Postings mit Schlagwort "Raum" (6)

 Vampirglaube & magia posthuma / Part 12 

posted by ush 15 years ago

Hagen Schaub (Wien): Knochen und Bestattungsriten. Die Bedeutung archäologischer Funde zum Wiedergänger- bzw. Vampirglauben

Während der Vampir etymologisch betrachtet ein südosteuropäisches Phänomen darstellt, das durch Gebietszuwächse 1718 auch zu einem österreichischen Thema wurde, mehren sich die Stimmen, die den Glauben an wiederkehrende schädigende Tote im Allgemeinen für alle Kulturen unterstellen. Das gewichtigste Argument sind bei weitgehend fehlenden schriftlichen Dokumenten die archäologischen Funde.

 Balkan Studies: quo vadis? 

posted by ush 15 years ago
The programme of tomorrow's workshop will be as follows (Venue: Inst. Slawistik, AAKH, 1090 Wien, Spitalgasse 9, Seminarraum 1):

 Balkan Studies 6 

posted by ush 15 years ago

The abstract (cf. Balkan Studies 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) of Karl Kaser (Graz): Disciplinary Boundaries in Question: Balkan Studies in a Globalizing World

The disciplinary boundaries between Balkan Studies and Near East and/or Middle Eastern Studies were basically drawn in the course of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century within a certain political framework and as results of European political interests. Arabic and Islamic Studies were considered as the study of the culturally other. Balkan Studies in this period of time were conceived as the »orient within«. The dissolution of the Habsburg and the Ottoman Empires by the end of 1918 changed the political landscape. Near East and Middle East Studies received the flavour of British and French Colonial Studies, whereas the German Reich was interested to explore the designated food deliverer, the Balkans, within its concept of Großraumpolitik.


posted by ush 16 years ago
Das Kunsthaus Graz, in Kooperation mit der Umetnostna galerija Maribor und dem Haus der Architektur Graz, beginnt in wenigen Tagen eine Veranstaltungsreihe, welche die Region Maribor/Gradec // Marburg/Graz thematisiert:


 Balkan Peninsula 

posted by ush 16 years ago

The following program of a roundtable to be held in Sofia is thematically linked to the topics discussed in the Digital Anthology Forbidden Words, turning towards the contamination and geopolitical implications of the term Balkanhalbinsel. The history of the term, its usages and misusages are discussed in connection with the historical and current (mis)usage of another geographical term, "Europe". Therefore, it the latter term should be analysed and revisited, as well, since it is not evident, why Non-Europe is meant to be insulting.

The Department for History of Byzantium and the Balkans at Faculty of History in University of Sofia "St. Kliment Ohridski" is prepraring a R o u n d T a b l e  with the following title and agenda: Two Hundred Years on the Road: The Term "Balkan Peninsula" (1808-2008).


posted by ush 16 years ago

Die Zeitschrift Kritische Ausgabe gibt ein Heft zum Thema "Europa" heraus. Einreichungen sind bis zum 15. September 2008 willkommen.

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