IDM Forum Wien/Vienna

posted by Katalin Teller on 2009/12/22 12:27

[ Call for Application ]

The Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM), Vienna welcomes applications  for its  2nd Young Scientists Forum (YSF) on Central and South East Europe on  Cultural Changes in Central- and South East Europe after 1989. The forum will take place October 28-30, 2010. Deadline for application: February 22, 2010.

The Institute addresses young scientists dealing with Central and South East Europe in the fields of cultural studies, history, comparative literature, European ethnology, media studies, political sciences, geography and sociology. 

Applications should be submitted via E-mail to: Ms. Gejsi Plaku.

More information: see the Call for Application [eng] [deu] and at Ms. Gejsi Plaku, Tel.: +43/1/319 72 58-24. Webpage:

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