Postings mit Schlagwort "History" (43)
IWM im Herbst/in Autumn
Das Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen (IWM) in Wien lädt auch in diesem Herbst zu unerschiedlichen Veranstaltungen ein. The Institute for Human Sciences (IWM) in Vienna is organizing different events in this autumn.
CfP: After the Fall, Behind the Wall
The Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA) invites papers for the panel After the Fall, Behind the Wall - East European Representations of the German-speaking West organized in the framework of the 2012 convention on March 15-18, 2012 in Rochester, New York. Deadline for submissions: September 30, 2011.
CfP: The Balkans in the Cold War
The LSE IDEAS, the Centre for International Affairs, Diplomacy and Strategy (London School of Economics and Political Science) and the Konstantinos Karamanlis Institute for Democracy (Athens, Greece) calls for paper submission for the international conference The Balkans in the Cold War to be held on 27-29 May, 2011 in Athens, Greece. Deadline for submissions: January 3, 2011.
Conference on SEE in Sofia
The Faculty of History at University of Sofia Sv. Kliment Ohridski welcomes the audience to its conference on Power and Influence in South-Eastern Europe in the 16-19th Centuries beginning on October 8, 2010.
EUI - Max Weber and Jean Monnet Fellowships
The European University Institute, Florence (Italy) has launched its call for applications for two postdoctoral fellowship programs. The deadline for applications for the academic year 2011-2012 is October 25, 2010.
Visegrad Fellowship - OSA
For a better and deeper understanding of the interdependent recent history of (the center of) Europe, the International Visegrad Fund offers ten research fellowship grants annually in the Open Society Archives at Central European University, Budapest on a competitive basis to support scholars who wish to conduct research in the holdings of OSA, and whose current research projects are relevant to the holdings and the given research priorities of the Fund and OSA. Deadline for application: October 14, 2010.
CfP: Childhood Delinquency - East-West
On 12 and 13 March 2011, The Centre for British Studies, Humboldt University, Berlin is hosting a two-day conference on the History of Juvenile Delinquency in the 19th and 20th Centuries: East-West Comparisons. Deadline for submissions: October 15, 2010.
CfP: Orientalism
The University of Illinois welcomes paper proposals for its conference on The Dialectics of Orientalism in Early Modern Europe, 1492-1700 to be held on October 7-8, 2011. Deadline for submissions: November 15, 2010.
CfP: Vampires in London
On November 2-4, 2011 Simon Bacon (The London Consortium) organizes an interdisciplinary conference on Vampires: Myths of the Past and the Future in collaboration with the Centre for the Study of Cultural Memory, Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies, University of London. Venue: Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London. Deadline for submissions: April 30, 2011.
Cold War and Ice
The workshop Exploring Ice and Snow in the Cold War is supported by the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society in Munich and will take place at the Deutsches Museum in Munich from 27th to 29th of January 2011. Abstracts (500 words) and a short CV should be submitted by email no later than August 30, 2010.
Conference: History and Subjectivity in Russia
The International St. Petersburg colloquium in Russian history, organized by historians from Russia, the United States, and Western Europe, is held every three years. The goal of the 2010 conference is to engage with historical processes through the analytical lens of the self. It will examine presuppositions about human behavior and ideals of “personality” and humanity on the part of state and cultural authorities from the late Imperial period to the breakup of the Soviet Union; it will follow how these notions were set into motion over the course of a long century of war and revolution; and it will study their effects on the lives, personal horizons, and self-understandings of individuals. Program for download [.pdf].
Conference: Antisemitism in Hungary and Poland
On 26 and 27 May 2010, the Department of Hebrew and Jewish Studies at University College London will host an international conference: Antisemitism in Hungary and Poland: Genealogies, Transitions, Practices.
Vortrag: Alois Riegl
10 May 2010, 6.15 p.m. at the IFK (free entrance, lecture in english)
Adi Efal teaches at Tel Aviv University, the Bezalel Academy of Art, and Beit-Berl College. She had research post-doctoral residencies at the École Normale Supérieure in Paris and the Rosenzweig Center for German-Jewish Culture at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She is an IFK Research_Fellow.
