Stellen | Job Postings - Part 10
posted by PP on 2005/04/04 17:14
[ Stellen | Job Postings ]
Forum Syd Balkans (former PRONI project) seeks Community Youth Work Management professional with a degree in Youth work (or equivalent) and managerial experience, for the post of Regional Manager (Job Reference: RM BH) of Bosnia and Herzegovina, based in Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro - regional travel required.To obtain full info pack, consisting of organizational overview, job description/person specification and application form, please send request to, clearly indicating the Job Reference: RM BH. The deadline for applications is 13 April 2005, at 17:00.
Forum Syd Balkans/PRONI is a youth and community NGO working to establish a national youth service in Serbia and Montenegro, Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Forum Syd/PRONI runs university accredited youth leadership courses, youth activity centers and national youth action plan development process. Forum Syd/PRONI has been active in the Balkans since 1996 and currently employs over 90 persons.
Job Purpose:
The Regional Manager will provide capacity-building supervision and support to three country projects ("classical youth projects") and the overall co-ordination and integration of education, youth work and strategic development.
Summary of Duties:
- Manage and oversee all facets of the organisation’s day-to-day operations, including developing and implementing policies and systems for finance and cash flow control, reporting, human resources, logistics, security.
- Lead public and donor relations and oversee all policies and procedures, ensuring the proper management of all donor funding and financial accountability to donors.
- Lead organisational strategic planning, and programme formulation and evaluation for all programme areas, in co-ordination with senior managers.
- Lead the development and implementation of innovative
and regular monitoring and evaluation mechanisms of all programme activities.
Degree in Youth & Community Work, Social Science or equivalent.
- Minimum of 2 years of practical experience in a range of community youth work settings including Community Youth Work, Groups Work, Social Education, Training developments and NGO creation/development.
- Minimum 2 years in: project cycle management experience,
senior management/managing staff, financial management, budget management and bookkeeping, NGO creation and development.
For the full Job Description, Person Specification and Application Form: Please indicate Job Reference: RM BH.
Tel: +381 (0)11 328 6364
Fax: +381 (0) 11 303 3339
Closing date for Applications: 13 April 2005, 05.00 p.m.
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