CfP: Ed. Vol. on Balkans
[ Call for Papers ]
Submissions are invited for an edited book provisionally entitled BALKANS: Foreign Affairs, Politics and Socio-cultures. The book will be published by Epoka University Press as a first English book in the Balkan area in terms of encompassing three main issues of the Balkan countries and foreign affairs of the global actors toward Balkans. The book aims to be a main reference and primary source by bringing together selective academicians, scholars and experts from the world. The planned book is a collaborative project initiated by a working group dedicated to these themes located within the Epoka University, Tirana, Albania.
The book will focus on four main sections, Politics, Socio-culture, Foreign Policy and Balkans & World. Each section will include eleven Balkan countries’ situation on the sectional area. Authors are free to put article’s title.
Section I: Politics in the Balkans:
1. Politics in Albania
2. Politics in Bosnia and Herzegovina
3. Politics in Bulgaria
4. Politics in Croatiav
5. Politics in Greece
6. Politics in Kosovo
7. Politics in Macedonia
8. Politics in Montenegro
9. Politics in Serbia
10. Politics in Romania
11. Politics in Turkey
Submissions should focus upon, as far as possible; engage with the following main- headlines within this section, some other headlines might be put under these headlines:
a) Historical background of the country’s politics
b) Current situation on the country’s politics
c) Main issues in country politics (solutions or suggestions)(optional)
Section II: Socio-Culture of Balkans
1. Albania’s Socio-culture
2. Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Socio-culture
3. Bulgaria’s Socio-culture
4. Croatia’s Socio-culture
5. Greece’s Socio-culture
6. Kosovo’s Socio-culture
7. Macedonia’s Socio-culture
8. Montenegro’s Socio-culture
9. Serbia’s Socio-culture
10. Romania’s Socio-culture
11. Turkey’s Socio-culture
The articles in “Socio-Cultural” section should include four main headlines; authors are free to put title and sub-titles under the following headlines:
a) Socio- cultural historical background of the country
b) National structure ( ethnic, religious, sects and other diversities)
c) Post Cold War developments on the Socio-Cultural situation
d) Socio-cultural (potential) Issues (and solution alternatives; optional)
Section III: Foreign Affairs of the Balkan States:
1. Albania’s Foreign Policy
2. Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Foreign Policy
3. Bulgaria’s Foreign Policy
4. Croatia’s Foreign Policy
5. Greece’s Foreign Policy
6. Kosovo’s Foreign Policy
7. Macedonia’s Foreign Policy
8. Montenegro’s Foreign Policy
9. Serbia’s Foreign Policy
10. Romania’s Foreign Policy
11. Turkey’s Foreign Policy
The articles in “Foreign Affair” section should include three main headlines; authors are free to put title and sub-titles under the following headlines:
a) Post-Cold War era
b) Current foreign policy
c) Main issues on Foreign Policy
d) Futuristic Predictions on Foreign Policy (optional)
Section IV: World and the Balkans
1. US’s foreign policy toward the Balkans
2. Russian Federation’s foreign policy toward the Balkans
3. EU’s foreign policy toward the Balkans
4. Germany’s foreign policy toward the Balkans
5. France’s foreign policy toward the Balkans
6. UK’s foreign policy toward the Balkans
7. Turkey’s foreign policy toward the Balkans
Authors will be free to put title and headlines of the articles in this chapter
At the first stage, the authors who desire to contribute to the book should contact with the editors by e-mail to authorize and allocate which they want to write above-mentioned articles. Second, the deadline for the submission of the articles will be 15 April 2010. Contributors might be required to amend their papers in accordance with the final concept of the edited book and the results of the editors’ meeting(s). Third, after reviewing the articles and the amendments, the last day to send to the editors is 10 May 2010.Contributions should be around 5000-6000 words, excluding footnotes. Abstracts should be sent as e-mail attachment to; and should include one paragraph biography of the author, to put into the book.
It is encouraged interested contributors to apply by e-mail to write an article on the relevant chapters as well as any other countries of concern in the Section IV: World and the Balkans that have been left out.
Authors will receive a contribution certificate and 3 complimentary copies of the published book.
For further enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Cüneyt Yenigün, Editor, Istanbul Kültür University & Epoka University at o Dr. Ferdinand Gjana, Editor, Epoka University at
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