Selected publications: Panofsky’s Idea and Auerbach’s Figura: Two Iconodulist Philological Experiments, in: The Protocols of the History and Theory Department of the Bezalel Academy, 14, October 2009; Iconology and Iconicity. Towards an Iconic History of Figures, between Erwin Panofsky and Jean-Luc Marion, in: Naharaim. Zeitschrift für deutsch-jüdische Literatur und Kulturgeschichte, I/2/III, 2008; Habitude against itself: Redefining the 'Symbol' in Turn-of-the-Century French Visual Symbolist Discourse, in: Æ. Canadian Aesthetics Journal, 13, Summer 2007.
CfP: Conflict of Interest in CE and EE
Conflict of interest (COI) is usually understood quite broadly as a social phenomenon related to corruption, lobbying, nepotism, patronage, clientelism or the activity of informal networks of power. What are the current expressions of conflicts of interest in various spheres of social life in Central and Eastern Europe - politics, economy, science? What approaches to COI social sciences should apply? Why does COI often remain an unexplored issue? In what ways are scientists, including social scientists themselves, involved in various conflicts of interest, such as ‘rent-seeking’ activities?
Conference date: 25-27 August, 2010, Torun (Poland). Deadline for submissions: May 31, 2010.
Conference on Cities and Nationalisms
The Centre for Metropolitan History, Institute of Historical Research invites for its conference on "Cities and Nationalisms". The deadline for registrations is June 4, 2010.
CfP: Cultures at War. Austria-Hungary 1914-1918
The conference "Cultures at War. Austria-Hungary 1914-1918" to be held at St Hilda’s College, University of Oxford, 13-15 April 2011 welcomes paper proposals. Deadline for submissions: March 14, 2010.
Summer School on Cold War Italy
The 2010 European Summer School on Cold War History has launched its call for papers for the Summer School on September 1-4, 2010 in Bertinoro (Forlì), Italy. Deadline for submissions: April 9, 2010.
Exhibition on Carrier Bags Budapest
A retrospective chamber exhibition of bags and sacks from the history of commerce in Hungary (CARRIER BAGS AND SACKS, the 20th century of wrapping and carrying). A unique collection of 80 important pieces including tinfoil, silk paper, cardboard, wrapping paper, disposable PVC and nylon carrier bags on show for the first time. Unforgettable brands, long-gone manufacturers and shops: shopping bags with the logos of large department stores Szivárvány, Corvin and Lottó as well as of small shop-owners Ignácz Frisch, Victor Kovács and György Fleischer.
CfP: Ed. Vol. on Balkans
Submissions are invited for an edited book provisionally entitled BALKANS: Foreign Affairs, Politics and Socio-cultures. The book will be published by Epoka University Press as a first English book in the Balkan area in terms of encompassing three main issues of the Balkan countries and foreign affairs of the global actors toward Balkans. The book aims to be a main reference and primary source by bringing together selective academicians, scholars and experts from the world. The planned book is a collaborative project initiated by a working group dedicated to these themes located within the Epoka University, Tirana, Albania.
CfA: Kulturen im Krieg. Österreich-Ungarn 1914-1918
Mit dem Titel Kulturen im Krieg. Österreich-Ungarn 1914-1918 findet eine Tagung der University of Oxford am 13.-15. April 2011 statt.
CfP: Cinema Studies Essex
The Centre for Film Studies at the University of Essex, UK, is pleased to announce the international conference Beyond the Cold War: New Directions in Soviet, Central and Eastern European Cinema Studies. This conference, featuring a range of distinguished speakers, aims to offer both a survey and a critical, reflective assessment of the broad range of new and emerging approaches to the study of cinema under the conditions of State Socialism in Central and Eastern Europe. Deadline for submissions: January 31, 2010.
