Discourse & Dialogue Studies
[ Call for Papers ]
Discourse and Dialogue Studies between Theory, Research, Methods, and Application | Diskurs- und Dialogforschungen zwischen Theorie, Methodik und Anwendung is the 24. international Conference by the Croatian Applied Linguistics Society in Opatija on May, 20-22 2010. Deadline for submissions is March 15, 2010.Key-note speakers:
Topics and methodology:
Papers are invited on substantial, original, and unpublished research on theoretical and applied linguistics aspects of discourse and dialogue studies, including, but not limited to, the following:- difference between discourse functions and forms- terminological issues (discourse – dialogue – conversation, discourse – register – genre, etc.)
- narrative and informative discourse - analysis of authentic dialogues, reconstruction of dialogue
- models, taxonomy of dialogues, multidimensional analysis of discourse
- communicative strategies (aims and goals, persuasive actions, usage of figurative means, rhetorical structure of different sorts of dialogues, etc.)
- organization of discourse / dialogue (constitutive elements of dialogue, identification of structural units in discourse, dialogical sequences, analysis of rhetorical segments (moves, steps) in different sorts of discourse, routine, creativity, etc.)
- dialogue as social contact (small talk, interpersonal relationship and image of interlocutors, etc.)
- linguistic aspects (semantics, lexicon, grammar, prosody, interaction of verbal and nonverbal elements)
- discourse and institutions (public institutions, court, police, school, church, military, government, media, politics, etc.)
- analysis of the discourse structure of specialized areas -science and technology discourse - multimodality - interdiscoursiveness
- linguistic analysis of literary dialogues -dialogue and communicative competence in the teaching of native and foreign languages (the development of the dialogic competence in schools, analysis and therapy of dysfunctions, dialogue in the function of testing the communicative competence etc.)
- discourse competence (discourse competence as part of communicative competence, development of discourse competence, testing and evaluation of discourse competence, etc.)
- analysis of structure and organisation of discourse from a corpus- linguistic perspective: a) corpus approaches to investigating lexical, grammatical and stylistic characteristics of discourse (e.g. anaphor, sentence structure, pragmatic functions, variability, vocabulary...), b) corpus approaches to research on special professional discourse varieties and registers: legal, economic, academic, etc., c) building specialized corpora for discourse analysis, d) corpus and context, e) corpus analysis of discourse characteristics of scientific papers and journals from different science areas, f) other corpus issues in discourse research (oral vs. written dialogues, transcripts of authentic dialogues, etc.)
The topics can be discussed from one or several perspectives: contrastive • descriptive • pragmatic • socio-linguistic • psycho-linguistic • typological • diachronic • philosophical-linguistic •acquisitional and FLT •corpus linguistic •computer linguistic
Apart from the plenary key-note speeches, the conference programme will consist of 20-minute presentations in sessions (a 15-minute talk followed by a 5-minute question-and-answer session) and a poster session.
Programme committee:
Conference venue: Faculty of Philosophy – Osijek (L. Jägera 9)
Date: May 20–22, 2010
Registration and submission of abstracts: The Registration form together with abstracts is to be sent as an attachment to maleksa@ffos.hr and vkarabalic@ffos.hr
The final deadline for the registration and abstract submission: March 15, 2010.
All accepted abstracts (max. 200 words in the language of the presentation and another language) will be published in the abstracts booklet which will be distributed at the beginning of the conference. All abstracts will be subjected to blind review by two independent referees, grading abstracts from 1 to 3 according to the following three criteria:
- potential scientific contribution to the field
- relevance of the topic (with respect to the general topic of the conference, theme sessions and individual topics)
- methodology and hypothesis.
Conference Fee:
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