CfP Balkan Studies

posted by Katalin Teller on 2009/02/11 22:13

[ Call for Papers ]

Articles on several topics related to the Balkans and Caucasus can be submitted to the website, one of the leading independent news providers operating in the region today.

Some current themes of interest include:
  • energy-related developments in the Balkans/Caucasus (national and/or regional focus)
  • EU-accession related issues involving countries like Bosnia, Serbia, Albania, Macedonia
  • foreign investment news (national and/or regional focus)
  • development of state institutions and activities of EU in Kosovo
  • reports on infrastructure development in region
  • Turkey and reform progress, and investment
  • Interviews with interesting political, economic and social figures (national or local level; this can be a very good way to start out)

Publishing here is a good way to get one's work read before a specialist audience which includes diplomats, think-tank analysts, various government agencies, Balkan-interest corporations, other media members and general-interest audiences. Some links to recent examples of published articles see below.

Articles typically run from 900-2,500 words. Standard articles are unpaid, though the authors can receive good exposure which has proven valuable to writers in the past. However, the editors are also considering, in future, some sort of pay model for specific analyses. When contacting the editors please include: name, affiliation, CV, previous publications and a short list of topics discussed in articles before.

For more information also see RECENT EXAMPLES of published articles at they include a retrospective on recent Bosnian politics by Apostolis Karabairis, Dejan Ciric on 19th century Serbian memoirs, Ioannis Michaletos on the Greek electricity market, and Melina Grizo’s book review on a scholarly work about Greek history in Macedonia.


Calls for Papers / Events

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