Blogosfera--sphäre--sphere - Part 26
posted by PP on 2005/11/24 13:12
[ Blogosfera | -sphäre | -sphere ]
Blogging as a tool: innovative approaches to information access is the titel of a presentation [.ppt] by Jay Bhutt, available via E-Lis. E-prints in Library and Information Science.Abstract:
Blogs and RSS (Real Simple Syndication/Rich Site Summary) feeds and their applications in libraries are increasing exponentially. These applications range from current awareness type of settings in keeping up-to-date with new information, table of contents alerts of journal articles, feeds based on a research query in electronic databases, and news alerts from different subject areas. Other library related use of blogs and RSS feeds may include availability of new books based on selected keywords, feeds based on new subject guides, creating simple blog entries for course related useful information, and announcing library related events such as the Scholarly Communications Speaker series. This presentation provides information on these applications and recommendations on how they can be implemented in any library setting. A particular emphasis on the Engineering Resources blog created for the College of Engineering and the School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems is given to highlight a variety of information published so far. Future directions and vision of how blogs and RSS can be used in academic library settings are discussed.
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