Neue alte Elisabethbrücke für földalatti

posted by Béla Rásky on 2009/03/03 21:56

EIn Superprojekt auf Wird zwar sicher nichts, aber dass sich jemand diese Mühe macht.... neue-alte Erzsébet-Brücke, Verlängerung der M1 unter die Burg usw. und das auch noch illustriert... Eine Station der M1 gehört natürlich noch unter dem Burgberg, der Nationalbibliothel eingefügt, aber das sind Peanuts....


"As a part of the Budapest Szíve Project, the reconstruction of the Old Elizabeth Bridge (régi Erzsébet híd 1903-1945), would serve as a connection between Buda and Pest for pedestrians and also leading the M1 metro line over to the Buda side.

The Millennium subway (M1) is the most used subway by tourists. The Buda Castle is on the other hand one of the most visited sights in Budapest. Still there is no connection between Vigadó tér and the Buda side today, not by bridge, not by tunnel. At the same time, the Old Elizabeth Bridge is the only Bridge over the Danube in the capital, that was not reconstructed to its former state, after WWII.
This gives the opportunity to achieve a developement and correction of all these elements at the same time. The connection of Buda and Pest in the heart of the city, the reconstruction of the most beautiful bridge that has crossed the Danube in the Hungarian capital, together with the planned reconstruction of the Buda Castle and the Várkert Bazár, will open up new possibilities for investors and tourism, and will further the re-development of Tabán and surroundings.

The M1 subway line would be extended with 3 stations all the way to its new end station under Krisztina körút, where it would terminate and allow a good and easy connection to the 18 and 118 tram line. First station would be Vigadó tér, followed by Ybl Miklós tér, and end with Krisztina körút.
There are also talks about extending it further in a second phase, all the way to Rác fürdõ / Döbrentei tér, where it would give an easy connection to the planned funicular on Gellért Hill. The line would then run right under Krisztina körút and could therefor be built very cost effectively.

This project would give and achieve:
  • a natural connection between Buda and Pest for pedestrians, in the very heart of the city
  • a great possibility to extending the Millennium subway (M1) to the Buda side, in a way that also gives a beautiful view over the river Danube while crossing it on the bridge, rather than leading it in a tunnel
  • a possibility to reconstruct the Old Elizabeth Bridge, the only bridge that was not reconstructed after WWII
  • a push for the developments around Castle hill including Tabán and surroundings
The reconstruction of the Old Elizabeth Bridge, would be done with modern technology which results in lower maintenance costs than other pre-WWII bridges in the capital. It would be reconstructed to the exact same size and appearence, as the old one, with all the previous exterior ornamentation."

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A picture from the heydays of liberal Budapest - when a whole (though short) underground line could be built within two years. And M1, the famous "Földalatti", Budapest's yellow line, still works. I have never seen this image of the construction on Andrássy before, so be full of admiration - and I am not telling your where it is from...

The M1-line so is a memento to both: a liberal mayor (for what Budapest was capable of) and the Siemens company, who more than a hundred years ago was capable of producing faultless underground trams (not like today's Combino crap...)

Budapest has – together with St. Petersburg and Vienna – one of the largest tramway networks of the world. The tramway type "UV" – standing for "Új villamos - New tramway" and pictured above – was designed in the early forties and is still a symbol for Hungary's once high-tech railway-carriage industry. With the arrival of the new low-floor-trams in spring 2006 – built by Siemens in Vienna and not too beautiful – this landmark of Budapest will vanish from the cityscape.
György Petri: Imre Nagy

Du warst unpersönlich wie die anderen bebrillten Führer
im Sakko, deine Stimme war nicht metallen,
denn du wußtest nicht, was du eigentlich sagen solltest,
so unvermittelt den vielen Versammelten. Gerade das Plötzliche
war ungewohnt für dich. Du alter Mann mit dem Zwicker,
ich hörte dich, ich war enttäuscht.
Ich wußte noch nichts

vom Betonhof, wo der Staatsanwalt
das Urteil gewiß heruntergeleiert hat,
ich wußte noch nichts von der groben Reibung des Stricks, von der letzten Schmach.

Wer will sagen, was sagbar gewesen wäre
von jenem Balkon aus, Möglichkeiten, unter Maschinengewehren
verfeuert, kehren nicht zurück. Gefängnis und Tod
wetzen die Schärfe des Augenblicks nicht aus,

wenn der eine Scharte bekommen hat. Aber wir dürfen uns erinnern
an den zögernden, verletzten, unentschlossenen Mann,
der gerade seinen Platz zu finden schien,

als wir davon aufwachten,
daß man unsere Stadt zerschoß.

Übersetzt von Hans-Henning Paetzke

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