The Making of Humanities

posted by ush on 2010/02/15 10:38

[ Call for Abstracts ]

Call for Abstracts: The Making of the Humanities II. Second International Conference on the History of the Humanities
Time: 21-23 October 2010
Location: University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Abstract Submission: Send an abstract of maximally 400 words to:
Deadline for abstract submissions: 15 June 2010

Organization: Rens Bod, Jaap Maat and Thijs Weststeijn (University of Amsterdam) Goal of the Conference
This is the second of a biennially organized conference that brings together scholars and historians of humanities disciplines to draw the outlines for a comparative history of the humanities. Although there exist histories of single humanities disciplines, a comparative history would satisfy a long-felt need, and fill a conspicuous gap in intellectual history.

Theme of the Conference
The first highly successful conference, held in 2008, discussed the early modern period. The theme of this year's meeting is From Early Modern to Modern Disciplines, focusing on the period 1600-1900. Topics include all aspects of the history of philology, linguistics, rhetoric, musicology, literary theory, historiography, art history, archeology and other humanities disciplines, with an emphasis on their interrelations. We especially encourage submissions on:
  • Increasing specialization and institutionalization: How did various branches of the humanities develop into modern differentiations between disciplines?
  • Historization of the humanities: How did the historical approach become the leading method underlying the humanities - from philology to musicology?
  • Humanties vs sciences: How were the humanities positioned with respect to other sciences? Was there a continuing search for patterns and 'laws' in the humanities?
  • Interaction between regions: What was the impact of the European humanities on the humanities in China, India and Africa, and vice versa?
  • Rise of canonical figures and themes: How did individual scholars come to be identified with their disciplines? How did certain historical moments or works obtain canonical positions, often in relation to the ideals of cultural nationalism?


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