Abstract (24)

 Balkan Studies 9 

posted by ush 15 years ago

Now follows the abstract (cf. Balkan Studies 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) of Tatjana Marković (Graz/Belgrade): Balkan Studies and Music Historiography. (Self-)Representation between Nationalist Myths and Europeanisation

Balkan Studies in music historiography are mainly determined by conservative understanding that Balkan culture is still of predominantly peasant character. Consequently, presentation of the Balkan music/s is based much more on insight in traditional than in art music, esp. contemporary, or popular music and, as such, it is present in the framework of positivistic ethnomusicological writings, in the first place. Recent musicological contributions to Balkan Studies (meaning studies of Balkan, West Balkan, southeast European music) show a new, growing interest in the field, signified by two main policies: on the one hand, there are writings of the guardians of nationalist myths, who construct the concept of music history in accordance with their frozen (medieval) exclusive image of national identity and, on the other, writings of the pro-European orientated scholars, who stress the Balkans’ close connections to Western Europe. The intermingling and separation of these two approaches, their different ideological and methodological outcomes, as well as possible ways of future research, will be discussed.

 Balkan Studies 8 

posted by ush 15 years ago

Here follows the abstracts (cf. Balkan Studies 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) of Christian Marchetti (Tübingen): 19th-century Austrian Ethnography’s Discovery of the Proximate Other and its Legacy Today

The dichotomy between the exploration of the distant colonial primitive other and the discovery of the peasant as the nation’s »other within« provide a central divide in the historiography of the institutionalization of the anthropological sciences. In this ambivalent process Austrian ethnography was a borderline case. For ethnographic travellers as for aspiring scholars of all anthropological disciplines the proximate Balkans were a productive field of research. As the empire projected its powers into the same space, scientific "discovery" and military conquest often went hand in hand.

 Balkan Studies 7 

posted by ush 15 years ago

Here comes the abstract (cf. Balkan Studies 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) of Peter Mario Kreuter (Regensburg): Slightly Nonsense. Or: Is there an Impact of (more or less) Scientific Balkan Studies in the Public (non-academic) Sphere?

"In Albania it is forbidden to listen to Manele; doing otherwise may be punished by imprisonment, fines, and whipping." This is what one can read when visiting the German Wikipedia in order to find some information about the Romanian musical style manele which also exists in Albania, but under a completely different name (tallava).

 Balkan Studies 6 

posted by ush 15 years ago

The abstract (cf. Balkan Studies 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) of Karl Kaser (Graz): Disciplinary Boundaries in Question: Balkan Studies in a Globalizing World

The disciplinary boundaries between Balkan Studies and Near East and/or Middle Eastern Studies were basically drawn in the course of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century within a certain political framework and as results of European political interests. Arabic and Islamic Studies were considered as the study of the culturally other. Balkan Studies in this period of time were conceived as the »orient within«. The dissolution of the Habsburg and the Ottoman Empires by the end of 1918 changed the political landscape. Near East and Middle East Studies received the flavour of British and French Colonial Studies, whereas the German Reich was interested to explore the designated food deliverer, the Balkans, within its concept of Großraumpolitik.

 Balkan Studies 5 

posted by ush 15 years ago

Here follows the abstract (cf. Balkan Studies 1, 2, 3, 4) of Maximilian Hartmuth (Istanbul): Image-ing Balkans History: Non-Creative Others, Attention Deficits, and Art as a Problem

There are some fields in the humanities and social sciences, such as Nationalism Studies, in which the Balkans are very present, and others, such as art history and related disciplines, in which they are practically invisible. My paper is to question the impact of this condition on perceptions of the Balkans and Balkan-ness beyond the academia. Are the established interests of Balkan Studies really maintaining the image of the Balkans as an essentially conflictuous, non-creative space?

 Balkan Studies 3 

posted by ush 15 years ago

In addition to the abstracts 1, 2 follows now Rossitsa Gradeva (Sofia): The Ottoman Rule in Bulgarian Historiography

The Ottoman (often equated with Turkish) rule which had lasted for more than five centuries and continued for some parts of the country until the beginning of the 20th century, is a major point of departure in constructing Bulgarian national identity. As such it has been usually subject to a very negative and emotional evaluation in popular writing, fiction, and even in academic publications, one of the most popular terms even today being the notorious 'Turkish yoke'. On the other hand, the Bulgarian ›school‹ in Ottoman studies has produced significant works which are an important reference in many of its fields. Thus the development of Bulgarian historiography of the Ottoman period can be seen as resultant of two major factors – political, inside Bulgaria, and academic, as a constituent of international scholarship, which too can be loaded with political considerations.

