Call for Papers | Applications - Part 90
posted by PP on 2006/12/13 15:02
[ Call for Papers | Applications ]
With contemporary witnesses and academics from Kaliningrad, Poland, Israel and Germany, the seminarFrom Breslau via Gdansk to Königsberg. Living environments and remembrance of Jews in Silesia, East and West Prussia, organised by the Juden in Ostpreussen (Jews in East Prussia) association. Verein zur Geschichte und Kultur e.V. (Society for History and Culture) in cooperation with the Academia Baltica. e.V, Berlinwishes to discuss in detail some aspects of Jewish living environments in Silesia, West Prussia, Mazury, Prussian Lithuania and Königsberg – from the Jewish immigration, the culture of day-to-day life and community life right up to the Holocaust.
(31.08.-02.09.2007, European Academy // Deadline: 15.01.2007)
The conference languages are German and English.
The remembrance of the Jews in Silesia, East and West Prussia – both in the large communities and in small places – and of their suppression and destruction by the National Socialist regime seemed to be virtually lost during the Cold War. In Poland, Lithuania and the Kaliningrad area, on the other hand, the Jewish history of the formerly German provinces was seen as a part of the German tradition. This explains why the descendants of the Jewish inhabitants of Silesia, East and West Prussia, who today live scattered over the whole world, can find only little new literature on this topic when they are searching for the traces of their forefathers.So all interested contemporary witnesses, project leaders and academics of various disciplines within the area of Jewish history who would like to take part in this conference with a talk, are invited to send a thesis proposal paper or a project sketch (1 page) and a CV (1/2 page) in German/English/Hebrew/Polish/Lithuanian/Russian by 15. January 2006 to Dr. Ruth Leiserowitz .
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Senior Editor

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Transcarpathica. Germanistisches Jahrbuch Rumänien 3-4/2004-2005. Hgg. v. Andrei Corbea-Hoisie u. Alexander Rubel. Bukarest/Bucuresti: Editura Paideia 2008, 336 pp.
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