culture in Transitional Countries in Sremski Karlovci (Serbia), May 7-10, 2009. Deadline for submissions is March 15, 2009.

 OA - geistiges Eigentum 

posted by Katalin Teller 15 years ago
The editors of Società. Forum für Ethik, Kunst und Recht will organize the conference Owning the Mind: Eigentum Geist in Vienna, November 20-22, 2009. Papers should be submitted by May 31, 2009.

 Kongress Fremdsprachenforschung 

posted by Katalin Teller 15 years ago

Am 30. September 2009 findet - direkt im Vorfeld des 23. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung (DGFF) - die nunmehr sechste Arbeitstagung für den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs in der Fremdsprachenforschung statt. Die Arbeitstagung in Leipzig setzt damit die in Berlin im Jahr 2004 begonnene und u.a. in München, Gießen und Hannover erfolgreich weitergeführte Nachwuchsinitiative im Bereich Fremdsprachenforschung fort. Einreichschluss ist der 15. März 2009.

 CfP Balkan Studies 

posted by Katalin Teller 15 years ago

Articles on several topics related to the Balkans and Caucasus can be submitted to the website, one of the leading independent news providers operating in the region today.

 CfP New German Review 

posted by Katalin Teller 15 years ago
The New German Review: A Journal of Germanic Studies published at UCLA welcomes contributions for its 24th volume 2009. Deadline for submissions: March 2, 2009.

 MLA Panel 

posted by Katalin Teller 15 years ago

Mediated Performance Spaces in Contemporary Austrian Literature and Culture - this is the title of the panel at the 2009 MLA Convention (Philadelphia, December 27-30, 2009), sponsored by Modern Austrian Literature and Culture Association. 

The panel will focus on the range of performance spaces within contemporary Austrian culture (theatre, film, television, sound – music/radio, performance art) with an eye to understanding the varying levels of transcultural, socioeconomic, political, and technical mediation that flow in and through them.  At stake are not just the final cuts, broadcasts and staged performances, but rather the multiplicity of sources and media frameworks that allow these final products to come to fruition for display and broadcast to an audience.
Deadline for submissions: March 6, 2009.

 István Bibó Konferenz 

posted by Hana Blahova 15 years ago
Call for Papers für die István Bibó Konferenz, die am 10. Mai 2009 in der Dokumentationsstelle für ost- und mitteleuropäische Literatur, Spengergasse 30-32, 1050 Wien stattfinden wird. 

 The 11th Conference on Modern Estonian History 

posted by Elena Messner 15 years ago
The 11th Conference on Modern Estonian History

"Facing modernity: The response of Estonian society to political, social, economic and cultural challenges (16th – 20th centuries"

June 17-18, 2009, Tallinn, Rüütli 6, Institute of History of Tallinn Universit.

The crucial political and social changes during the last decades in Eastern Europe have led to the establishment of a specific research field: transition or transformation studies. New conceptual approaches to the examination of political, economic, social, legal and cultural changes in Post-Soviet countries extended the scope of research immensely.

 Conference Dates Changed 

posted by Katalin Teller 15 years ago
Please note that the date and the deadline of the Conference on Applied Interculturality Research have changed. Date: April 7-10, 2010, deadline: August 31, 2009. The call for papers has been revised, as well. You can read the new version here or on the website of the conference.

 Laughter and Socialism 

posted by Katalin Teller 15 years ago

One of the most interesting recent announcements, at least for me, is the call for papers launched by the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures at Princeton University. The organizers intend to discuss the Totalitarian Laughter: Cultures of the Comic under Socialism. The conference will take place May 8-9, 2009, deadline for submissions is February 10, 2009.


posted by Katalin Teller 15 years ago

Estetika: The Central European Journal of Aesthetics welcomes contributions in English or German on all topics related to aesthetics, the philosophy of art or the history of aesthetics, especially on (but not limited strictly to) the possibilities of the transformation and re-description of traditional concepts (such as the aesthetic experience and the aesthetic object); the cognitive and social dimensions of the aesthetic (das Ästhetische); the emotions and affects; the history of aesthetics; the history of aesthetics as an institutionalized discipline; and, last but not least, the definition of aesthetics in contrast to traditional and more recent disciplines (such as the theory of art, the psychology of art, cultural theory, and visual theory). Reviews of books (published not more than 2 years ago) are also welcome. The deadline for the submission of articles for the upcoming issue (02/09) is February 2, 2009.

 Conference in Cologne 

posted by Katalin Teller 15 years ago

There are 28 days left to submit a paper for the conference Elections under 20th Century Dictatorships organized by the Department of History at the University of Cologne. Deadline: December 5, 2008.


