Balkan | -s - Part 7
posted by PP on 2005/04/05 13:32
[ Balkan | -s ]
Prof. Ivan Ilchev, who is Dean of History Faculty at the Sofia University and runs the Chair of History of the Balkans, published a Call for Papers for a Workshop on "The Power of the Powerless" - Crisis in the Balkans 1885-1886.Here is the Letter "to whom it may concerns":
Dear Colleagues,
In the autumn of 1885 the first substantial breach of the treaty system established in Berlin in 1878 came. The Unification of the Principality of Bulgaria and Eastern Roumelia and the subsequent war between Bulgaria and Serbia showed once again that the status quo in Europe depends at least to a certain extent on the situation in South East Europe. The small Balkan
states, though a negligible factor in themselves, were quite able to threaten the general peace in Europe or at least the emerging new delicate system of European rivalries and alliances.
The history of the Balkan crisis of 1885-1886 is not lacking in serious research both in the Balkans and in Europe in general. Still every year new documents are dug out which shed new light on the events, on the principal actors, on the complex interaction between small states and Great Powers.
Apart of the usual diplomatic and military aspects of the crisis in recent years greater attention is being paid by historians, political scientists and economists to its social and psychological consequences.
The Chair of History of Byzantium and the Balkans with the support of the city of Plovdiv is announcing a call for participants from the Balkan countries for a two day workshop on the topic. It will take part in Plovdiv around 15th of October 2005 [the exact dates yet to be determined]. The expenses of the participants will be covered by the organizers.
We expect to receive your application with a short resume of the proposed paper [250-300 words] and a short CV by May 1, 2005 at the latest.
Prof. Ivan Ilchev, Chair of History of the Balkans, Dean of History
Faculty, Sofia University.
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