Newsletter - Part 6
[ Newsletter ]
It's Worker's Day, even on Kakanien revisited, and here are the News... (or you switch to the Newsletter in the .pdf.)
We are happy to offer good news regarding the already announced Weblog forum (and the yesterday blogged Decision of the Jury): a week ago the jury of experts from the University of Vienna, the Austrian Ministry for Education, Science and Culture, Science Communications and Kakanien Revisited voted on the submissions and decided to accept 6 Weblog-Applications. Teams of both the Center for Advanced Studies, Sofia (CAS), and the Institute for German Studies, Zagreb will run a Weblog. Further, the proposals of Sabine Ballata (Vienna), Viktor Bedő (Budapest), Maximilian Hartmuth (Istanbul), and Silvia Horváth (Vienna) have been approved. Their Weblogs start this summer, and the first workshop will be held in Vienna in August 2005.
On August 1, 2005 the second Call for Applications is going to be launched (deadline: September 16, 2005).
Furthermore we can present two new theoretical contributions: Zoltán Péter wrote a critique of hermeneutic and biographical methods applied on the "Hungarian Avant-garde in Vienna". Peter Plener published his paper presented at last year’s Seminar in Konjic. The article focuses on the problematics of nation building within the general framework of media and their materiality.
Also two reviews have been published: Laurie Cohen entitled her discussion of Christoph Schmidt’s monography on the Jewish history of ideas and social history in the the Dnepr region (1750-1900) "Utopia Lost". Georg Escher reviewed Karlheinz Rossbacher’s "Literature and Bourgoisie" ("Literatur und Bürgertum").
The tentative programme of the Seminar "Democray and Human Rights in Multiethnic Societies", organised by the Institute for Strengthening Democracy in BiH is online, as well as the conference programme of the Austrian Academy of Sciences "The Austrian Staatsvertrag between International Strategy and National Identity" to be held in May. Furthermore, we would like to recommend the Call for Papers of the Belgrade Institute društvenih nauka (in cooperation with Demobalk and AIDELF) for the conference "Migrations, Crisis and Recent Conflicts in the Balkans".
For the exact titles of all articles, presentations and materials, as well as for the particular hyperlinks, please have a look below, or press the menu-button Aktuelles. And if you have any comments, questions or suggestions regarding this Newsletter or the platform in general, contact or
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[Die online-Fassung meines Einleitungsbeitrags "Thesen zur Bedeutung der Medien für Erinnerungen und Kulturen in Mitteleuropa" findet sich auf Kakanien revisited (Abstract / .pdf).]
