Call for Papers | Applications - Part 16
[ Call for Papers | Applications ]
The Romanian Journal of Political Science, PolSci's, spring-summer issue will be published in May 2004 and will focus on the latest electoral changes in former Soviet Union area. Articles are sought which cover the latest political changes and the impact they will have on the broader region.The editors are especially interested in comparative articles which deal with at least two countries, but in depth analyses of political transformations are also of interest.
Apart from its special topic, the journal usually includes a PolSci Papers section for which contributions are welcome on any other relevant topic.
Articles must be written in English, the ideal length being anywhere between 4000 and 8000 words. Longer articles can be considered on the basis of exceptional merit.
Please use American-style citation system and page footnotes. Also, please include a short bibliography.The deadline for PolSci's spring-summer issue is April 30, 2005. Electronic submissions in Word for Windows should be sent to
Hard copies are also accepted if accompanied by a floppy disk sent by mail to: Romanian Academic Society, 15 Petofi Sandor, Bucharest 1, RO-011405, Romania.
PolSci is a peer-reviewed journal of political science, of relevance to all academics interested in Central and East European issues. It is edited and published twice a year in English by the Romanian Academic Society (SAR), a Bucharest-based think-tank with the mission of advancing ideas of liberty, democracy and sound government.
The journal includes a diverse range of political science articles, especially from currently under-covered fields such as comparative politics, public policy, or political psychology, covering broader Central or East European topics. Papers are
theory-grounded and based on solid empirical work. Contributions drawing upon inferential analysis are especially encouraged. Articles published address current topics of interest, respect the cannons agreed in contemporary political science, and show perfect knowledge of previous theoretical contributions.
Papers are reviewed by board and staff members, but not only. The reviewers‚ names are confidential. We do not publish unsolicited essays or op-eds. PolSci is accredited with the Social Science Citation Index and the previous issues can be viewed at
Emanuel Rauta, Managing editor
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Senior Editor

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[Die online-Fassung meines Einleitungsbeitrags "Thesen zur Bedeutung der Medien für Erinnerungen und Kulturen in Mitteleuropa" findet sich auf Kakanien revisited (Abstract / .pdf).]