IDM Forum Wien/Vienna
The Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM), Vienna welcomes applications for its 2nd Young Scientists Forum (YSF) on Central and South East Europe on Cultural Changes in Central- and South East Europe after 1989. The forum will take place October 28-30, 2010. Deadline for application: February 22, 2010.
CfP: The Ottoman Past
The Finnish Institute at Athens and the Department of Turkish and Modern Asian Studies, University of Athens are organizing the conference "The Ottoman Past in Balkan Present: Music and Mediation" in Athens from September 30 to October 2, 2010. Deadline for submissions: February 15, 2010.
CfP: Mediterranean Worlds Conference Cyprus
The Eastern Mediterranean University invites participation in the second edition of Mediterranean Worlds Conference, an interdisciplinary conference on the narratives of this remarkable region. What is of express interest to this conference is the way in which civilisational shifts, fusions, faultlines and oscillations of the Mediterranean world have given rise to extraordinary interpretations, life-world strategies and symbolic constructions. Such activity is manifested in the remarkable literature and art, philosophies, religions, archaeological readings, political theories and economic practices of the region. Deadline for submissions: June 3, 2010.
CfP: Writing CEE Warsaw
The Institute of History at the Jagiellonian University will host a conference "Writing Central Eastern Europe" devoted to travel writing on Central, Central Eastern and Eastern Europe. The conference will be held at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków on 11-12 June 2010. Deadline for submissions: January 15, 2010.
CfP: Walls and the City Ghent
A call for papers has been launched by the organizers of one of the main sessions (Walls and the City) at the next International Conference on Urban History, to be held in Ghent (Belgium) between the 1st and 4th of September 2010. Deadline for submission: December 1, 2009.
Homepage Geschichtswerkstatt Europa
The new homepage of Geschichtswerkstatt Europa gives you an overview of current projects running in the programme. International groups analyse the "Layers of Remembrance" in small, international projects that are carried through in 40 different places throughout Europe. The methodical approaches employed are equally presented on the site. The aim of these projects is to achieve dialogue over European cultures of memory by focussing on common themes that allow numerous perspectives to be joined. Each project profile presents a paper which gives insight into the methodical approaches followed and allows for participants to post their results online.
Einen Überblick der derzeit laufenden Projekte der Geschichtswerkstatt Europa sind auf der neuen Homepage zu finden. Sie analysieren 2009 in kleinen, internationalen Feldforschungen "Schichten der Erinnerung". Die dezentral an über 40 Orten durchgeführten Projekte, werden online nach methodischen Gesichtspunkten zusammengeführt. Ziel ist ein Austausch über europäische Erinnerungskulturen, der durch die multiperspektivische Bearbeitung von thematischen Schwerpunkten möglich wird. In jedem Projektprofil sind methodische und inhaltliche Überlegungen in Form eines kurzen Papiers hinterlegt, die Projekte haben die Möglichkeit, ihre Ergebnisse nach Auswertung der Feldforschung online einzustellen.
Summer School Kraków
The IDM (Institut für den Donauraum und Mitteleuropa, Wien) and the International Cultural Centre (Kraków) are ogranizing a summer school 20 Years after the Fall of Communism - Cultural Policy in Central Europe July 8-19, 2009 in Kraków. Deadline for applications: May 15, 2009.
Urban Space and Memory Skopje
An international workshop Reading the City: Urban Space and Memory will be held at the Cultural Centre Tocka in Skopje from May 10-16, 2009. The hypothesis of the workshop "Reading the city: Urban space and memory" in Skopje is that every historical, political, and social development and trend is mirrored in the city's built environment. Cities, accordingly, consist of a multitude of layers of narratives and thus become an image of individual and collective memory. Deadline for applications: April 26, 2009.
1989 Then and Now
The Havighurst Center's Annual Young Researchers Conference 1989: Then and Now (organizer: Neringa Klumbyte, Anthropology, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio) will be held October 29-November 1, 2009. Deadline for submitting papers: May 1, 2009.
