Call for Papers | Applications - Part 56
[ Call for Papers | Applications ]
The 9th Annual International Seminar Democracy and Human Rights in Multiethnic Societies will be held from 10-14, July, 2006 in Konjic, BiH; organised by the Institute for Strengthening Democracy in Bosnia-Hercegovina, one of our Cooperationpartners throughout years.As Džemal Sokolović, Head of the Institute writes:
I invite you to submit papers for the 9th Annual International Seminar on "Democracy and Human Rights in Multiethnic Societies" to be held from 10-14 July, 2006 in Konjic, BiH.
This call and invitation for the 2006 Seminar was delayed because of a number of issues, including financial. The continuance of this seminar was in doubt, but due to the brave and supportive participants from past years the organizers have decided to hold the 2006 Seminar hoping to secure funding starting with the 2007 Seminar from the Center for International University Cooperation and Norwegian Research Council, Oslo.
Because financial considerations were endangering the continuance of the seminar, the organizers regrettably decided that it would not be in the best interests of the seminar to offer grants to participants in 2006. Hopefully, we will be able to continue this practice in the years to come. If any funding is made available, participants from Eastern Europe, Asia, and Africa will be informed as soon as possible.
It was also decided with the help of past participants that the organizers would ask for the following voluntary seminar fee: Professors 100 KM (approx. EUR 50) and Students, Unemployed, and Participants from the Region 50 KM (approx. EUR 25). It is hoped that this fee structure will allow for the seminar to become financially sustainable, a very important aspect given the rising costs of sponsoring a conference. Please bear in mind that the fee is not compulsory. We understand if your circumstances do not allow you to contribute the suggested amount. Likewise, feel free to contribute more if your circumstance allows you to do so.
Although the decision has been finalized to hold the 9th Annual International Seminar, I request that you give formal acceptance of this invitation as soon as possible, including your institutional affiliation, city, and country. Working titles are also welcome at this stage. Participants are encouraged to propose and organize workshops and panels. Any other initiatives on your part are highly appreciated.
Students, women, members of minority groups, disabled persons, and senior academics are encouraged to participate in the seminar.
Im Zuge einer kleinen Bildserie werden ab nun - etwaige andere, inhaltsspezifische Bilder ausgenommen - anhand des von Barbara Zeidler zur Verfügung gestellten Materials zwölf Aufnahmen im Zusammenhang mit der Auffindung der "Austria"-Statue in Czernowitz und deren künstlerischer Aufbereitung für die Work-in-Progress-Ausstellung Czernowitzer Austria des Instituts für kulturresistente Güter, auf die hier bereits ausführlicher verwiesen wurde, vorgestellt.
Der Beginn der Fotoserie findet sich hier. Die Vernissage findet am 09.01.2006 statt, die Ausstellung selbst vom 10.-29.01.2006. Barbara Zeidler hält ihren Vortrag am 12.01.2006, um 18.00 Uhr.
Im Zuge einer kleinen Bildserie werden ab nun - etwaige andere, inhaltsspezifische Bilder ausgenommen - anhand des von Barbara Zeidler zur Verfügung gestellten Materials zwölf Aufnahmen im Zusammenhang mit der Auffindung der "Austria"-Statue in Czernowitz und deren künstlerischer Aufbereitung für die Work-in-Progress-Ausstellung Czernowitzer Austria des Instituts für kulturresistente Güter, auf die hier bereits ausführlicher verwiesen wurde, vorgestellt.
Der Beginn der Fotoserie findet sich hier. Die Vernissage findet am 09.01.2006 statt, die Ausstellung selbst vom 10.-29.01.2006. Barbara Zeidler hält ihren Vortrag am 12.01.2006, um 18.00 Uhr.
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[Die online-Fassung meines Einleitungsbeitrags "Thesen zur Bedeutung der Medien für Erinnerungen und Kulturen in Mitteleuropa" findet sich auf Kakanien revisited (Abstract / .pdf).]
