Call for Applications (3)
CfA: East European Studies Online and International Relations Online
posted by Amalia Kerekes 14 years ago
The Center for Global Politics at the Freie Universität Berlin offers two international M.A. programs: International Relations Online and East European Studies Online are both arranged as blended-learning study formats, combining online (90%) and in-house sessions (10%). Both programs confer full master degrees (120 ECTS credits).
CfA: Freie Universität Berlin International Master's Programs
posted by Amalia Kerekes 14 years ago
The Center for Global Politics seeks qualified candidates interested in advancing their prospects on the global job market. Hosted by the Freie Universität Berlin’s Center for Global Politics, and directed by Prof. Klaus Segbers, the two award-winning M.A. programs in East European Studies and International Relations use blended study formats, combining in-house and online sessions. Each degree confers 120 ECTS credits. Applications for fall 2010 are now being accepted.
CFA: KulturmanagerInnen
posted by ush 15 years ago
Ausschreibung Stipendien: "Robert Bosch Kulturmanager in Mittel- und Osteuropa" 2010/11, ab dem 1. August 2010 Stipendien.
Bewerbungsschluss ist der 15. März 2010. Das Online-Bewerbungsportal finden Sie unter:
Bewerbungsschluss ist der 15. März 2010. Das Online-Bewerbungsportal finden Sie unter:
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