 After the Fall of Communism 

posted by Katalin Teller 15 years ago

The Center for Media and Communication Studies (CMCS) at Central European University (CEU, Budapest) has just released its very last call for papers for the conference Beyond East and West. Two Decades of Media Transformation after the Fall of Communism (see website) to be held 25-27 June, 2009 in Budapest. Deadline: November 15, 2008.

 Prostitution, White Slaving, and Sexual Minorities in Europe 

posted by ush 15 years ago

The Center for Urban History of East Central Europe in Lviv, Ukraine and the Wirth Institute for Austrian and Central European Studies of the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada announce a conference on social control and sexuality in the cities of Eastern and Central
Europe during the long nineteenth century with a special focus on the practices and discourses of the "deviant": Sex in the Cities: Prostitution, White Slaving, and Sexual Minorities in Europe.

 Zoo - Post/Colonialism 

posted by Katalin Teller 16 years ago

Debates on post/colonial readings of "human zoos" seem to be a never-ending story. Colonial exhibitions - this is a topic which will be discussed at a conference of the Lancaster University (UK), and which has been discussed at Kakanien revisited several times from different perspectives: see e.g. Angelika Jacobs', Peter Plener's, Michael Rössner's, Klaus Scherpe's, or Amália Kerekes/Katalin Teller's studies.

Deadline for submitting a paper for the conference at Lancaster University is September 30, 2008.


posted by Katalin Teller 16 years ago

Unfortunately too late, but definitely of interest: a call for papers for the conference Coming home? Conflict and return migration in twentieth-century Europe hosted by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Southampton, and supported by the AHRC, 1-3 April, 2009. Papers should be (should have been) submitted by September 1, 2008...

 Grenzen | Grenzsemiotiken 

posted by ush 16 years ago

Passend zu meiner eigenen Beschäftigung mit Funkton und Semiotik der Grenze, möchte ich auf den folgenden Call for Papers des SFB 597 Staatlichkeit im Wandel an der Universität Bremen aufmerksam machen: Grenzperspektiven. Funktion und Gestaltung der Grenze im Wandel. Die Tagung findet am 24. und 25. April 2009 statt.

 Estetika: The Central European Journal of Aesthetics 

posted by Elena Messner 16 years ago

Estetika welcomes contributions in English or German on all topics related to aesthetics, the philosophy of art or the history of aesthetics, especially on (but not limited strictly to) the possibilities of the transformation and re-description of traditional concepts (such as the aesthetic experience and the aesthetic object); the cognitive and social dimensions of the Aesthetic (das Ästhetische); the emotions and affects; the history of aesthetics; the history of aesthetics as an institutionalized discipline; and, last but not least, the definition of aesthetics in contrast to traditional and more recent disciplines (such as the theory of art, the psychology of art, cultural theory, and visual theory).

 Philosophy as Literature 

posted by ush 16 years ago

It is amazing how fast methods and disciplines are ageing. The following Call for Papers sounds already oldfashioned, though its questioning rhetoric and style, and the seductive powers of language is far from irrelevant. I think, the topic deserves to be central: 


posted by ush 16 years ago

Der XII. Internationaler Germanistenkongress findet vom 30.07. bis 07.08.2010 in Warschau statt. Dirk Kemper, Fritz Breithaupt und Stefan Keppler schreiben einen Call für die Sektion Ich, Individualität, Individuum -- kulturelle Selbstvergewisserung in der Literatur aus.


posted by ush 16 years ago

Die Zeitschrift Kritische Ausgabe gibt ein Heft zum Thema "Europa" heraus. Einreichungen sind bis zum 15. September 2008 willkommen.

 Media and European Diversity 

posted by ush 16 years ago

The University of Oradea will hold the nternational Conference on “Media and European Diversity” on 16-17 October 2008. The Call for Papers is open until August 8, 2008.

 Calls in jeder Menge 

posted by Katalin Teller 16 years ago

Gleich vier Calls für Konferenz- und Workshopbeiträge konnten vor Kurzem auf Kakanien publiziert werden.

 VI. Forum România 

posted by Hana Blahova 16 years ago

Die Botschaft von Rumänien, das Institut für Romanistik der Universität Wien, die Österr. Akademie der Wissenschaften, Balkankommission, die Österreichisch-Rumänische Gesellschaft und das Rumänisches Kulturinstitut Wien lädt zum VI. Forum România, das vom 27.-29. November 2008 in Wien stattfinden wird. 

Anlässlich des 90. Jahrestages der Gründung des modernen Rumäniens ist das diesjährige Forum den historischen Ereignissen gewidmet, die Rumäniens moderne Staatlichkeit ermöglicht haben.

Einsendeschluss für Themenvorschläge ist der 31. Juli 2008.

