Call for Papers | Applications - Part 20
[ Call for Papers | Applications ]
okok, K.I.S.S. here are three new and up to now not within this Weblog mentioned Calls for Papers, concerning the Balkan/-s as well as Weastern Europe:1. CfP: Regional Cooperation and European Integration in the Balkans
2. CfP: 8th international conference of the European Association of Urban History (with Panels on Central and Eastern Europe)
3. CfP: International Relations in Eastern Europe
ad 1.: CfP - Regional Cooperation and European Integration in the Balkans. The Taskforce on Regional Cooperation and European Integration of the Association Bosnia and Herzegovina 2005 organizes a Conference in October (20./21.10.2005, Geneva) and is looking for Applications, Proposals, Papers and so on. Deadline: April 20, 2005.
English is the official language of the conference - some translation to local languages will be provided at the plenary sessions.
ad 2.: CfP - 8th international conference of the European Association of Urban History (EAUH) in Stockholm, August 30 - September 2, 2006; including the panels "Changing political representation in changing urban space: Central and Eastern European cities from the late 19th century to the inter-war years", "Rivers and cities: Imperial politics and the development of cities along the Volga and the Danube in the 18th and early 19th century", and "The socialist city - Concepts and Realities".
If you want to present a paper at any of the sessions, please send a one-page outline to the appropriate session organisers, as soon as possible and in any case before 1 October 2005. You will be notified of acceptance by the end of November 2005.
ad 3.: CfP - International Relations in Eastern Europe: The Working Group "East European Societies in a comparative perspective" of the German Association of Political Sciences invites to this international conference in Berlin (Humboldt University) on 16-18.3.2005. Since the breakdown of the socialist systems in Eastern Europe international relations in the region have undergone constant changes. What has been stimulating these changes? How have actors and structures in the region evolved? The aims of the conference are twofold: First, to bring together regional experts conducting systematic empirical research about the developments of international relations in Eastern Europe. Secondly, gathering IR specialists with a theoretical background as well as researchers working on other regions in order to discuss the potential of more general theoretical approaches for regional analyses and to conduct interregional comparisons. The Organizers herewith invite interested scholars to submit paper proposals which
should evolve around the following key issues:
- Transformation and international relations: Papers proposed for this section should focus on domestic (societal, political and economic) determinants of foreign policy in Eastern European transformation countries.
- Regional and sub-regional cooperation in Eastern Europe: Papers should focus on the development of regional and sub-regional cooperation (CIS, GUUAM, Black Sea cooperation or others) as well as on the questions pertaining to the enlargement processes of Western organisations like EU and NATO influence regional relations.
- Eastern Europe and Globalisation: Papers submitted for this section should evolve around two main topics: First - energyrelations as an expression of economic globalisation and their impact on international relations in the region, and secondly - trans-border migration as a societal phenomenon closely intertwined with globalisation processes.
- Conflict and international relations in Eastern Europe: Papers should ask how violent and/or non-violent conflicts in Eastern Europe and the participation of external actors in its solution have determined international relations in the affected (sub)regions.
- International relations in different regions: The aim of this
section consists in comparing international relations, regional and sub-regional cooperation and integration in different regions (Latin America, Africa, Asia) in order to discover particularities and differences.
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[Die online-Fassung meines Einleitungsbeitrags "Thesen zur Bedeutung der Medien für Erinnerungen und Kulturen in Mitteleuropa" findet sich auf Kakanien revisited (Abstract / .pdf).]
