CfP: Cultural Heritage on the Web
[ Call for Papers ]
The Instytut Historii Sztuki Uniwersytet Wrocławskihas launched a call for papers for its conference on Cultural Heritage on the Web: Access and Exchange of Information to be held on 7th- 8th December 2010. Closing date for submission of abstracts: June 15, 2010.
Cultural heritage of the same or similar kind has for a long time been accumulated and preserved by various institutions, such as libraries, museums, and archives, though different methods for documenting and describing the collected items have been used. This presents difficulties for complex research as well as makes effective and user-friendly access to information on cultural heritage problematic.The development of web technologies and initiatives aimed at complex dissemination of knowledge about culture stored in digital format, such as Europeana or European Library, makes it imperative that the need to harmonize metadata standards and the language of description used to refer to cultural heritage be fulfilled. It is generally expected that with the use of web-based systems the introduction, exchange and publication of data will promote synergy by integrating the endeavors of the various institutions. At the same time, such systems will make access to information easier for various groups of users: people professionally interested in specific aspects of culture but also for a wider audience, i.e., people will use the results of research in cultural heritage in education, recreation or tourism.
In the context of the above, the organizers of the conference invite you to discuss the devising of methodological assumptions, metadata standards, language tools, and technological solutions as well as to consider the possibilities of designing new cooperative initiatives to make the information on the cultural heritage collected by the afore mentioned institutions more easily accessible. The scope of the conference shall also include more general issues of Semantic Web, which would allow the consideration of the problems in question in a wider context of web phenomena.
Conference scope and themes:
• Harmonization of terminology used with reference to cultural heritage by specialists representing various humanities
• The issue of data exchange in the context of metadata formats applied to describe cultural heritage in various institutions (Marc 21, Dublin Core, Object ID, CDWA, Conceptual Reference Model ICOM) as opposed to traditional methods of describing cultural heritage (bibliographical records, the instruction of inventorying and cataloguing inscriptions, catalogue description of works of art)
• Classifications, subject headings, thesauruses – possibilities and limitations
• Domain ontologies in humanities
• The description and cataloguing of cultural heritage items in the context of development and evolution of web-based tools, computer library catalogues, digital libraries, specialist databases
• The problems of creating, administrating, and searching the scattered resources concerning cultural heritage (including material and non-material items)
• Traditional and modern standards of documenting cultural heritage in the context of Semantic Web evolution
• Data exchange – factual, technical and legal aspects
• The experience of those who ultimately receive the information and the possibilities of involving them in creating knowledge resources about culture (information addressees, search strategies based on the analysis of users’ behaviour, users’ involvement in describing the resources – possibilities and limitations)
Conference languages: Polish, English, Germa.
Important dates:
• June 15, 2010: Closing date for submission of abstracts
Please forward an electronic version of your abstract (up to 150 words), including your full name, title, professional affiliation, addresses (home, office, e-mail) and phone numbers to Dr Elżbieta Herden or Dr Agnieszka Seidel-Grzesińska (e-mail:
• July 5, 2010: Abstracts acceptance notification
• September 15, 2010: Deadline for registration of participants
Please forward the completed registration form to Ms Emilia Ilska at the following address: Instytut Informacji Naukowej i Bibliotekoznawstwa Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, pl. Uniwersytecki 9/13, 50-137 Wrocław or to the following fax number: (071)3752412.
• October 15, 2010: Deadline for registration fee
The contributed papers will be published in the conference proceedings.
The 150,- PLN conference fee (which does not include the costs of travelling, meals or accommodation) should be paid by 15th October 2010 to the following account:
Uniwersytet Wrocławski
pl. Uniwersytecki 1
50-137 Wrocław
BZ WBK S.A. 4 O/Wrocław
Account number: 68 1090 2503 0000 0001 1131 0115
It is necessary to add: Konf. 66 N “Dobra kultury w Sieci.” + name of the participant.
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