 Neues Themenheft: Anschlussfähigkeit 

posted by ush 16 years ago

Vor kurzem wurde auch der Call für das neue kakanische Themenheft ausgeschrieben: "'Fit für die EU?' 'Anschlussdiskurse' in den primären und sekundären Selbstrepräsentationen.

 Emergence 7 on Open Access 

posted by ush 16 years ago

We placed the Call for Papers for our next Emergence workshop on the topic of Open Access – From a Peripheral Phenomenon to the Leading Paradigm in Science Policy, Archive Practices, and Scientific Self-presentation. The workshop will take place in October 2008.

 Migration and Development in Albania and the Western Balkans 

posted by ush 16 years ago

The conference Migration and Development in Albania and the Western Balkans: Remittances, Return and Diaspora will take place in Durrës, Albania on September 26/27, 2008.

 International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies (IJEMS) 

posted by ush 16 years ago

The University Center for Euro-Mediterranean Studies (EMUNI), Scientific Research Center of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, and the University of Nova Gorica (Slovenia) are proud to announce the launch of a new scientific quarterly dedicated to Euro-Mediterranean Studies.

 SSEES Conference 

posted by ush 16 years ago

The 9thInternational Postgraduate Conference on Central and Eastern Europe: Perpetual Motion? Transformation and Transition in Central, Eastern Europe and Russia takes place at the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London, 16 Taviton Street, London, WC1H 0BW on February 18-20, 2009.

 Global Borders 

posted by ush 16 years ago

The Institute for Historical Studies at UT-Austin invites proposals for 2008/09 in two categories; the deadline for submissions is April 15, 2008:

 Gender | Performanz | Rumänien 

posted by ush 16 years ago

Die Konferenz  Performative Konstruktionen von Weiblichkeit in der "rumäniendeutschen" Literatur von der Nachkriegszeit bis heute und ihre Rezeption findet am 5./6. Dez. 2008 in Jassy statt. 

  Gendering Border Crossings 

posted by ush 16 years ago

The online journal Re-public invites contributions for the upcoming special issue entitled Gendering Border Crossings. Most of the debate on sexual migration has been fashioned by the discourse of trafficking. Largely dominated by gendered representations of feminine victims and male victimizers, this discourse has come to complement the perception of migration as a dangerous and threatening form of border crossing associated with illegality and criminality.

 Otto Bauer - heute 

posted by Amalia Kerekes 16 years ago

Die Wiener Dokumentationsstelle für ost- und mitteleuropäische Literatur lädt zur Konferenz Otto Bauer - heute ein (9. Juli 2008) / A bécsi Kelet- és Közép-európai Irodalom Dokumentációs Irodája Otto Bauer – ma címmel konferenciát szervez (2008. július 9) .

 Wien und Pressburg Viedeň a Bratislava Bécs és Pozsony  

posted by ush 16 years ago

Vor 90 Jahren kam es zu einer kulturellen Veränderung, die bis heute nicht verarbeitet ist und bis heute tabuisiert wird. Aus der christlichsozialen Residenzstadt wird eine sozialdemokratische Arbeiterhochburg, aus der zweiten ungarischen Hauptstadt wird die slowakische Hauptstadt. Wie rekonstruieren die Historiker Österreichs, der Slowakei, Tschechiens und Ungarns das Jahr 1918?

 Rethinking Balkan Identities 

posted by ush 16 years ago

6th International Graduate and Undergraduate Student Border Crossings Conference: Rethinking Balkan Identities: The Dynamics of Space and Time.

Korca, Albania, 22-25.05.2008.

 Musikkultur in Danzig und Westpreußen 

posted by ush 16 years ago

Die Geschichte der Musikkultur in Danzig und Westpreußen. Perspektiven einer transnationalen Forschung (Bonn) | The History of Music Culture in Gdansk and West Prussia. Prospects of Transnational Research (Bonn) lautet der Titel einer Konferenz des interkulturellen Forschungsprojekts Deutsche Musikkultur im östlichen Europaf, die 11. bis 13. September 2008 an der Universität Bonn | Abteilung für Musikwissenschaft stattfindet.

Der vollständie Call for Papers auf Deutsch und Englisch findet sich hier; Einreichungen werden bis zum 28. März 2008 angenommen.

 Cultural Memory 

posted by ush 16 years ago

The conference Cultural Memory: Forgetting to Remember/Remembering to Forget by the University of Kent is to be held on September 10-13, 2008.

 Fashioning and Self-presentation 

posted by ush 16 years ago

Catherine Grimm and Alison Guenther-Pal are organising a panel on Fashioning the Body: Bodies, Fashion and Self-presentation in pre-20th Century German Literature and Culture. The 2008 Women in German Conference is to be held on Ocotober 23/24, 2008 in Snowbird/UT.

Deadline for proposals is March 15, 2008.

