Postings mit Schlagwort "Balkan" (10)
Workshop - Europe and the Balkans
Das Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen (IWM) lädt zum Eröffnungsvortrag der Konferenz Der Balkan als Europa, 1821–1914 ein: Ivo Banac (Prof. em. für Geschichte, Yale University) spricht am 26. Mai 2011 um 18 Uhr über The Liberation Trajectory of the Balkan National Revolutions. Ort: IWM, Bibliothek, Spittelauer Lände 3, A-1090 Wien.
CfP: Ed. Vol. on Balkans
Submissions are invited for an edited book provisionally entitled BALKANS: Foreign Affairs, Politics and Socio-cultures. The book will be published by Epoka University Press as a first English book in the Balkan area in terms of encompassing three main issues of the Balkan countries and foreign affairs of the global actors toward Balkans. The book aims to be a main reference and primary source by bringing together selective academicians, scholars and experts from the world. The planned book is a collaborative project initiated by a working group dedicated to these themes located within the Epoka University, Tirana, Albania.
CfP: The Ottoman Past
The Finnish Institute at Athens and the Department of Turkish and Modern Asian Studies, University of Athens are organizing the conference "The Ottoman Past in Balkan Present: Music and Mediation" in Athens from September 30 to October 2, 2010. Deadline for submissions: February 15, 2010.
Balkan Studies: quo vadis?
Balkan Studies 9
Now follows the abstract (cf. Balkan Studies 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) of Tatjana Marković (Graz/Belgrade): Balkan Studies and Music Historiography. (Self-)Representation between Nationalist Myths and Europeanisation
Balkan Studies in music historiography are mainly determined by conservative understanding that Balkan culture is still of predominantly peasant character. Consequently, presentation of the Balkan music/s is based much more on insight in traditional than in art music, esp. contemporary, or popular music and, as such, it is present in the framework of positivistic ethnomusicological writings, in the first place. Recent musicological contributions to Balkan Studies (meaning studies of Balkan, West Balkan, southeast European music) show a new, growing interest in the field, signified by two main policies: on the one hand, there are writings of the guardians of nationalist myths, who construct the concept of music history in accordance with their frozen (medieval) exclusive image of national identity and, on the other, writings of the pro-European orientated scholars, who stress the Balkans’ close connections to Western Europe. The intermingling and separation of these two approaches, their different ideological and methodological outcomes, as well as possible ways of future research, will be discussed.
Balkan Studies 5
Here follows the abstract (cf. Balkan Studies 1, 2, 3, 4) of Maximilian Hartmuth (Istanbul): Image-ing Balkans History: Non-Creative Others, Attention Deficits, and Art as a Problem
There are some fields in the humanities and social sciences, such as Nationalism Studies, in which the Balkans are very present, and others, such as art history and related disciplines, in which they are practically invisible. My paper is to question the impact of this condition on perceptions of the Balkans and Balkan-ness beyond the academia. Are the established interests of Balkan Studies really maintaining the image of the Balkans as an essentially conflictuous, non-creative space?
Balkan Studies 3
In addition to the abstracts 1, 2 follows now Rossitsa Gradeva (Sofia): The Ottoman Rule in Bulgarian Historiography
The Ottoman (often equated with Turkish) rule which had lasted for more than five centuries and continued for some parts of the country until the beginning of the 20th century, is a major point of departure in constructing Bulgarian national identity. As such it has been usually subject to a very negative and emotional evaluation in popular writing, fiction, and even in academic publications, one of the most popular terms even today being the notorious 'Turkish yoke'. On the other hand, the Bulgarian ›school‹ in Ottoman studies has produced significant works which are an important reference in many of its fields. Thus the development of Bulgarian historiography of the Ottoman period can be seen as resultant of two major factors – political, inside Bulgaria, and academic, as a constituent of international scholarship, which too can be loaded with political considerations.
CfP Balkan Studies
Articles on several topics related to the Balkans and Caucasus can be submitted to the website, one of the leading independent news providers operating in the region today.
Muslime in SEE
Religion wird in soziologischer und kulturwissenschaftlicher Hinsicht wieder ein Thema und so etwas wie ein Leitmotiv. Das Tabu-Thema der Multikulturalität wird hier teils wieder aufgenommen; ich denke, durchaus realistischer, distanzierter und weniger polemisch - ob nun in befürwortender oder ablehnder Hinsicht.
Nicht nur konnte ich in Gesprächen mit Kolleginnen feststellen, dass Religion sich in den wissenschaftlichen Fokus drängt (auch bei meinen eigenen Projektideen), sondern es zeigt sich auch in verschiedenen Unternehmungen, Calls und Konferenzen. So auch hier, im Fall der anstehenden Konferenz Islam und Muslime in (Südost)Europa. Kontinuität und Wandel im Kontext von Transformation und EU-Erweiterung am 7. und 8.11.2008, im Magnus-Haus, Am Kupfergraben 7, 10117, Berlin. Organisatoren sind Christian Voß und Jordanka Telbizova-Sack:
Calls for Papers / Events