Postings mit Schlagwort "Theorie" (4)

 Balkan Studies: quo vadis? 

posted by ush 15 years ago
The programme of tomorrow's workshop will be as follows (Venue: Inst. Slawistik, AAKH, 1090 Wien, Spitalgasse 9, Seminarraum 1):

 Balkan Studies 1 

posted by ush 15 years ago

The abstracts of the upcoming workshop Balkan Studies - quo vadis? will be posted here in alphabetical order:

Zrinka Blažević (Zagreb): Globalizing the Balkans: Balkan Studies as Transnational/Translational Paradigm

Starting from the premise that space is both a physical givenness and a social construct, the
main focus of this paper will be placed upon an alternative theoretical conceptualization of
the Balkans as a possible heuristic framework for rethinking and epistemological broadening
of the Balkans Studies. Drawing upon Michel Foucault’s concept of heterotopia as
"impossible space" of coexistence of the opposite, distinctive and incommensurable, I
will propose a conceptualization of the Balkans as a heterotopical space in geographical,
historical, social, political, cultural and symbolic terms. Accordingly, it will be argued that
such a conceptualization might provide a basis for a transnational and translational politics
of the discipline which could not only bring about useful heuristic models and research
protocols for future Balkan Studies, but also ensure a survival of this academic and research
field in the post-transitional, global age.

 Evidente Ironie 

posted by ush 15 years ago

Der Schwerpunkt des IFK lautet derzeit Kulturen der Evidenz. Auch die Tagung Was zeigt sich? Evidenz in den Kulturwissenschaften verfolgt die Sichtbarkeit der Dinge, Symbole und Bedeutungen. Dies jedoch nicht nur um einer Kultur der Sichtbarkeit willen, sondern unter der Prämisse, dass die Kultur/wissenschaften sich am Ende der Ironie befänden.


posted by ush 15 years ago

Der XII. Internationaler Germanistenkongress findet vom 30.07. bis 07.08.2010 in Warschau statt. Dirk Kemper, Fritz Breithaupt und Stefan Keppler schreiben einen Call für die Sektion Ich, Individualität, Individuum -- kulturelle Selbstvergewisserung in der Literatur aus.

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