Call for Papers | Applications - Part 55
[ Call for Papers | Applications ]
The STUDIUM EUROPY WSCHODNIEJ (The Centre for East European Studies of Warsaw University) is organizing the WARSAW EAST EUROPEAN CONFERENCE (Third Annual Session) to be held in Warsaw, July 5-8, 2006.Unfortunately the Conference' Website is down at the very Moment (as well as other Sites at the UW), so here's the complete Copy of the CfP, as we received it via e-Mail:
THE MAIN THEME of the Warsaw East European Conference, Third Annual Session, is twenty five years of changes in the post-communist world: from the Cold War and communist totalitarianism through Solidarność and perestroika to post-communist democracies, new dictatorships and colourful revolutions.
The collapse of the Soviet Union is often considered to be the starting point of the transition period in Eastern Europe and former Soviet republics. However, during the WEEC, Third Annual Session, we would like to focus on several events preceding the end of communism. Phenomena like Polish Solidarność, dissident movements in Soviet Union and countries of the communist bloc as well as changes initiated by the system itself like Gorbachev's glasnost' and perestroika policies, which led to the transition, will be also of importance for the WEEC, Third Annual Session.We hope to have interesting discussions concerning the factors, which caused the collapse of the communist system like ethnic issues within the USSR, the Eastern policies of the United States and other Western countries, including Vatican, or economic crisis of the centrally planed economies. The role of secret services in the transformation process will be another issue of the Conference.
PROBLEMS of the security in the region and the new international organizations constituted in the 90s like CIS, Tashkent Pact, GUAM, CEA, SCO will be discussed during the WEEC, Third Annual Session as well as recent political projects like Commonwealth of Democratic Choice initiated by the Georgian and Ukrainian presidents. Another topic of the Conference will be NATO and EU enlargement processes, especially Ukrainian, Georgian and Turkish cases. Romania, Bulgaria and the former Yugoslav republics will be not least important issues at the WEEC, Third Annual Session. We are
planning to examine as well political systems and internal policies of the post-communist states. Recent elections in Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, and Belarus and previous "colourful revolutions" in Georgia, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan will be one of the most important subjects of discussion at the WEEC, Third Annual Session. Ethnic problems and violent conflicts leading to creation of the unstable zones in Caucasus, Balkans and Transnistria will be another topic of the Conference. EU - Russian relations and energy security in the region is going to be analysed along with Russian foreign policy in post-Soviet area - so called "near abroad".THE WEEC, THIRD ANNUAL SESSION problems will encompass also economic transition from centrally planned economy to free-market economy as well as social and cultural changes in the post-communist countries. Finally, the question of local democracy and civil society construction in post-communist conditions will be not least important issue at the WEEC, Third Annual Session.
Deadline for sending application forms and paper proposals: March 31, 2006.
Forms must be sent by e-mail at
For further details concerning Warsaw East European Conference, Third Annual Session, see the Website. [But, as mentioned above, at the very Moment it seems not possible to go to this Site.]
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[Die online-Fassung meines Einleitungsbeitrags "Thesen zur Bedeutung der Medien für Erinnerungen und Kulturen in Mitteleuropa" findet sich auf Kakanien revisited (Abstract / .pdf).]