SSEES Conference

posted by ush on 2008/06/04 11:58

[ Call for Papers ]

The 9thInternational Postgraduate Conference on Central and Eastern Europe: Perpetual Motion? Transformation and Transition in Central, Eastern Europe and Russia takes place at the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London, 16 Taviton Street, London, WC1H 0BW on February 18-20, 2009.

The countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union have long been thought of in terms of being in a constant state of flux.  This is largely due to their location on an East-West axis of cultural, economic and political systems. This conference will focus on the complex and contradictory implications of transformations, recent as well as historical. If the very concept of transition implies its antithesis – stability – both are open to be challenged and reassessed. The complex ways in which perceptions come to impact and change these realities will be addressed from multiple perspectives.

The themes of transformation and transition are currently giving rise to fascinating debates in a variety of disciplines – from economics to philosophy, from politics to performance art. Whilst our aim is to represent a wide spectrum of disciplines and approaches, we strongly encourage comparative and multi-disciplinary perspectives, and welcome proposals using new research methodologies. The conference invites graduate and postdoctoral students in the Humanities and Social Sciences, as well as young professionals with sound academic backgrounds, to submit original research papers including but not limited to the following themes: 

Historical: Esotericism; Historiography; Intellectual History; Legal History; National Projects, Nation-Building, State Formation; Personality Cults; Radical and Agrarian Politics; Religion; Revolutions and their Aftermaths; War and Reconstruction.

Cultural: Adaptation of Tropes; Conceptions of Subjectivity; Deterritorialisation; Diaspora; Folklore, Music and Visual Culture; Identity and the Body; Lexical Prohibition; Linguistics; Negotiating the Canon; Performativity; Soviet Kitsch; Translatology.

Political: Administration and Institutions; Civil Liberties; European Union – Reform and Enlargement; Minority Rights; NATO - Expansion, Engagement and Reform; New Populism; Parties and Elections; Rise of Authoritarianism; Transitional Justice.

Economic: Banking Reform; Corruption and Informal Networks; Energy and Security; Industrial Organization; Inequality; Inflation; Labour Market Dynamics; Privatization; Regional Specialization; Social Protection; Trade Patterns; Trade Unions.

Social: Biopolitics; Education and Health Policies; Gender and Sexuality; Media and Communication; Migration; New Classes and Elites; Social Policy; State Regulation of Discourse; Symbols, Rituals, Collective Memory; Urban and Rural Transformation.

We strongly encourage cross-cultural, cross-national and multi-disciplinary perspectives, with entries on new research methodologies welcomed.
Paper abstracts of up to 300 words and a resume should be sent with full contact details (E-mail, Telephone, Postal Address) to and/or to 9th Postgraduate Conference, School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London, 16 Taviton Street, London, WC1H 0BW, UK. Presented papers should not exceed twenty minutes in length. A selection of papers will appear in a separate Conference publication.

Deadline for submission of abstracts: July 11, 2008.

Conference Committee:
Tul’si Bhambry, Daniel Brett, Raul Carstocea, Marga Goranova, Ellie Harrison, Robert Gray, Clare Griffin, Alexandra Kravchenko, Alexander Mondorf, Raluca Musat, Rasmus Nilsson, Trey Stuvek, Anna Toropova, Olga Voronina.


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