CfP Romanian review of European Governance Studies

posted by Katalin Teller on 2010/03/30 17:03

[ Call for Papers ]

The Romanian Review of European Governance Studies is currently accepting manuscript submissions for the June 2010 issue. Deadline for submissions: April 15, 2010 (and September 15, 2010).

The Romanian Review of European Governance Studies is a peer-reviewed open access journal, edited on a biannual basis by the Altiero Spinelli Center for the Study of European Governance of Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The review covers a wide range of topics from the field of International Relations and European Studies, like: governance and multi-level governance, theories of European integration, European policies, civil society and case studies on Central and Eastern Europe. The review is addressed to specialists from the academic world and general public and seeks to provide an important contribution to the academic debate.

Papers related to EU governance -EU decision-making after the Lisabon Treaty, European Policies, EU institutions, multi-level governance in the EU, decentralization process, and case studies on countries from Central and Eastern Europe are welcome.

Deadline for submissions: April 15 and 15 September.

Guidelines for contributors:

  • Papers should be written in English or French
  • Papers should range between 6000 and 9000 words (including references) and must be sent to
  • The papers must be an original unpublished work
  • Separately of the paper please fill out the manuscript submission form (full address of he author, abstract of 200 words and keywords)
  • Author Guidelines can be downloaded at


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