Der ukrainische Habsburger

posted by PP on 2008/09/16 12:51

[ Ukraine ]

Am Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen (IWM) findet am kommenden Donnerstag um 18.00 Uhr ein Vortrag von Timothy Snyder (Yale University) statt, der eine durchaus spannungsreiche Vita (und mehr) vorstellt:

A Habsburg Ukraine: The Dream and the Nightmare of Archduke Wilhelm (1895-1948)

Zum Vortrag:

Archduke Wilhelm von Habsburg chose for himself a Ukrainian nationality, and was chosen by Habsburg rulers to be their agent in Ukraine. His youth reveals the character of nationality in the of Habsburg monarchy, his adulthood the contradictions of the idea of national self-determination in the Europe of the first half of the twentieth century. Born a prince, Wilhelm became a pretender to thrones in Ukraine, a leader of shadow armies in Austria, a famous bisexual lover in France, a fascist in Germany, and then finally a spy against Hitler and Stalin. In his lecture, focusing on Wilhelm von Habsburg, Timothy Snyder will capture an extraordinary moment in the history of Europe, as the rule of empire gave way to the new politics of nationalism.

Zum Vortragenden:

Timothy Snyder is Professor of History and Director of Graduate Studies, Departments of History and European and Russian Studies, Yale University.
Zeit und Ort des Vortrags:

Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen (Bibliothek)
Spittelauer Lände 3, 1090 Wien

Donnerstag, 18.09.2008, 18.00 Uhr

Anmeldung bitte telefonisch (+43 [1] 313580) oder per E-Mail an


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