Copy and paste - Part 6
posted by PP on 2006/01/07 15:48
[ Copy and paste ]
Lorie A. Kloda und Karen Nicholson haben ihre Präsentation [.pdf] Plagiarism Detection Software and Academic Integrity: The Canadian Perspective (von Proceedings Librarians’ Information Literacy Annual Conference [LILAC]) auf E-LIS online gestellt.Zusammen mit dem Abstract wird das dann schon etwas aussagekräftiger:
In 2003, McGill University, a member of the Canadian “G10” research universities, undertook a limited trial of plagiarism detection software in specific undergraduate courses. While it is estimated that 28 Canadian universities and colleges currently use text-matching software , the McGill trial received considerable attention from student, national and international media after a student refused to submit his work to the service and successfully challenged the university’s policy requiring the use of Turnitin.
While student and faculty reactions to the software have been mixed, debate about the use of text-matching software has served to promote awareness of the importance of academic integrity and the use of alternative methods of deterring plagiarism. No final decision has yet been reached regarding the use of plagiarism detection software but the University is currently drafting policy for its general implementation in courses and specific use in cases of suspected plagiarism. At the same time, it is working to develop collaborative initiatives involving key campus stakeholders, including the University administration, Teaching and Learning Services, librarians and student advocacy groups, to promote academic integrity at McGill.
In this study, we seek to determine how leading Canadian universities using text-matching software address issues of academic integrity. Particular attention will paid to the role of librarians in promoting academic integrity and in educating students and faculty about information literacy. Having identified seven of the G10 currently using Turnitin, we intend to survey key stakeholders from each institution via electronic questionnaire for information on four areas relating to academic integrity: promotion, policy, education, and library involvement. We expect to report a summary of our findings, paying special attention to the current situation at McGill.
Im Zuge einer kleinen Bildserie werden hier - etwaige andere, inhaltsspezifische Bilder ausgenommen - anhand des von Barbara Zeidler zur Verfügung gestellten Materials Aufnahmen im Zusammenhang mit der Auffindung der "Austria"-Statue in Czernowitz und deren künstlerischer Aufbereitung für die Work-in-Progress-Ausstellung Czernowitzer Austria des Instituts für kulturresistente Güter, auf die hier bereits ausführlicher verwiesen wurde, vorgestellt.
Der Beginn der Fotoserie findet sich hier. Die Vernissage findet am 09.01.2006 statt, die Ausstellung selbst vom 10.-29.01.2006. Barbara Zeidler hält ihren Vortrag am 12.01.2006, um 18.00 Uhr.
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