 Balkan Studies 2 

posted by ush 15 years ago

Wladimir Fischer (Wien): From Balkanologie to Balkan-Kompetenzen: Major Topics in 'Western' Academic Representation of the Balkans

Institutionalized knowledge about the Balkans developed as a philological domain in theearly 19th century until today, Western and Central European businesses and banks capitalize on that knowledge in their Central and eastern European expansion strategies. This presentation showcases some major topical shifts in the field and discusses the present situation.

 Balkan Studies 1 

posted by ush 15 years ago

The abstracts of the upcoming workshop Balkan Studies - quo vadis? will be posted here in alphabetical order:

Zrinka Blažević (Zagreb): Globalizing the Balkans: Balkan Studies as Transnational/Translational Paradigm

Starting from the premise that space is both a physical givenness and a social construct, the
main focus of this paper will be placed upon an alternative theoretical conceptualization of
the Balkans as a possible heuristic framework for rethinking and epistemological broadening
of the Balkans Studies. Drawing upon Michel Foucault’s concept of heterotopia as
"impossible space" of coexistence of the opposite, distinctive and incommensurable, I
will propose a conceptualization of the Balkans as a heterotopical space in geographical,
historical, social, political, cultural and symbolic terms. Accordingly, it will be argued that
such a conceptualization might provide a basis for a transnational and translational politics
of the discipline which could not only bring about useful heuristic models and research
protocols for future Balkan Studies, but also ensure a survival of this academic and research
field in the post-transitional, global age.

 Open Access / Abstract 7 

posted by ush 16 years ago

Falk Reckling, FWF

The Open Access Policy of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF): The Economics of Old and New Publication Models in the Sciences and Humanities

As signatory to the "Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities" the FWF is committed to supporting and promoting open access to scientific publications on the Internet in a lasting manner.

 Open Access / Abstract 6 

posted by ush 16 years ago

Gernot Hausar, Projektleitung eLib

Public Intelligence - Wissen.schaf[f]t.Freiheit?! Open access, (preemptive) self-defence, collateral damage and science-guerilla. Eine Stellungnahme zur aktuellen Entwicklung

With the introduction of new technologies, there is a always a time span in which there prevails an inadequate balance between the parties involved. The use of the internet's innovations by individual citizens has taken industry and the government by surprise.  This has led to an acute backlash which is reflected in current legislation.

 Open Access / Abstract 5 

posted by ush 16 years ago

Herbert Hrachovec, Philosoph an der Uni Wien

Remix. Shootout. Peer Control. Gefährliche Chancen am freien digitalen Markt

The free editing and use of image and audio materials comes as a matter of course to the entertainment industry. It characterizes the aesthetics of post-modernism. If one transfers these principles to rhetoric, especially for use in the political discourse, significant problems can arise.

 Open Access / Abstract 4 

posted by ush 16 years ago

Ulrich Herb, Referent für elektronisches Publizieren, elektronische Archive und Open Access der Saarländischen Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek

Open Access revisited: Wissenschaftsaltruismus oder alter Wein in neuen Schläuchen?

Open Access
a) enhances fast and technologically easy exchange of research. Thus, scientific information is ubiquitously accessible.

> mehr/more , 1 Comment(s)

 Open Access / Abstract 3 

posted by ush 16 years ago

Bettina Kann, Leiterin der Hauptabteilung Digitale Bibliothek, ONB

Going digital: Die Neu(er)findung des Bibliothekskonzepts?

In 2004 Google announced its plan to digitize and to make publicly available 15 million books during the next six years. This announcement raised questions (such as the one of the democratization of knowledge) but has also had a positive impact on digitization initiatives and projects on the European level.

 Open Access / Abstract 2 

posted by ush 16 years ago

Chris Armbruster, Executive Director, Research Network 1989

Five Reasons to Promote Open Access and Five Roads to Accomplish it in Social and Cultural Science

Economists have done most to innovate scholarly publishing and communication by switching to Open Access. In cultural studies, history, law, political science and sociology, Open Access publishing is still an innovation at the margins. Yet Open Access is demonstrably the superior publishing model in the WWW Galaxy.

