Postings mit Schlagwort "Workshop" (8)

 Balkan Studies: quo vadis? 

posted by ush 15 years ago
The programme of tomorrow's workshop will be as follows (Venue: Inst. Slawistik, AAKH, 1090 Wien, Spitalgasse 9, Seminarraum 1):

 Urban Space and Memory Skopje 

posted by Katalin Teller 15 years ago

An international workshop Reading the City: Urban Space and Memory will be held at the Cultural Centre Tocka in Skopje from May 10-16, 2009. The hypothesis of the workshop "Reading the city: Urban space and memory" in Skopje is that every historical, political, and social development and trend is mirrored in the city's built environment. Cities, accordingly, consist of a multitude of layers of narratives and thus become an image of individual and collective memory. Deadline for applications: April 26, 2009.

 DGV Tagung 

posted by Katalin Teller 15 years ago

Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde (DGV) erwartet Beiträge für ihren 15. Workshop u.d.T. Kulturelle Aneignungen: Anverwandlung - Anpassung - Camouflage, der in Frankfurt am Main vom 30. September bis zum  3. Oktober 2009 veranstaltet wird. Einreichschluss ist der 31. Mai 2009.

 Workshop on EU Enlargement 

posted by Katalin Teller 16 years ago

Arolda Elbasani (Freie Universität Berlin) and Ridvan Peshkopia (University of Kentucky) are organizing a workshop from 5th to 6th of February, 2009 in Berlin, entitled EU Enlargement and Institutional Reforms in Southeast Europe. Deadline for submitting abstracts is December 22, 2008.

 Emergenzen 7 // Open Access 

posted by ush 16 years ago

Das Programm für den bevorstehenden Workshop Emergenzen 7 // Open Access ist nun fertig und hier online zu finden. Der Workshop findet am 4. Oktober 2008 im Marietta-Blau-Saal der Universität Wien statt.

 Bourdieu reloaded 

posted by Katalin Teller 16 years ago

An exciting topic but - at least from kakanian point of view - a bit too narrow: the Exeter Centre for Ethno-Political Studies has announced a workshop for February 2009: The "field of literature" in the context of ethno-national conflicts which will discuss the applicability of Bourdieu's theory in terms of conflicts within mono-state and mono-national frames.

Even if the topic sounds to be promising for Central, Eastern and Southern European problems, the organisers concentrate on cases such as the Basques in Spain and France, the Kurds in Turkey, Iran, Iraq, etc., the Samis in Finland,Norway and Sweden, or the Berbers in Morocco and Algeria.


posted by ush 16 years ago

Participants from CEE countries in the Forum 2008 on 1939-1945 - Decade of Violence can apply for grants (see here):

 Emergence 7 on Open Access 

posted by ush 16 years ago

We placed the Call for Papers for our next Emergence workshop on the topic of Open Access – From a Peripheral Phenomenon to the Leading Paradigm in Science Policy, Archive Practices, and Scientific Self-presentation. The workshop will take place in October 2008.

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