Postings mit Schlagwort "Democracy" (2)

 Migration, Democracy, Serbia 

posted by Katalin Teller 12 years ago

The Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM), the University of Vienna/
Research Platform Vienna Eastern Europe and the Institute for Social Sciences (Belgrade)
led an opinion poll in November 2010 and four focus groups in April 2011 as part of a joint research project on perceptions of democracy as well as on migration experiences in Serbia. Prior to the decision on Serbia's EU candidate status, the results of this analysis shall be presented and discussed in public, in a conference entitled Democracy in Unstable Social Spaces: Interrelations of Migration and Democracy in Serbia.

 Open Access / Abstract 5 

posted by ush 15 years ago

Herbert Hrachovec, Philosoph an der Uni Wien

Remix. Shootout. Peer Control. Gefährliche Chancen am freien digitalen Markt

The free editing and use of image and audio materials comes as a matter of course to the entertainment industry. It characterizes the aesthetics of post-modernism. If one transfers these principles to rhetoric, especially for use in the political discourse, significant problems can arise.

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