Kunstabteilung - Department of the Arts - Part 25

posted by Amalia Kerekes on 2007/05/16 14:26

[ Kunstabteilung - Department of the Arts ]

Die vor kurzem von zwei Budapester Studenten ins Leben gerufene Website Daazo.com - European Short Film Centre bietet bereits zahlreiche sehenswerte Kurzfilme aus der Region, mit einem etwas höher gesteckten künstlerischen/professionellen Ziel als die üblichen Videodatenbanken.

Aus dem englischsprachigen Pressetext:

Daazo.com - European Short Film Centre

New online centre for European short films from Budapest

Daazo.com - European Short Film Centre launches. The new online centre for European short films from Budapest aims to give the chance for young directors, festivals and studios to introduce themselves trough an innovative easy-to-use interface.

By presenting professional short films from the past few years, founders purpose to build a meeting point for cinephiles. Daazo is technically built on a similar platform like most of the other successful video sites, however it has been founded for presenting more specialized content.

Daazo.com is a new Hungarian-based online network for hosting professional short fiction films and user-uploaded videos. In collaboration with many film studios, festivals, schools and associations, Daazo presents several movies weekly from the past years' best short films, setting up a growing online collection of short films which motivate users to upload more quality content to its database.
Zoltán Aprily and Dániel Deák, the founders (two university students from Budapest) hope their homepage - as a meeting point for discussing and promoting short films - joint together everyone interested in making films, from young "wannabe" directors to accomplished professionals.

Daazo's users have the opportunity to share works with friends, or they can even be editors of the site, distributing their own films on Daazo. Distribution means that the users are picking the best work from their uploaded films, choosing a day from Daazo's schedule; the marked film will be shown on the main page for 24 hours with six other distributed movies. This smart distribution system opposites against the trend of featured videos: the young filmmakers' works won’t get lost in the film-flow.

The editors think it is the best way to keep the storyteller, professional short films in focus, in contrast to other video sites, where the quantity prevails against quality. If a distributed film is impressive enough, it might be picked by producers, festivals or televisions - this is one of the founders' future goals: developing a homepage, which would be an airstrip for plenty of talented young people.

The page is starting in March, after a year of developing by the founders. They have had a lot of experiences in the difficulties of making and presenting short films as university students and "wannabe directors" - as every young filmmaker knows, even the best short films have very short careers: the lucky ones appear a few times at film festivals, and luckier have once in a blue moon TV screenings. But appearing on Daazo, getting a wider range of audience, short films are made not only for film schools, or workshops, but literally for world wide distribution.



A picture from the heydays of liberal Budapest - when a whole (though short) underground line could be built within two years. And M1, the famous "Földalatti", Budapest's yellow line, still works. I have never seen this image of the construction on Andrássy before, so be full of admiration - and I am not telling your where it is from...

The M1-line so is a memento to both: a liberal mayor (for what Budapest was capable of) and the Siemens company, who more than a hundred years ago was capable of producing faultless underground trams (not like today's Combino crap...)

Budapest has – together with St. Petersburg and Vienna – one of the largest tramway networks of the world. The tramway type "UV" – standing for "Új villamos - New tramway" and pictured above – was designed in the early forties and is still a symbol for Hungary's once high-tech railway-carriage industry. With the arrival of the new low-floor-trams in spring 2006 – built by Siemens in Vienna and not too beautiful – this landmark of Budapest will vanish from the cityscape.
György Petri: Imre Nagy

Du warst unpersönlich wie die anderen bebrillten Führer
im Sakko, deine Stimme war nicht metallen,
denn du wußtest nicht, was du eigentlich sagen solltest,
so unvermittelt den vielen Versammelten. Gerade das Plötzliche
war ungewohnt für dich. Du alter Mann mit dem Zwicker,
ich hörte dich, ich war enttäuscht.
Ich wußte noch nichts

vom Betonhof, wo der Staatsanwalt
das Urteil gewiß heruntergeleiert hat,
ich wußte noch nichts von der groben Reibung des Stricks, von der letzten Schmach.

Wer will sagen, was sagbar gewesen wäre
von jenem Balkon aus, Möglichkeiten, unter Maschinengewehren
verfeuert, kehren nicht zurück. Gefängnis und Tod
wetzen die Schärfe des Augenblicks nicht aus,

wenn der eine Scharte bekommen hat. Aber wir dürfen uns erinnern
an den zögernden, verletzten, unentschlossenen Mann,
der gerade seinen Platz zu finden schien,

als wir davon aufwachten,
daß man unsere Stadt zerschoß.

Übersetzt von Hans-Henning Paetzke

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