Balkan | -s - Part 11
posted by PP on 2005/04/17 16:13
[ Balkan | -s ]
And here is Part III (the Day's 5 & 6) of the tentative Program fort his year's Seminar on DEMOCRACY AND HUMAN RIGHTS IN MULTIETHNIC SOCIETIES, organized by the Institute for Strengthening Democracy (Tel/fax: + 387 36 729 806; E-mail: the beginning you fnd some additional Informations, concerning especially the "logistic questions"...
The Seminar will be held at the Cultural House, Konjic, heavily damaged during the war, but already partly restored.
Speakers are requested to map their talks in line with time limits. Subject matter and speakers may be subject to change.
The Seminar works in plenary session and panels. Participants of the seminar are encouraged to organize additional workshops. Slots for individual speakers are not determined. Chairmen are due to organize their sessions, panels and workshops by agreement with speakers.
The Seminar is open to the public.
Transport and accommodation information are available at the Institute's web site.
Day 5, July 14, Thursday
09.00 - 11.00: Panel: "Inter-Media: Clusters, Crossroads and Complexity" (Chairman: Peter Plener, Vienna), Lecturers:
- Amália Kerekes, Budapest: "Cult, Minority and intermedial Arrangements. On Mechanisms of the Centre towards the Periphery"
- Aida Kozar, Novi Pazar: "Freedom of expression and free access to information"
- Peter Plener, Vienna: "Media Practices and Community Building
- Béla Rásky, Vienna-Budapest: "Imperialising cultural Diversity / Diversifying cultural Imperialism"
- Olivera Stajic, Vienna: "Weblogs - Democracy - Freedom of Opinion/s"
11.30 - 17.00: A role-play on electronic multi-option voting from the de Borda Institute, Belfast, N. Ireland, with Valery Perry and Peter Emerson. Paper: "Towards a proportional all-party power-sharing grand coalition government of national unity - the 'perfect' amalgam of ideals democratic." ("Ka jednoj svestranacki proporcionalnoj koaliciji nacionalnog jedinstva")
- 11.30: Introduction to the workshops
- 11.40: Coffee
- 12.00: Workshops - Moving Beyond Dayton
- 12.20: Plenary in Conference Hall
- 12.40: An electronic multi-option preference vote on changing Dayton
- 12.50: Analysis of the Dayton vote; a votal consensus?
- 12.55: Introduction to, and then a vote on, a matrix vote
- 13.00: Lunch
- 17.00: Analysis of the matrix vote
17.30-18.30: Film: "Bring democracy and human rights to North Korea" (Made by: Society to Help Returnees to North Korea, Japan). Introduction, discussion, comments: Justine Pilarska, Amnesty International, Wroclaw, Poland
18.45 - 20.00: Parallel panel # 1: "Philosophy and Reality" (Chairman: TBA), Lecturers:
- Wolfgang Gombocz, Graz: "The VERY General Human Right of 'multi' lingual education for every Child"
- Per Kongsdal, Copenhagen: "Some reflections on Kant's essay "Perpetual Peace" and its relevance in the struggle for strengthening democracy in Bosnia and Herzegovina"
- Mura Palasek, Zagreb: "Cultural rights within the discussion on global justice"
- Semiha Akinci, Turkey: "Human Rights: a Philosopher's Appraisal"
- Dilek Latif, Northern Cyprus: "Historical Perceptions and Education for Peace After an Ethnic Conflict: The Case of Cyprus."
- Ion Braga, Chisinau: "Ethnic stereotypes and national identity in post-totalitarian societies"
- Melina Grizo, Skopje: "The Formation of the Albanian State 1912/1913"
- Shvama Prasad Rout, New Delhi: "Managing Ethnicity, Displacement and Land Alienation: New Assertion of Indigineous Rights in India"
- Olga Musikhina, Kuban: "Gumilev's Method to Identify the Belonging to Ethnic Group"
Day 6, July 15, Friday
09.00 -11.00: Panel: "Diversity, Inter-culturalism, Multiculturalism" (Chairperson: Slobodan Bjelajac, Split), Lecturers:
- Dzemal Sokolovic, Bergen/Konjic: "Controversies on Multiculturalism"
- Petra Roter, Ljubljana: "New minorities as a test for Kymlicka's liberal theory of minority rights?"
- Slobodan Bjelajac, Split: "Multiculturalism and Interculturalism"
- Anci Leburic, Split: "Methodological model of intercultural empirical research"
- Vedran Horvat, Zagreb: "Introducing Multiculturalism in Higher Education in Macedonia - Obstacles and Channenges"
- Kumjana Novakova, Skopje: "Introducing Multicultural Education in the Higher Education Institutions in the Countries of SEE - the Case of Bosnia-Herzegovina"
- Gojko Miskovic, Sombor: "Kartagina koja se ne moze zaorati"
- Mura Palasek, Zagreb: "Cultural rights within the discussion on global justice"
- Claudia Aguilar, Barcelona: "Identification through networks: A possible way to overcome the ethnicist discourse"
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Senior Editor
Seitenwechsel. Geschichten vom Fußball. Hgg. v. Samo Kobenter u. Peter Plener. Wien: Bohmann 2008, 237 pp.
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Transcarpathica. Germanistisches Jahrbuch Rumänien 3-4/2004-2005. Hgg. v. Andrei Corbea-Hoisie u. Alexander Rubel. Bukarest/Bucuresti: Editura Paideia 2008, 336 pp.
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