Bücher | Books - Part 49
posted by PP on 2005/12/18 20:53
[ Bücher | Books ]
Two volumes ofMarina Blagojević (Ed.): Mapping Misogyny in Serbia: Discourses and Practices(2000 and 2004; 702 plus 601 pages), including almost 60 prominent authors, mainly from Serbia (but also from USA, Poland, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina) are now available.
This seems to be some unique project which evolved from "sensitization" of women's publics by "patchwork" project at the end of the 90s into the academic analysis of multilayered phenomena of misogyny in Serbia and in the region. It represents an effort to create contextual knowledge in a domain of gender studies which will have political relevance and wide public resonance while at the same time it aims to challenge dominant epistemic practices and paradigms in academia.
The first volume consists of the following chapters:
- Introduction
- Language, thought
- Intellectual Tradition
- Local patriarchy
- Culture
- Women's Creativity
- Institutions
- Violence
- Inside / interiorization of misogyny
- Anti/Feminism
- Instead of Conclusion
- English Summary
The Second Volume includes the following chapters:
- Introduction
- Non/knowledge
- Remembering/Forgetting
- Existing/Creating
- Identities/Contexts
- Body: desire/construct/law
- Multiplied Marginalities
- Violence/Annihilation
- Provocation/Transformation
The price of the first volume is 750 dinars (+/- 9 EUR) and of the second 950 dinars (+/- 11 EUR), plus postage. It can be obtained by contacting the Institute for Criminological and Sociological Research
For more information contact Marina Blagojević at marina.blag@beotel.yu and marina.blagojevic@chello.hu (please use both addresses).
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Senior Editor

Seitenwechsel. Geschichten vom Fußball. Hgg. v. Samo Kobenter u. Peter Plener. Wien: Bohmann 2008, 237 pp.
(Weitere Informationen hier)
(Weitere Informationen hier)

Transcarpathica. Germanistisches Jahrbuch Rumänien 3-4/2004-2005. Hgg. v. Andrei Corbea-Hoisie u. Alexander Rubel. Bukarest/Bucuresti: Editura Paideia 2008, 336 pp.
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[Die online-Fassung meines Einleitungsbeitrags "Thesen zur Bedeutung der Medien für Erinnerungen und Kulturen in Mitteleuropa" findet sich auf Kakanien revisited (Abstract / .pdf).]
