Veranstaltungen | Events - Part 23
posted by PP on 2005/05/09 17:29
[ Veranstaltungen | Events ]
An IIII (important, interesting, international and interdisciplinary) conference on ideas and representations of the legacies of the Ottoman and Habsburg empires in South Eastern Europe will take place in Kopenhagen on May 20-21: Images of Imperial Legacy.The conference will investigate and discuss how legacies from the have been imagined and represented within different states, nations and other groups in South Eastern Europe including Turkey throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. It particularly addresses questions of how such images are employed in representations of the character and identity of one’s own group and others, how images have been stable or changing, and how they have related to regional and international political circumstances.
Place: Institute of Cross-cultural and Regional Studies, University of Copenhagen, Snorresgade 17-19, 2300 Copenhagen S
The conference is organised by the Department of East European Studies, University of Copenhagen, and the Institute of History and Area Studies, University of Aarhus. It is open to all interested researchers, students and others, and there is no fee. The working language will be English. Questions can be addressed to the conference secretary, Tea Sindbaek, by email.
20 May:
- 10.00: Welcome and introduction by vice dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Univ. of Copenhagen, Thorkild Damsgaard Olsen
- 10.15: Per Jacobsen (Univ. of Copenhagen): The Ottomans and the Habsburgs in the views of Andrić and Krleža
- 10.45: Discussion
- 11.15: Henning Mørk (Univ. of Aarhus): The Ottoman Empire in South Slavic historiographies
- 11.45: Discussion
- 12.15: Zlatko Isaković (Institute of International Politics and Economics, Belgrade): Images of the Habsburg Imperial Legacy in the Successor States of the Second Yugoslavia
- 12.45: Discussion
- 13.00 Lunch
- 14.00: Sysse Engberg (Univ. of Copenhagen): The Greeks, the Ottomans, and the German connection
- 14.30: Discussion
- 15.00: Maurus Reinkowski (Univ. of Freiburg): The Ottoman Empire and South Eastern Europe from a Turkish perspective
- 15.30: Discussion
- 15.45: Coffee
- 16.30: Discussion-session (Short presentations and discussion):
- Petar Bagarić (Univ. of Zagreb): The discourse of Croatian politicians on Austria-Hungary throughout the 20th century
- Srdjan Milošević (Univ. of Belgrade): Stolen development. The myth about five hundred years of slavery under the Turks – in Serbian schoolbooks
- Tea Sindbæk (Univ. of Aarhus, Denmark): Serbian intellectuals and the Kosovo problem as an Ottoman legacy - 18.00: Closing
21 May:
- 9.15: Keynote lecture: Milica Bakić-Hayden (Univ. of Pittsburg): Empires are Us: Identifying with Differences
- 10.15: Cecilie Endresen (Univ. of Oslo): ’The Ottoman Legacy’ in Albania – bone of contention and framework for discussion
- 10.45: Discussion
- 11.15: Kalina Peeva (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia): The Notion of Turkey and the Turk: Stereotypes and changes in political thinking of Bulgarians (1920-1938)
- 11.45: Discussion
- 12.00: Lunch
- 13.00: Edin Hajdarpašić (Univ. of Michigan/Sarajevo): Rummaging through the ruins: Reflections of Ottoman legacy in the former Yugoslavia
- 13.30: Discussion
- 14.00: Vemund Aarbakke (Univ. of Oslo/Thessaloniki): The impact of nationalizing discourse on the image of the last years of Ottoman rule in Macedonia
- 14.30: Discussion
- 15.00: Alex Drace-Francis (SSEES, University College of London): Imperialism, post-colonialism, etc. – a discussion of research terminology with a view to the case of Romania
- 15:30: Discussion
- 15.45: Coffee
- 16.30: Discussion-session (Short presentations and discussion):
- Kenneth Nystrøm (Univ. of Copenhagen): Enver Hoxha and Skanderbeg
- Maximilian Hartmuth (Koç University, Istanbul): Austro-Hungarian approaches to the Ottoman heritage of Bosnia-Herzegovina
- Kyrialos Kentrotis and Athena Balopoulou (Ionian University, Corfu): Imperial profiles through the looking glass or the adventures of the Greek National Anthem in Translation-land - 18.00: Closing
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