CfP: Consumer Culture
posted by Amalia Kerekes on 2010/03/19 09:56
[ Call for Papers ]
Centre for Intercultural Studies at the Philosophical Faculty of Palacký University in Olomouc holds 3-day international conference Consumer Culture: between aesthetics, social distinction and ecological activism (October 7-9, 2010 Art Centre of Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic).The aim of the international conference is to discuss key issues and themes of consumer culture as a complex and controversial phenomenon. The thematic framework of the conference will include not only the inquiry of the symbolic dimension of consumer culture, its aesthetic aspects and its impact on individual lifestyles, but also the broader social context of production and reception of consumer culture and its social, economic and environmental consequences. The conference program will consist of five main topics: aesthetics of consumer culture, critique of consumer culture, consumption and social distinction, research in consumer behaviour, culture and marketing communication, and associated program: poster session, film projection, workshop led by experts in marketing and consumer behaviour research. Each topic will be introduced by an invited guest speaker: Prof. Wolfgang Ullrich (Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe), Prof. Rainer Gries (Universität Wien), Mgr. Jaroslav Cír (Unilever) and others.
Papers from broad areas of interest are welcomed (sociology, philosophy, psychology, cultural anthropology, ecology, cultural studies, media studies, art history, aesthetics, communication studies, etc.) as well as listeners from the business world who are involved in the production, innovation or research of consumer culture, students and others who are interested in these issues and want to share their thoughts and insights. The aim of the conference is to enable an exchange of knowledge between the academic and application spheres and to discuss this topic in public in order to prevent the "shadow science" as a consequence of the privatization of knowledge about consumer culture and society in the commercial sector.
Invited are short CVs and abstracts up to 300 words on relevant topic (in English). Abstracts for papers or poster session are welcomed. Speakers will receive 30 minutes for presentation. Selected papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Confirmation of submission of the paper to the program will be sent by the end of June to all accepted participants. Please send abstracts to <> or <> by June 5th 2010. For more information please visit the conference website.
Conference registration fees are divided into Academics, Student and Business fees. Academics 90 Euro (the whole conference), 30 Euro (one day). Students 30 Euro (the whole conference). Participants from nonacademic institutions: 150 Euro (the whole conference), 50 Euro (one day). The fee includes: refreshment for the duration of the conference, reception dinner on October 7th, conference dinner on October 8th, conference kit, admission to film projection, admission to workshop, conference proceedings in pdf version on DVD, and others. Accommodation and the travel costs are not included in the conference fee. We kindly ask participants to pay the conference fee at the reception desk upon arrival. Confirmation of payment will be issued there in return.
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