Kroatien | Croatia - Part 2
posted by PP on 2005/05/16 11:46
[ Kroatien | Croatia ]
Derzeit laufen die Regionalwahlen in Kroatien ab und rasche wie zuverlässige Informationen bietet Draxblog III...
So ergibt sich, wie es momentan scheint, ein fast erwartbares Bild hinsichtlich der Verluste von HDZ:
...when Croatia is taken as a whole, political landscape didn’t change very much. HDZ lost in big cities, but urban areas are weak spot for Tudjman’s party for almost than a decade, following Zagreb Crisis. Rural and war-torn areas – Dalmatia and Slavonia – are still conservative, right-wing and prone for voting HDZ.
Yet, it seems that HDZ did lose some of its support, mostly to various right-wing and far right parties.
Dragan Antulov, a.k.a. Drax, verweist u.a. auf Dražen Lalić von RTL Televizija, der die bisher vorliegenden Ergebnisse der Exit Polls, Trends und diverser anderer Auszählungsmodalitäten wie folgt zusammenfasste:
First, the election is marked by record low turnout. In Split only 29 % of people bothered to vote. People feel alienated from political establishment and politics in general. Democracy doesn’t seem to be the thing Croatians are proud of.
Second, those who bothered to vote expressed their dissatisfaction with establishment by voting for independent candidates.
Third, both HDZ and SDP lost votes, while the second-tier parties, like HSP and HSU fared very well.
Und Drax fügt an:
The real winners of the elections can be established only after a month or so when parties start forming governing coalitions. HDZ, which used to run one-party governments in so many cities and counties will have to seek partners.
UPDATE: Drax meldet:
In other words, HDZ was defeated at this election.
Not so bad, indeed, not so bad...
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