Call for Papers | Applications - Part 10
[ Call for Papers | Applications ]
Kakanien revisited proudly presents: Call for Applications for the Establishment of a Weblog Forum on "Kakanien revisited".We now start to establish a weblog forum in the framework of a project supported by the bm:bwk and the University of Vienna. As far as we know, this is the first such project to be initiated by an academic platform in the humanities. The aim of the forum is to enable new forms of exchange, of mutual commentary, further references, additional supply of information and thus the open and informal discussion of topics with current relevance by bringing together academically interested users and moderators from different regions of Europe.
We are inviting representatives of institutions, project participants and PhD students to establish and oversee their own weblogs within this project with the support of "Kakanien revisited's" editorial team. Applications by individuals or teams should include a description of suggested topics and a brief outline of the applicants' current activities and research projects. We are particularly welcoming young academics to take part in this project. As a project supporting the increasing presence of women in academics, we encourage the participation of women. Applicants must have command of English and/or German, the languages of the weblogs, as well as having some degree of competency in the use of the Internet and new media.
Weblog topics should focus on relevant regional historical as well as contemporary and political subjects. We especially seek inter- and trans-disciplinary suggestions, which will sponsor weblog-based discussion and exchange between the weblog editors. The number of weblogs to be established is initially limited to ten.
Workshops and Trainings will be held in order to coordinate topics that hold an all-European relevance while addressing regional concerns, to engage in research-related exchange and to discuss the subject of "networking" in itself. These events will also serve to pass on and gain expert knowledge on the web-based distribution of information. Research stays will also offer the candidates the possibility of continuing work on their own research interests through access to the Austrian academic environment. Travel and research stay costs necessitated in this context will be covered by a stipend on the basis of funding from the bm:bwk.
Please submit your application with a short CV and evidence of your academic interest by April 15, 2005 via email to A jury consisting of representatives of the University of Vienna, the bm:bwk and the "Kakanien revisited" editorial team will make the final decision of acceptance.
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Senior Editor

(Weitere Informationen hier)

[Die online-Fassung meines Einleitungsbeitrags "Thesen zur Bedeutung der Medien für Erinnerungen und Kulturen in Mitteleuropa" findet sich auf Kakanien revisited (Abstract / .pdf).]