 Open Access / Abstract 1 

posted by ush 16 years ago

Gabriella Ivacs, Chief Archivist, Open Society Archives at CEU:

Emerging Archives/Parellel Archives
The Open Society Archives, part of the Soros Foundations Network and one of the founding members of the Budapest Open Access Initiative and Open Document Format Alliance, is launching a cutting edge IT solution to address academic needs in the field of archival research. The intelligent repository will allow sharing, long term preservation, collaboration and the rediscovery of primary sources.

 Monsterkollektive | Individuen / Part 10 

posted by ush 16 years ago

Ursula Reber (Wien): Programmierte Identität. Community-Building und Grenzgängertum in 'Europa'

Der Vortrag wendet sich auf einer allgemeineren Ebene Handlungskonzepten in einer globalisierten und 'postmodernen' Welt zu. Das Spannungsfeld von global spaces und local identity steht dabei v.a. im Zusammenhang mit Mediennetzwerken und kulturellen und wissenschaftlichen Plattformen im Vordergrund.

Ursula Reber (Wien): Programmed Identity: Community-Building and Boarder-Crossing in ‘Europe’

The paper discusses concepts of agency within a globalized and 'postmodern' environment in general. A special focus is given to the simultaneous embeddedness in global spaces and local identities as produced and forced by media networks and cultural and scientific networks.

 Monsterkollektive | Individuen / Part 9 

posted by ush 16 years ago

Thomas Ballhausen (Wien): Die Besichtigung des Schreckens. Ein Streifzug durch die musealen Erinnerungsräume Pierre Christins, Enki Bilals und der Brothers Quay

Geschichte wird musealisert - insbesondere dann, wenn gültige Kategorien des Politischen, Sozialen u.s.w. ins Wanken geraten oder ihren politischen/kulturellen Stellenwert eingebüßt haben, also vergangen sind.

Thomas Ballhausen (Wien): The Tour of Terror. A Stroll Through the Memorial Museum Spaces of Pierre Christin, Enki Bilal and the Quay Brothers

History is being made into a museum - especially when valid categories of political, social, etc tends or their political/cultural significance have been lost, and have therefore elapsed.

 Monsterkollektive | Individuen / Part 8 

posted by ush 16 years ago

Ulrich Best (Chemnitz): Die anderen Räume des Sozialismus. Internationale Baustellen in der Sowjetunion und ihre Erinnerung

In den 1970er und 1980er Jahren wurden in der Sowjetunion mehrere Erdgaspipelines gebaut, an denen sich die meisten RGW-Staaten mit Arbeitsbrigaden beteiligten. Jedem Staat wurde ein Abschnitt der Pipeline zugewiesen, als Entlohnung erhielten die Staaten in den nächsten Jahren Erdgaslieferungen.

Ulrich Best (Chemnitz): The Other Places of Socialism: International Construction Sites in the Soviet Union and Their Memory

In the 1970s and the 1980s several gas pipelines had been constructed, in which most of the CMEA states participated with working brigades. Each state was assigned to a section of the pipeline, and as remuneration, the states received gas supplies in the subsequent years.

 Monsterkollektive | Individuen / Part 7 

posted by ush 16 years ago

Assen Kanev (Sofia): "Gemeinsame" Identität - Sehnsucht oder Abscheu. Europäische Strategien für die Informationsgesellschaft als Instrumente für Identitätskonstruktion und die lokale Realitäten: der Fall Bulgariens

Die neue europäische Agenda, eine "gemeinsame" europäische Identität auf dem Gebiet der Union und der gesamten Gemeinschaft zu entwerfen, kann u.a. als ein Weg interpretiert werden, auf dem die "großen Narrative" der Moderne (im Sinne Lyotards) für Nationalstaaten auf einer breiteren, facettenreichen und extranationalen Ebene neu etabliert und geltend gemacht werden.

Assen Kanev (Sofia): Longing or Loathing a "Common" Identity. The European Strategies for Information Society as an Instrument for Constructing Identity and the Local Realities: the Case of Bulgaria

The new European agenda for creating a "common" European identity through the territory of the Union and the Community can be interpreted, among other things, also as a way for vindication and reestablishment of modernity’s "grand narratives" (in a Lyotardian sense) of the nation-state on a broader, more diverse and extranational level.

