MLA Panel
[ Call for Papers ]
Mediated Performance Spaces in Contemporary Austrian Literature and Culture - this is the title of the panel at the 2009 MLA Convention (Philadelphia, December 27-30, 2009), sponsored by Modern Austrian Literature and Culture Association.
The panel will focus on the range of performance spaces within contemporary Austrian culture (theatre, film, television, sound – music/radio, performance art) with an eye to understanding the varying levels of transcultural, socioeconomic, political, and technical mediation that flow in and through them. At stake are not just the final cuts, broadcasts and staged performances, but rather the multiplicity of sources and media frameworks that allow these final products to come to fruition for display and broadcast to an audience.
Deadline for submissions: March 6, 2009.
Papers for this panel should examine the ways in which performance artists, filmmakers, writers, stage directors/playwrights, and/or television/radio producers negotiate the mediated aesthetics of these spaces of performance, which inform and are informed by their productions.
Possible topics for presentations include:
- Transcultural mobility/migration and performance
- Radio - television - internet as alternative spaces of performance
- Politics and political immediacy: the role of tactical media
- Technology and the technical within spaces of performance.
- Hybridized spaces of performance and intermediality
- Changing notions of the archive and the role of iteration
- Staging representation of self and the foreign other
- Gender specific experiences and performance spaces
Please send abstracts (250 words) and a short CV electronically to Daniel Gilfillan ( no later than March 6, 2009.
N.B.: Prospective speakers at the MLA-conference must be members of the Modern Language Association or become a member before April 7th, 2009. For membership details please go to
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