Balkan | -s - Part 14
posted by PP on 2005/05/02 16:36
[ Balkan | -s ]
A brilliant idea for a Survey from Monika Hristova (Consultant at WCIF in Sofia): Allavida has launched a new initiative for carrying out a review of the donors, active in SEE countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovenia).The overall goal is to contribute to the increased understanding of the role of grantmaking in furthering social change in south-eastern Europe, to the improvement of grantmaking practice among grantmaking organisations in the SEE region and to the expansion of their number.
The aim is to investigate the scope, scale and mechanisms of domestic grantmaking in SEE, to provide the basis for launching a broader debate on grantmaking issues among stakeholders across the region.
Grantmaking is understood as the awarding of funds to an organization or individual to undertake charitable activities.
In relation to this, I would like to ask you to send me any kind of information you have concerning the local grantmakers active in your country (research, surveys, compendiums, etc.) or information about organisations and Internet resources where such information might be available. These should include international governmental, institutional and private donors; local authority grantmakers, intermediary re-granters, faith-based grantmakers, community foundations and other types of structure which distribute locally-raised resources for community benefit or funds from diaspora sources; businesses with community programmes and business-based foundations. The aim is to go beyond the obvious and known grant-making organisations and reach those which may not even think of themselves as grantmakers.
I am sure that once the review is ready, it will be very useful both to the grantmakers' community and to the civil society organisations in the region since there is no summarised data of this kind available so far.
Your support will be very much appreciated as the collection of
up-to-date and relevant information turns out to be quite challenging endeavour.
Informations and Contact:
Monica Christova
78, Knyaz Boris I Str, BG-Sofia 1000,
Tel. 00 359 2 980 22 73,
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