IWM in/im November

posted by Katalin Teller on 2011/10/20 19:26

[ Vortrag | Lecture ]

The Institute for Human Sciences (IWM) has announced two events for november. | Das Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen (IWM) lädt zu zwei Veranstaltungen im November ein.

Time and venue: November 8, 2011, 6.30 pm, IWM Bibliothek:

Aryeh Neier (President of the Open Society Foundations, New York; former
Executive Director of Human Rights Watch): The Human Rights Movement as a Political Force

Moderation: Ivan Krastev (IWM Permanent Fellow), Christian Ultsch (Editor for Foreign Affairs, Die Presse)


Time and venue: November 15, 2011, 6 pm, IWM Bibliothek:

János Mátyás Kovács (Research Fellow at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences,
Budapest; IWM Permanent Fellow): Anything New? Understanding Nascent Capitalism in Eastern Europe


Contact: Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen, Spittelauer Lände 3, A-1090 Wien, Anmeldung unter | Registration 0043 (1) 313580 oder | or events@iwm.at.

Mehr Infos  | Further Information: upcomingevents@iwm.at.


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