Balkan | -s - Part 12
[ Balkan | -s ]
Keine Ahnung, warum manche Mailinglists erst mit bis zu einer Woche Verspätung ihre Nachrichten in meiner Inbox ablegen, aber seis drum, hier zwei Angebote mit Aktualitätswert:1. International Summer University Macedonia 2005 - Apply to Teach
2. CfA: Fulbright International Summer Institute, Pamprovo/Bulgaria, 1-13.8.2005
ad 1.:International teaching faculty are invited to apply to teach at the International Summer University Macedonia (ISUM) that will start in mid-July 2005 (exact dates and location to be confirmed). If interested, please visit to apply online.
14 visiting professors together with 14 co-professors from Macedonia will provide an equal number of (ECTS-graded) two-week intensive courses in the disciplines of Economics, Law, Business Administration, Public Administration, Education Science, and Teacher Training.
About 30 students are admitted to each two-week course. Most of them originate from one of the four participating universities in Macedonia. Additionally, 90 international students, mostly from South East Europe, will participate. Visiting professors are provided with a budget to purchase reading materials and teaching equipment. Courses are held in English. Recreational activities provide ample opportunity to meet in an informal setting. Public debates on issues such as the Ohrid Agreement and the Bologna Process will also be organised.
Additionally, the project envisages one-week study visits for professors from Macedonia to universities abroad. These visits enable the visiting and co-professors to design their course and syllabus together.
Moreover, the ISUM includes a workshop programme for local faculty, contributing to the project’s overall aim to foster inter-university co-operation within Macedonia, while improving the quality of higher education in Macedonia and accelerating its integration into the European Higher Education Area.
Visiting professors are expected to have a PhD degree, preferably in one of the disciplines listed above, and relevant teaching experience. Professors from Western European universities will be given priority in the selection.
Visiting professors teach voluntarily. Professors receive full board or an allowance of 105 Euros per week. Travel expenses are reimbursed and free accommodation is provided.
More information, a list of courses suggested, and application forms can be obtained online at
ad 2.: The Bulgarian-American Commission for Educational Exchange " Fulbright" announces its fourth Fulbright International Summer Institute (FISI). It is
an academic and cultural program which offers one- or two-week intensive courses in a wide variety of subject areas. All courses are taught in English by distinguished professors from the U.S., Europe and Bulgaria and are addressed to undergraduate and graduate students, university faculty and
professionals. This year FISI is scheduled to take place from August 1 to August 13, 2005 in Pamporovo. You can choose between the following courses:
Business and Economics
- Course 1: Negotiation and Conflict Resolution; Lecturer: Prof. George Siedel, University of Michigan, Business School, MI, USA
- Course 2: Applied Microeconomics; Lecturer: Prof. Ann Fender, Gettysburg College, PA, USA
- Course 3: Global Business Strategy: Globalization, Multinational Corporations, and the Nation-State; Lecturer: Prof. Alexander Billon, University of Delaware, DE, USA
- Course 4: Financial Management; Lecturer: Prof. Chenchuramaiah Bathala, Cleveland State University, OH, USA
- Course 5: Change Management: Let Your Creativity Escape: Change the Paradigm; Lecturer: John Davie, Vector Management International Ltd., UK
- Course 6: Legal Ethics. Lecturer: Dr. Sheila Hochhauser, Kansas State University, KS, USA
- Course 7: Business Culture and Business Idiom; Lecturer: Dr. Shtiliana Halacheva-Rousseva, Technical University, Bulgaria
Education and Communication
- Course 8: Integrated Interactive International Education; Lecturers: Dr. Leon Richards; Linda Fujikawa, Kapi'olani Community College, University of Hawaii, HI, USA
- Course 9: Professional Communication for Intercultural Times; Lecturer: Dr. Noemi Marin, Florida Atlantic University, FL, USA
- Course 10: Advocacy Workshop (Argument and Public Speaking Training); Lecturer: Dr. Joseph Zompetti, Illinois State University, IL, USA
- Course 11: Cooperative Learning and Cultural Sensitivity
Lecturers: Shelley Friend and Dana Goodrich, Northwest Vista College, TX, USA - Course 12: The Art of Leadership, Personal Effectiveness and Power; Lecturer: Prof. Elka Todorova, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria
- Course 13: Schools in American Culture; Lecturer: Dr. Marcia Horne, Westfield State College, MA, USA
Politics and International Relations
- Course 14: American Foreign Policy and the International System in the Age of Globalization; Lecturer: Prof. Mark Kramer, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA
- Course 15: Transatlantic Security in the Geopolitics of the 21st Century; Lecturer: Dr. Kostadin Grozev, Sofia University, Bulgaria
- Course 16: The European Union: Legal Principles; Lecturers: Prof. Jo-Carby-Hall, University of Hull, and Diane Ryland,
University of Lincoln, UK - Course 17: Southeast Europe in the Context of the New Dynamics of the Euro-Atlantic Relations; Lecturers: Dr. Dinko Dinkov; Stoyan Stoyanov, University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria
- Course 18: Aging of the European and North American Societies: Implications for the Younger Generation; Lecturer: Dr. Timothy Ilg, University of Dayton, OH, USA
Art and Culture
- Course 18: Cultural Traditions in Bulgaria and Europe; Lecturers: Team
- Course 19: Bulgarian Language Instruction; Lecturers: Team
- Course 20: African-American Music and Cultural Globalization; Lecturer: Dr. Claire Levy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria
- Course 21: Visual Literacy: Principles of Artistic Perception Lecturer: Dr. Boyan Dobrev, Academy of Fine Arts, Bulgaria
- Course 22: Classic Novels into Film; Lecturer: Dr. Madeleine Danova, Sofia University, Bulgaria
- Course 23: The Culture of Perception: How to Figure out Contemporary Arts and Discourses and to Have Fun at That; Lecturer: Dr. Dimitar Kambourov, Sofia University, Bulgaria
If you want to participate in this event, please visit for practical information and application forms. You can also obtain
general information from:
Bulgarian-American Commission for Educational Exchange
17, Alexander Stamboliiski Blvd. Sofia 1000, Bulgaria
Tel.: +359 2 980 82 12
or contact:
Prof. Dr. Julia Stefanova
Executive Director
Bulgarian-American Fulbright Commission
17 Alexander Stamboliiski Blvd., 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria
Tel: 359 2 981 85 67
Fax: 359 2 988 45 17
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[Die online-Fassung meines Einleitungsbeitrags "Thesen zur Bedeutung der Medien für Erinnerungen und Kulturen in Mitteleuropa" findet sich auf Kakanien revisited (Abstract / .pdf).]