Cold War
The 20th anniversary of the collapse of the Berlin Wall provides us with an ideal opportunity to look back at the Cold War era and reassess it from a modern day perspective. Two decades after the Cold War was said to have ended, the concept of a Cold War has once again reappeared in the rhetoric of world politics. Therefore, one cannot argue that the Cold War was merely a process of the past with minor relevance to the present. The 9th Aleksanteri Conference Cold War Interactions Reconsidered, will be hosted by the Aleksanteri Institute and will take place at the University of Helsinki on 29-31 October, 2009. There are only a several days left to submit papers: the deadline is March 15, 2009.
Workshop on Croatia
Cities and Ausnahmezustand
The Fifth Annual Conference of the Transatlantic Graduate Program, Berlin – New York at the Center for Metropolitan Studies Berlin welcomes submissions for its upcoming conference on Cities and the State of Exception/State of Emergency – Ausnahmezustand and the Urban Condition to be held in Berlin June 4-6, 2009. Submission deadline: February 2, 2009.
Leibniz Summer Fellowships
The Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung (ZZF) in Potsdam, Germany, is pleased to invite applications for two Leibniz Summer Fellowships in 2009 to study German and European History in the 20th century. These two-month fellowships provide an opportunity to pursue individual research in Germany while participating in the academic life of one of Germany’s major research centres on History. Deadline for application: January 31, 2009.
CEU History Dept. MA
The History Department at CEU Budapest invites new applications for 1year and 2year MA programs. The History Department of Central European University, Budapest, is the only transnational, English-language graduate school in Europe that is accredited both on our continent (in Hungary) and the United States. Deadline: January 26, 2009.
European Memory
Along with the recently announced conference on Europe before the European Community, the Centre for European Studies at UCL has organized an other conference at the very same date (December 11-12, 2008): Transitions. European Communities of Experience and Memory.
Laughter and Socialism
One of the most interesting recent announcements, at least for me, is the call for papers launched by the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures at Princeton University. The organizers intend to discuss the Totalitarian Laughter: Cultures of the Comic under Socialism. The conference will take place May 8-9, 2009, deadline for submissions is February 10, 2009.
Europe before the European Community
The UCL Centre for European Studies has organised a conference on Europe before the European Community, 1918-1957. Images and Ideas to be held December 11-12, 2008. The panels focus on different regions and their emblematic representatives such as Heinrich Mann or Otto Dix, Carl Schmitt or Denis de Rougemont, as well as on European and anti-European discourses of that time.
Symposium on the Habsburg History of Medicine
Medicine within and between the Empires (Habsburg and Ottoman) between the 17th and 20th Centuries is the title of the symposium organized by the Collections of the Medical University of Vienna,the RSCSE Working Group in the History of Racial Sciences and Biomedicine in Central and Southeast Europe (Oxford Brookes University), the Austrian Society for Social History of Medicine, and the Department of Anthropology, Natural History Museum Vienna, to be held November 20-22, 2008 in Josephinum (Medical University of Vienna).
Zoo - Post/Colonialism
Debates on post/colonial readings of "human zoos" seem to be a never-ending story. Colonial exhibitions - this is a topic which will be discussed at a conference of the Lancaster University (UK), and which has been discussed at Kakanien revisited several times from different perspectives: see e.g. Angelika Jacobs', Peter Plener's, Michael Rössner's, Klaus Scherpe's, or Amália Kerekes/Katalin Teller's studies.
Deadline for submitting a paper for the conference at Lancaster University is September 30, 2008.
Unfortunately too late, but definitely of interest: a call for papers for the conference Coming home? Conflict and return migration in twentieth-century Europe hosted by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Southampton, and supported by the AHRC, 1-3 April, 2009. Papers should be (should have been) submitted by September 1, 2008...
Calls in jeder Menge
Gleich vier Calls für Konferenz- und Workshopbeiträge konnten vor Kurzem auf Kakanien publiziert werden.
Participants from CEE countries in the Forum 2008 on 1939-1945 - Decade of Violence can apply for grants (see here):
Calls for Papers / Events