Stipendien | Grants - Part 12
posted by PP on 2005/12/28 01:32
[ Stipendien | Grants ]
The Harriman Institute invites applications for post-doctoral support from junior scholars in all disciplines. The post-doctoral fellowship is intended primarily to support the re-crafting of a dissertation for book publication. The principal requirement is academic excellence and the prospect that a dissertation, when it appears as a book, will make a significant contribution to the study of Russia, Eurasia, East Central Europe, or Post-Communism.A portion of the awards will be reserved for scholars whose work is particularly appropriate to the annual core research program featured by the Institute. For the academic year 2006-2007 the focus will be on the Social and Political Contexts of Economic Transformation in Post-Socialism.
In this case, the overall project will convene a group of scholars to study the social, institutional and cultural context of economic transformation in Russia and Eastern Europe. It is expected that scholars will, from different perspectives, investigate how rapid political and economic reforms in the first years of post-socialism led to the emergence of powerful economic actors, well-connected politicians, and fluid and contested institutions. Those leading the project (David Stark, Timothy Frye, and Alexander Cooley) are especially interested in forms of network analysis as well as empirical research on institutions. The expected payoff is a broad cross-pollination of knowledge about rules-based structures and relational ties. Postdoctoral awards are normally for one academic year, although in some cases the support can be for one semester. They require that the recipient be in residence at Columbia. While at Columbia, postdoctoral fellows are encouraged to participate in the intellectual life of the Institute, but have no obligations beyond making progress with their own projects. All
fellows have access to the Institute's reading room, archives, lectures, and discussions as well as the resources within the Columbia library system. Although the Institute's space is limited, it does accommodate postdoctoral fellows with desk areas.
Eligibility is restricted to those applicants who have received the Ph.D. within the five years prior to the fellowship period for which they are applying. All candidates must have successfully defended their dissertations prior to the commencement of the fellowship.
To apply, candidates should send the following materials to the Fellowship Committee, c/o Barbara Singleton, at the address below, by January 2 (fellowships begin the following September):
- A research plan outlining how the scholar's time will be spent at the Institute
- A curriculum vitae
- A substantial portion of the applicant's dissertation (one or two chapters, or an abstract of the dissertation)
420 West 118th Street - 12th Floor MC 3345 - New York, NY 10027
Tel. 212.854.4623 - Fax 212.666.3481
Barbara Singleton
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Senior Editor

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[Die online-Fassung meines Einleitungsbeitrags "Thesen zur Bedeutung der Medien für Erinnerungen und Kulturen in Mitteleuropa" findet sich auf Kakanien revisited (Abstract / .pdf).]
