Call for Papers | Applications - Part 54
[ Call for Papers | Applications ]
The Centre for Women's Studies, Zagreb, Rutgers (State University of New Jersey) Women's and Gender Studies Department and Belgrade Women's Studies and Gender Research Center announce the 7th annual postgraduate course in Feminist Critical Analysis: Differences, Sexualities and Con/text at the Inter-University Center Dubrovnik (May, 22nd – 27th 2006).Topic:
To explore the issue of differences means to call into question some key theoretical and practico-political concepts. This seminar will focus on contemporary theoretical debates about fluid and complex identity formations, biopolitics, mechanisms of inclusion/exclusion, binary paradigms, concepts of the subject, as well as their 'translations' into the practico-political realm. In this sense, a politics of differences and/or identity politics addresses questions such as: how can democracy accommodate differences? what are different ways of bonding? do we have any visions of different communities? Through questioning differences, this seminar will invoke the notion of 'the other,' understood as other species, other nations, other times and spaces, other languages, or 'the other sex.' Put it differently, the seminar will explore the notion that 'the other' could refer to any other in its otherness.
The seminar will address the concept of sexual difference that is in the very core of all other differences, calling for the production of new discourses and knowledges, new and different approaches to concepts of the body and politics, and new forms and practices of representation that are beyond totalitarian, exclusionary, patriarchal, and subject – object frameworks. Questioning sexualities within such an 'open' framework represents a litmus test; it is the concept that is within itself different and is consequently already con/text sensitive. Sexuality, with its multiple meanings as body, desire, identity, can be understood only from multiple and complex positions, and through a variety of different and contextual perspectives: historical, cross-cultural, gender sensitive, biological, artistic, literary, etc. It invokes inter-/multi- disciplinary approaches since sex and sexuality are interwoven with other social categories and are constitutive of all power relation formations. In this sense, it represents an attempt to challenge what is "proper to human", "the essence" as well as the future of sciences, economics, ethics, politics and society.
All Informations could be found here.
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[Die online-Fassung meines Einleitungsbeitrags "Thesen zur Bedeutung der Medien für Erinnerungen und Kulturen in Mitteleuropa" findet sich auf Kakanien revisited (Abstract / .pdf).]
