Postings mit Schlagwort "Media" (12)
Sinne Technik Inszenierung
Abschlusstagung des Initiativkollegs + Präsentation der Publikation "Sinne Technik Inszenierung" bei Böhlau
9. und 10. Juni 2010
Alte Kapelle, Uni-Campus, Spitalgasse 2-4, Hof 2.8, 1090 Wien
Veranstaltet vom Initiativkolleg Sinne - Technik - Inszenierung: Medien und Wahrnehmung der Universität Wien.
Galicia in the 20th Century
3-5 June 2010
Center for Urban History of East Central Europe in Lviv
Working languages: English, German, Ukrainian
Organisers: PhD-programm "Austrian Galicia and Its Multicultural
Heritage" (University of Vienna) & Center for Urban History of East
Central Europe (Lviv)
Aneignung von Geschichte
26. Mai bis zum 28. Mai 2010
Institut Français de Vienne und IFK
Balkan Studies: quo vadis?
Balkan Studies 7
Here comes the abstract (cf. Balkan Studies 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) of Peter Mario Kreuter (Regensburg): Slightly Nonsense. Or: Is there an Impact of (more or less) Scientific Balkan Studies in the Public (non-academic) Sphere?
"In Albania it is forbidden to listen to Manele; doing otherwise may be punished by imprisonment, fines, and whipping." This is what one can read when visiting the German Wikipedia in order to find some information about the Romanian musical style manele which also exists in Albania, but under a completely different name (tallava).
After the Fall of Communism
The Center for Media and Communication Studies (CMCS) at Central European University (CEU, Budapest) has just released its very last call for papers for the conference Beyond East and West. Two Decades of Media Transformation after the Fall of Communism (see website) to be held 25-27 June, 2009 in Budapest. Deadline: November 15, 2008.
Open Access / Abstract 5
Herbert Hrachovec, Philosoph an der Uni Wien
Remix. Shootout. Peer Control. Gefährliche Chancen am freien digitalen Markt
The free editing and use of image and audio materials comes as a matter of course to the entertainment industry. It characterizes the aesthetics of post-modernism. If one transfers these principles to rhetoric, especially for use in the political discourse, significant problems can arise.
Open Access / Abstract 2
Chris Armbruster, Executive Director, Research Network 1989
Five Reasons to Promote Open Access and Five Roads to Accomplish it in Social and Cultural Science
Economists have done most to innovate scholarly publishing and communication by switching to Open Access. In cultural studies, history, law, political science and sociology, Open Access publishing is still an innovation at the margins. Yet Open Access is demonstrably the superior publishing model in the WWW Galaxy.
Open Access / Abstract 1
Gabriella Ivacs, Chief Archivist, Open Society Archives at CEU:
Emerging Archives/Parellel Archives
The Open Society Archives, part of the Soros Foundations Network and one of the founding members of the Budapest Open Access Initiative and Open Document Format Alliance, is launching a cutting edge IT solution to address academic needs in the field of archival research. The intelligent repository will allow sharing, long term preservation, collaboration and the rediscovery of primary sources.
Emergenzen 7 // Open Access
Das Programm für den bevorstehenden Workshop Emergenzen 7 // Open Access ist nun fertig und hier online zu finden. Der Workshop findet am 4. Oktober 2008 im Marietta-Blau-Saal der Universität Wien statt.
Media and European Diversity
The University of Oradea will hold the nternational Conference on “Media and European Diversity” on 16-17 October 2008. The Call for Papers is open until August 8, 2008.
Emergence 7 on Open Access
We placed the Call for Papers for our next Emergence workshop on the topic of Open Access – From a Peripheral Phenomenon to the Leading Paradigm in Science Policy, Archive Practices, and Scientific Self-presentation. The workshop will take place in October 2008.
Calls for Papers / Events