Kroatien | Croatia - Part 4
[ Kroatien | Croatia ]
E-LIS, the open archive for Library and Information Science, published a selected as well as commented overview [.pdf] by Siniša Maričić and Branka Sorokin on Communication within the scientific process by Croatian journals.
The Abstract:
The scientific communication of Croatian cultural community with the worldwide one is studied in Croatian journals from the second half of the 19th century. Twelve titles among those which appeared in that period were analysed if they were published in Croatian irrespective of their geographic or political locality: Gospodarski list (1842- ), Kolo (1842-53), Zora Dalmatinska (1844-49), Pravdonoša (1851-52), Arkiv za povĕstnicu jugoslavensku (1851-75), Pravnik (1853-54), Napredak (1859- ), Književnik (1864-66), Rad Jugoslavenske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti (1867-8), Šumarski list (1877- ), Liečnički viestnik (1877- ), Glasnik hrvatskoga naravoslovnoga družtva (1886-1907). The appearance of references to works of the forerunners was chosen as the indicator among a dozen possible ones from the pertinent literature. The following questions were sought to be answered: (1) when, and how (including the location within the papers) were the references expressed, (2) is there a full bibliographic information about the source, and (3) is the foreign literature referred to. The historical framework is established together with the gradual introduction of the references in Croatian journals, from the first case - List mĕsečni horvatsko-slavonskoga Gospodarskoga Družtva from 1842, through an editorial stabilization - Arkiv za povĕstnicu jugoslavensku from 1865, to the almost contemporary referencing style - Glasnik hrvatskoga naravoslovnoga družtva from 1886. The referencing initiator was Ivan Kukuljević Sakcinski, as the editor of and the author of many a paper in the journal Arkiv za povĕstnicu jugoslavensku. The Croatian (scientific) journals came into being with a lag from the European ones by two centuries, but they caught up rather quickly.
You may find this contribution in English also as .doc as well as in Croatian as .rtf.
Im Zuge einer kleinen Bildserie werden ab nun - etwaige andere, inhaltsspezifische Bilder ausgenommen - anhand des von Barbara Zeidler zur Verfügung gestellten Materials zwölf Aufnahmen im Zusammenhang mit der Auffindung der "Austria"-Statue in Czernowitz und deren künstlerischer Aufbereitung für die Work-in-Progress-Ausstellung Czernowitzer Austria des Instituts für kulturresistente Güter, auf die hier bereits ausführlicher verwiesen wurde, vorgestellt.
Der Beginn der Fotoserie findet sich hier. Die Vernissage findet am 09.01.2006 statt, die Ausstellung selbst vom 10.-29.01.2006. Barbara Zeidler hält ihren Vortrag am 12.01.2006, um 18.00 Uhr.
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[Die online-Fassung meines Einleitungsbeitrags "Thesen zur Bedeutung der Medien für Erinnerungen und Kulturen in Mitteleuropa" findet sich auf Kakanien revisited (Abstract / .pdf).]
