IWM - Solidariy
[ Diskussion | Discussion ]
The Institute for Human Studies (Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen, IWM) has launched an invitation for a Jacek Kuron Debate on Solidarity "Social Solidarity and the Crisis of Economic Capitalism". The discussion will take place on October 16 at 6 p.m. in the Library of the Institute (Spittelauer Lände 3, A-1090 Wien).
Participants are: Henryka Bochniarz (Vice President, Boeing International Corporation, Central and Eastern Europe; President, Polish Confederation of Private Employers, Warsaw), Alfred Gusenbauer (former Chancellor of Austria) and Katherine Newman (Professor of Sociology and Public Affairs, Princeton University). Ewald Nowotny (Gouverneur of the Austrian National Bank) will chair the discussion.
Co-operating partners: Renner Institut, ERSTE Stiftung, Der Standard.
Contact and confirmation of participation: Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen
Spittelauer Lände 3, A-1090 Wien, Tel: 0043 (1) 313580 or events@iwm.at.
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