Veranstaltungen | Events - Part 144

posted by PP on 2007/03/10 11:58

[ Veranstaltungen | Events ]

Tatjana Marković (Belgrad) wird den nächsten Jour fixe der Kommission für Kulturwissenschaften und Theatergeschichte (KKT) der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften bestreiten:
MUSIC AS (INTER/NATIONAL) CULTURAL PRACTICE : ESTABLISHING SERBIAN MUSIC IDENTITY IN VIENNA (19. März, 15.00 Uhr c.t.; Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Ignaz Seipel Platz 2, 1010 Wien, 2. Stock: Museumszimmer)
Das zum Download zur Verfügung gestellte Abstract [.pdf] lautet wie folgt:
Nineteenth-century musical life in Serbia will be used as a model for the examination of cultural practices, in particular as a closest "cultural circle" of the Habsburg Monarchy, that is, Vienna. The influence of Viennese cultural, music life on the profile of 19th-century Serbian culture and musical life was very strong and powerful, and therefore particularly important to be studied in detail. namely, one of the most important European cultural/music centers, highly relevant for profiling of Serbian national music and historiography, was Vienna, where lived the most significant Serbian intellectuals. Serbs were also active as students at the university in Vienna participating in the choral society Zora or Aurora (Vienna, 1862), or the organization Ujedinjena omladina srpska (United Serbian Youth), publishing books and periodicals in the Serbian language, which they sent to Serbia. Since at that time Serbs lived mainly outside of their country, all mentioned activities were aimed to unite Serbian people all over Europe. Considering this fact in the theoretical context of the national identity question, the hybrid national identity (H. Bhabha), as was Serbian, the lack of a unique geographical space is surmounted under the influences of diaspora, In that way, Viennese culture had a key role in establishing and profiling Serbian national identity, from the (reformed) language itself to the music.

In diesem Zusammenhang bietet sich der Verweis auf zwei Aufsätze an, die Frau Marković auf "Kakanien revisited" publiziert hat:

  • Serbian Choral Societies in the Multi-ethnic Context of 19th-Century Vojvodina [Abstracts; .pdf]
  • Political, Cultural, Artistic Activities of the Ujedinjena Omladina Srpska as a Case of Networking [Abstracts; .pdf]



Senior Editor

Seitenwechsel. Geschichten vom Fußball. Hgg. v. Samo Kobenter u. Peter Plener. Wien: Bohmann 2008, 237 pp.
(Weitere Informationen hier)
Transcarpathica. Germanistisches Jahrbuch Rumänien 3-4/2004-2005. Hgg. v. Andrei Corbea-Hoisie u. Alexander Rubel. Bukarest/Bucuresti: Editura Paideia 2008, 336 pp.
[Die online-Fassung meines Einleitungsbeitrags "Thesen zur Bedeutung der Medien für Erinnerungen und Kulturen in Mitteleuropa" findet sich auf Kakanien revisited (Abstract / .pdf).]
Seitenweise. Was das Buch ist. Hgg. v. Thomas Eder, Samo Kobenter u. Peter Plener. Wien: Bundespressedienst 2010, 480 pp.
(Weitere Informationen hier wie da, v.a. auch do. - und die Rezension von Ursula Reber findet sich hier [.pdf].)
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