Newsletter - Part 7
[ Newsletter ]
Not only that the June started with the offical going public/online of the new KinEast-Weblog (edited by Silvia Horváth) on Kakanien revisited, we do also have once again a Newsletter (in the .pdf-Version and/or as e-Mail - if you havn't subscribed already, here is the chance). And some of the most important News are...
In May we won two further cooperation partners: first the Centre for Advanced Study (CAS) in Sofia, and second the Institut društvenih nauka / Institute of Social Sciences in Belgrade.
Both case-studies released in May are dealing with questions of identity: Milan V. Dimić published a thourough and careful perusal of internal definitions and external designations of being Serbian. Krištof Jacek Kozak deals with Slovenian identity on the basis of the play 1821.
Within the category Reviews Rory J. Conces wrote on Fatos Tarifa's Culture, Ideology and Society, and Daniela Wanek reviewed Ulf Brunnbauer's Gebirgsgesellschaften auf dem Balkan ("Mountain Societies on the Balkans").
The Materials offer the programmes of the Conference of Austrian and Croatian German Studies (ÖGG) - to be hold in Opatija this fall - as well as the programme of the Austrian Society for Literature (ÖGL) for the Conference Sprachenbabel. Milan V. Dimić' elaborate bibliography on Serbian and Croatian Identity, Nationalism, and History belongs to his article "Who is a Serb?" but offers also further literature on the topic.
For the exact titles of all articles, presentations and materials, as well as for the particular hyperlinks, please have a look below, or press the menu-button Aktuelles. And if you have any comments, questions or suggestions regarding this Newsletter or the platform in general, contact or
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Senior Editor
(Weitere Informationen hier)
[Die online-Fassung meines Einleitungsbeitrags "Thesen zur Bedeutung der Medien für Erinnerungen und Kulturen in Mitteleuropa" findet sich auf Kakanien revisited (Abstract / .pdf).]