 Monsterkollektive | Individuen / Part 6 

posted by ush 16 years ago

Mira Georghieva (Sofia): Anwendungen des Programms Nature 2000 – individuelle Akte, zivile Aktionen, institutionelle Reaktionen

Im vergangenen Jahr starteten einige ökologische Organisationen eine Protestreihe mit dem Ziel, die Regierung wegen Verstöße gegen das Programm Nature 2000 unter Druck zu setzen, wobei sie darauf bestanden, dass unterschiedliche Bautätigkeiten auf geschützten Gebieten verboten werden.


Mira Georghieva (Sofia): Usages of Nature 2000 Program – Individual Acts, Civil Actions, Institutional Reactions

Last year some ecological organizations started to organize series of protests pressing the government against violations of Nature 2000 programme and insisting not to permit building and construction activities on territories who are under protection.

 Monsterkollektive | Individuen / Part 5 

posted by ush 16 years ago

Emilija Mančić (Wien): Das Verhältnis von Individuum und  Nation nach dem Zusammenbruch des europäischen Sozialismus

Der Vortrag setzt sich im Allgemeinen mit einem individualisierten Kulturverständnis sowie mit einer historisch-systematischen Klärung des Kulturbegriffes in Europa auseinander und versucht das komplexe Verhältnis von Individuum und Nation aus dieser Perspektive zu thematisieren.

Emilija Mančić (Wien): The Relationship between the Individual and the Nation after the Collapse of European Socialism

The presentation deals with individualistic cultural understanding as well as a historical-systematic clarification of the cultural meanings in Europe and tries to broach the issue of the complex relationship between the individual and the nation from this perspective.

 Monsterkollektive | Individuen / Part 3 

posted by ush 16 years ago

Zoltán Péter (Wien): Das Exil als Laboratorium der Kunst

Lajos/Ludwig Kassák war jener Künstler und Schriftsteller, der fünf Jahre vor seinem Exil den avantgardistischen Pol des ungarischen literarischen Feldes begründete und ihn Jahre hindurch besetzte. Die mit einigen Jahren verspätete ungarische Moderne nahm erst mit ihm, mit seiner 1915 gestarteten Bewegung, westeuropäische Gestalt an, und sie begab sich auch in den Kampf zwischen der traditionellen und der "neuen" Kunst. Er war auch der Künstler, der im dritten Jahr seines Exils - und maßgeblich dadurch bedingt - mit László Moholy-Nagy gemeinsam das Buch neuer Künstler 1922 veröffentlichte, den ersten Überblick der Ismen, ein Buch, das die Geschichte avantgardistischer Kunst ohne Begriff, beinahe allein durch Bilder (Reproduktionen) zu erzählen versuchte.

Zoltán Péter (Vienna): Exile as a Laboratory of Art

Lajos/Ludwig Kassák was one of those artists and writers, who five years before his exile founded the avant-garde pole of the Hungarian literary field, and occupied it throughout the years. Hungarian modernity, a few years late, first accepted him in a western form, with his movement begun in 1915, and it also took to the fight between the traditional and the "new" art. He was also the artist, who in his third year of exile published the Buch neuer Künstler in 1922 together with László Moholy-Nagy; the first overview of the -isms, a book which tried to narrate almost solely by the use of images (reproductions) the history of avant-garde art.

 Monsterkollektive| Individuen / Part 2 

posted by ush 16 years ago

Amália Kerekes / Katalin Teller (Budapest): Aktion Österreich-Ungarn oder Frankenstein lebt. Monarchie- und Migrationsforschung in Ungarn nach der Wende

Von der populärwissenschaftlichen Einsicht ausgehend, wonach Untersuchungen zu den Reizworten von Sissi bis hin zu Túró Rudi als kaiserlich-königliche, kádár-kreskyiansche Monarchika wissenschaftliche Felder  aufmachen, die meistens über jedwede disziplinäre Zuordnung hinausweisen, versucht unser Vortrag, Topoi kollektiver Assoziationen nicht auf den Punkt, sondern auf das Komma zu bringen.

Amália Kerekes / Katalin Teller (Budapest): Mission Austria-Hungary or Frankenstein lives. Monarchy and Migration Research in Hungary after the Transition

Based on popular-based understanding, whereby investigation into the emotive words of Sissi up to Túró Rudi as imperial-kingly, Kádár-Kreskian monarchica open up academic fields, which go beyond any disciplinary classification, our presentation tries to bring the topoi of collective associations not to a point, but to a comma.


 Monsterkollektive | Individuen / Part 1 

posted by ush 16 years ago

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