Urban Life - Part 6
[ Urban Life ]
Subjektive Erforschung der Städte, mentale Statdpläne: ici.meme macht das nicht zum ersten mal. Im Oktober ist diesmal Budapest dran. Das Domoziel der Künstlergruppe ist Dinamo, wo im Oktober das Programm URBAN ISSUES läuft. URBAN ISSUES – Oktober programs in DinamoIci.Meme |Fr|
D Media |Ro|
Counter Productive Industries |USA|
DINAMO | Tűzoltó u. 22. | Budapest |
www.dinamo.hu |
October 12, 2005, 19h
D Media – presentation of the project and projection of 4 documentaries
Presentation by Johanne Richardson
D Media is an association of artists, theorists and media activists from Cluj (Romania) promoting alternative media and the noncommercial use of information technologies. Projects have included conferences, tech workshops, a net.radio program and a series of video documentaries made in collaboration with teenagers from Cluj.
October 13th, 2005, 19h
Counter Productive Industries - Archive Group (Chicago)
Producing Counter territories in
Presentation by Daniel Tucker
Daniel Tucker presents a lecture of past projects featuring a documentary talks about a network of critical art projects and activism from Chicago. These projects range from large-scale political actions, spontaneous events, flexible collaborations, and temporary collectives. Questions around the limits of tactical media will be addressed, as well as proposals for strategic alternative's to combat normalization and constraints on public space. These projects represent a unique strain of activist cultural practice that should be of interest to artists, activists, and students alike. .
For more info, see:
On Daniel Tucker "http://www.miscprojects.com" target="_blank">see
October 18-21, 2005.
Conversations, mapping workshop, Ici-Meme’s travel book presentation, projection of several films, soup…
detailed program coming soon!
In the framework of the Budapest Autumn Festival
French group Ici-meme was formed in 1993. The group is using differing artistic genres from film, video, performance and dance to explorations in sound, multimedia, architecture and sociology. The artists try to activate audiences, namely their thoughts and senses in different subtle ways. They say that every city is a place of inspiration and creation for them; it is a real microcosm of the world. Every city is a labyrinth of public and intimate spaces, it is full of various sounds and perceptions, which we experience as a whole in our everyday life and therefore can't discern them anymore.
During last 3 months Ici-Meme has traveled in several European countries, setting up their working method into different contexts.
Further information www.icimeme.org
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The M1-line so is a memento to both: a liberal mayor (for what Budapest was capable of) and the Siemens company, who more than a hundred years ago was capable of producing faultless underground trams (not like today's Combino crap...)

Du warst unpersönlich wie die anderen bebrillten Führer
im Sakko, deine Stimme war nicht metallen,
denn du wußtest nicht, was du eigentlich sagen solltest,
so unvermittelt den vielen Versammelten. Gerade das Plötzliche
war ungewohnt für dich. Du alter Mann mit dem Zwicker,
ich hörte dich, ich war enttäuscht.
Ich wußte noch nichts
vom Betonhof, wo der Staatsanwalt
das Urteil gewiß heruntergeleiert hat,
ich wußte noch nichts von der groben Reibung
des Stricks, von der letzten Schmach.
Wer will sagen, was sagbar gewesen wäre
von jenem Balkon aus, Möglichkeiten, unter Maschinengewehren
verfeuert, kehren nicht zurück. Gefängnis und Tod
wetzen die Schärfe des Augenblicks nicht aus,
wenn der eine Scharte bekommen hat. Aber wir dürfen uns erinnern
an den zögernden, verletzten, unentschlossenen Mann,
der gerade seinen Platz zu finden schien,
als wir davon aufwachten,
daß man unsere Stadt zerschoß.
Übersetzt von Hans-Henning Paetzke