 Konfliktszenarien um 1900: politisch - sozial - kulturell 

posted by Hana Blahova 16 years ago

Call for Papers für die 2. Tagung des Projekts "Freund oder Feind? Multiethnische Staatsgebilde im Vergleich. Die Österreich-Ungarische Monarchie und das russische Zarenreich um 1900"  zum Thema "Konfliktszenarien um 1900: politisch - sozial - kulturell", die am 25.-26. September 2008 an der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz stattfinden wird.

 The Karazin's Readings - 61st Conference of the Young Scientists 

posted by Augustin Nicolescou 16 years ago

The Student's Scientific Society of the V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Department of History has organized the 61st conference of the Young Scientists entitled The Karazin's Readings. The conference will take place on April, 25, 2008 at Karazin Kharkiv National University in Kharkiv, Ukraine.

 Emergenzen 6 / Emergence 6 

posted by Katalin Teller 16 years ago

Die einzelnen (realisierten und bevorstehenden) Osterweiterungsschübe der Europäischen Union legen jene Fragen nahe, denen sich der nächste Emergenzen-Workshop von Kakanien revisited am 18. und 19. April 2008 im Collegium Hungaricum widmen wird. 'Monsterkollektive' und der Stellenwert des Individuums / 'Monstrous' Collectives and the Place of the Individual heißt der Titel, hinter dem der Anspruch steht, Praktiken von Institutionen, Netzwerken und Individuen sichtbar zu machen, wobei den Wandlungen des Menschenbildes nach dem Untergang des sozialistischen Ideals und nach der Aufwertung des westlich geprägten, selbstverantwortlichen Individuums vermehrt Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt werden soll.  

 WAC-6 Proposed Session 

posted by ush 16 years ago

The proposed session of the World Archaeological Congress-6 in Dublin (June 29 - July 4, 2008) has the title Liminal Archaeologies: Stories of Exile, Imprisonment and Separation.

The deadline for submissions of abstracts is February 22, 2008.

 Tag der mitteleuropäischen Literaturwissenschaft 

posted by Hana Blahova 16 years ago

Die Dokumentationsstelle für ost- und mitteleuropäische Literatur - doml - veranstalten am 28. April 2008 von 9.00 Uhr bis 19.00 Uhr eine Tagung zum Thema "Tag der mitteleuropäischen Literaturwissenschaft".

Ort: Dokumentationsstelle für ost- und mitteleuropäische Literatur, Spengergasse 30-32, 1050 Wien


posted by ush 16 years ago

Ein dem kakanischen Themenheft verwandter Fokus gilt die Konferenz zur historischen Biografieforschung des Doktorandenforums Wendepunkte: Biographien und historische Umbrüche im 20. Jahrhundert, das in Potsdam am 11. und 12.04.2008 stattfindet.

 An Bord der Bauhaus 

posted by ush 16 years ago

An Bord der Bauhaus. Moderne und Migration. Eine Begegnung von Kunst und Wissenschaft, 29. bis 31. Mai 2008 in Weimar - Call for Papers.

Thesenpapiere von 200 Wörtern zuzüglich Autorenzeile werden bis zum 15. Januar erwartet als Zusendung an:

Konferenzsprachen: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch

Kontakt: Prof. Dr. Sonja A.J. Neef | Juniorprofessur Europäische Medienkultur | Bauhausstraße 11 | 99423 Weimar

Weitere Informationen:

 Transatlantic Dialogues 

posted by ush 16 years ago

The workshop Transatlantic Dialogues. Eastern Europe, The U.S., and Post-Cold War Cultural Spaces is organized within the framework of the Fifth International Conference of the Romanian Association for American Studies, "The Sense of America. Histories into Text".

Time and place: May 24, 2008, The University of Bucharest.

Deadline for submissions: January 31, 2008.

 Digitizing Central Europe 

posted by ush 16 years ago

To mark the occasion of the move of to an Open Journal System, there will be a special issue:

Special Issue of
Digitizing Central Europe: Alternative Media and Spaces of Identity


posted by ush 16 years ago

To explore forms and origins of violence never loses importance. The 7th Global Conference:  Violence and the Contexts of Hostility, to be held on May 5-7, 2008 in Budapest is part of the Probing the Boundaries programme of research projects.

 The Viennese Café 

posted by PP 16 years ago

The Viennese Café as an Urban Site of Cultural Exchange  - two-day conference organised by the "Viennese Café and Fin-de-siècle Culture" Research Project, to be held at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London on October 17th and 18th 2008.

 Call - Roundtable 

posted by ush 16 years ago

The French Association for Balkan Studies (AFEBALK) will organize in Paris, in February 8, 2008 a Roundtable entitled Post-Milosevic Serbia: Continuities/Discontinuities.

Calls for Papers / Events

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