Call for Papers | Applications - Part 57
[ Call for Papers | Applications ]
A Call for Applications for the Postgraduate Conference Contexts, Fields, Positions: Situating Cultural Research (University of East London, 25-26 May 2006) was announced.This conference will provide an opportunity to consider how research contexts shape our study of culture. In the humanities and social sciences researchers think about and deploy the concept of culture in different ways, and this is what we want to explore. We refer to 'research contexts' in their broadest sense, including cultural, institutional and disciplinary locations, theoretical positions and methodologies. How do the conditions created and maintained within these contexts determine or shape our object of study?Questions central to this conference are:
- What kinds of analysis of culture are possible in different cultural, institutional and disciplinary contexts?
- How has your research situation constituted the methods and findings of your research?
- How has your theoretical framework helped you to select the subject you are researching and directed the approach you have taken?
- What concepts of culture circulate in your field? How do these relate to other concepts such society, politics, history, nation, experience, and memory? And what are the connections between these and theorisations of identity?
- Is your work part of an intellectual tradition? Has it been shaped by contemporary academic trends? Are your research interest strategic, and if so what has conditioned them?
- Are there other contexts which have shaped your research but are not widely recognised as significant?
We expect the conference theme to be broadly interpreted. Some speakers may choose to focus on the findings of their research, while others may wish to address their methodological or theoretical approaches. Primarily, this conference presents an opportunity to reflect on the factors which have organised and shaped your research in a supportive and intellectually stimulating environment. It is open to postgraduate students from all disciplines and at all stages in their study.
Contexts, Fields, Positions is a postgraduate conference organised by postgraduate students in the School of Social Sciences, Media and Cultural Studies, University of East London. It is funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council through the Collaborative Training Provision scheme. The conference will be held at the University’s Docklands Campus.
To apply please submit an abstract of 300 words (for a 20 minute paper), or a panel proposal (3 papers), by email or by post to:
Karen Cross / Rebecca Bramall,
School of Social Sciences, Media and Cultural Studies,
University of East London,
Docklands Campus, 4-6 University Way,
London E16 2RD.
When submitting your application please include your name, university, contact telephone number and email address.
Deadline for abstracts: 28 February 2006
Im Zuge einer kleinen Bildserie werden hier - etwaige andere, inhaltsspezifische Bilder ausgenommen - anhand des von Barbara Zeidler zur Verfügung gestellten Materials zwölf Aufnahmen im Zusammenhang mit der Auffindung der "Austria"-Statue in Czernowitz und deren künstlerischer Aufbereitung für die Work-in-Progress-Ausstellung Czernowitzer Austria des Instituts für kulturresistente Güter, auf die hier bereits ausführlicher verwiesen wurde, vorgestellt.
Der Beginn der Fotoserie findet sich hier. Die Vernissage findet am 09.01.2006 statt, die Ausstellung selbst vom 10.-29.01.2006. Barbara Zeidler hält ihren Vortrag am 12.01.2006, um 18.00 Uhr.
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[Die online-Fassung meines Einleitungsbeitrags "Thesen zur Bedeutung der Medien für Erinnerungen und Kulturen in Mitteleuropa" findet sich auf Kakanien revisited (Abstract / .pdf).]
