Bosnia-Herzegovina (33)
Bosnien-Herzegowina: Recherchereise für Medienschaffende
posted by
Julia 15 years ago
n-ost bietet zwölf deutschsprachigen Medienschaffenden (Print/Radio) eine Recherchereise nach Bosnien und Herzegowina zum Thema: "Bosnien und Herzegowina. Zerrissenes Land zwischen Kriegsfolgen und EU-Integration" an. Wann? 16. bis 23. Juni 2009, Bewerbungsschluss: 19. Mai 2009.
Understanding Bosnia...
posted by
Julia 15 years ago
... is the title of an article by Vildana Skocajic and Anes Alic (click here for episode
one +
two). After some
delay due to negotiations with the US it seems that Austrian diplomat V. Inzko
will be the next High Representative in BiH. Former High Representative Paddy Ashdown was criticised for using the
"Bonn Powers", Schwarz-Schilling for his
"ownership" policies. Miroslav Lajcak had a
tougher stance in the crisis following the separatist threats of RS-PM Dodik, but also tried to be closer to the Bosnians, especially to young people (cf. the website). (more...)
"Alternative Nobel" for Monika Hauser
posted by
Julia 16 years ago
Monika Hauser, the founder of the NGO medica mondiale, has dedicated her life to supporting women who are victims of psychological, physical, and sexual violence in crisis regions. Medica mondiale has started its activities during the war in Bosnia and is still active in the Balkan region (as in many other crisis regions in the world). Monika Hauser will be awarded the "Alternative Nobel" prize next Monday (8 Dec). Here is an interview with her (in German).
Why the constitutional reform failed in BiH...
posted by
Julia 17 years ago
Leaving Dayton Behind: Constitutional reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina is the title of a new paper by Sofia Sebastián. "This paper examines the dynamics involved in constitutional reform in BiH since 2005. It assesses the shortcomings of the prevailing system of “Dayton democracy”, before outlining the international community’s role in recent attempts to reform this system. The paper explains why the so-called 2006 “April Package” of constitutional reform failed, and finds that the EU’s rather hands-off and passive stance was one contributory factor. The implications for future European policy towards BiH are discussed."
Bosnia-Herzegovina - Part 29
posted by 17 years ago
On the
Balkanizer Blog Vanja writes about the future of Bosnia-Herzegovina, quoting an editorial wondering
what will happen if the RS leaves the state of BiH and analysing what he calls
"Dodik's Cold War".
Bosnia-Herzegovina - Part 28
posted by
julia 17 years ago
galerija 10m2 in Stakleni Grad (Ferhadija) in Sarajevo hosts an exhibition of
Mathieu Jouffre: "Dubbing" from August 16th to 25th. Mathieu Jouffre's film "DUB" (see the
trailer) will be screened in the following places: 23rd august 2007 / 23.00 / Bock Club (FIS) / Sarajevo -- 24th august 2007 / 18.00 / Dom Armjie / Sarajevo, After screening party at Babylon Bar / 21.00 / (Live Dj Monodread). More info:
galerija 10m2.
Bosnia-Herzegovina - Part 27
posted by
julia 17 years ago
Here is a
report on public broadcasting in BiH by the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Miklos Haraszti (29.3.2007). The report was prepared as a result of Haraszti's visit to Sarajevo and Banja Luka from 5 to 7 February. The visit was in connection with the
decision of the Republika Srpska Government to boycott the state public television network, BHT1, by forbidding its officials from giving any statements to journalists and subsequently denying them access to a governmental press conference. Here is the introductory chapter of the report:
Bosnia-Herzegovina - Part 26
posted by
julia 17 years ago
Bosnian Adventure: We are looking for a few volunteers to work with us on either of two projects in Bosnia this summer (approx. June 13 to July 13).
Bosnia-Herzegovina - Part 25
posted by
julia 17 years ago
"Im Dreieck zwischen Bosnien, Kroatien und Serbien in der Republika Srpska liegt ein kleines, unscheinbares Städtchen namens Bijeljina. Eine Gegend, die im ehemaligen Jugoslawien noch als Ort der Begegnung zwischen den Ethnien angesehen wurde. Angesichts der immer mehr auseinander driftenden Volksgruppen ist Bijeljina nach und nach zu einem Ort der Diskriminierung von Minderheiten geworden.
Just in diesem kleinen Städtchen wurde am 22. Februar ein Mann ermordet, der sich für die Menschenrechte einsetzte." So beginnt ein nachdenklich stimmendr Kommentar von
Radovan Grahovac im ORF-Forum.
Bosnia-Herzegovina - Part 24
posted by
julia 17 years ago
Hier ein interessanter Videobeitrag der deutschen Welle über den bosnischen Mufti Ceric:
"Bosnien - Mufti als Friedensstifter".
Bosnia-Herzegovina - Part 23
posted by
julia 18 years ago
"The nationalists win in Bosnia-Herzegovina" is the conclusion of journalists commenting on the elections of 1 October 2006 (cf.
Deutsche Welle,
Tagesschau). The results are analysed in the
"Redaktion"-Blog and can be consulted in detail on the official election webpage
Bosnia-Herzegovina - Part 22
posted by
julia 18 years ago
Here an
interview with High Representative Ch. Schwarz-Schilling on RS-PM Dodik's pre-election campaign, including Dodik's insistance on a referendum on the "independence" of the Republika Srpska and the
announced agreement between Serbia and the RS:
Die Republik Srpska ist keine historisch langlebige Region wie der Kosovo, sondern eine in Dayton geschaffene Einheit, als Möglichkeit, den Krieg friedlich zu beenden. Die internationale Gemeinschaft ist hier total einig, von Washington über Europa bis Russland, dass es eine Herauslösung der Republika Srpska durch ein Referendum oder ähnliches nicht geben kann und wird.
Bosnia-Herzegovina - Part 21
posted by
julia 18 years ago
The Bosnian Parliament is currently debating on a
law on financial compensation and special social support for women who were raped during the war. Grbavica-director
Jasmila Zbanic had collected 100 000 signatures in a campaign launched together with Bosnian women associations (more information in the
Bosnia-Herzegovina - Part 20
posted by
julia 18 years ago
"Viele Politiker hier arbeiten permanent daran,
Angst zwischen den Einen und den Anderen zu verbreiten.
Genau das ist ein erprobtes Mittel, mit dem sie sich seit Jahren an der Macht halten." (Tanja Topic, zitiert im lesenswerten DW-Artikel
Srebrenica/Bratunac oder die Instrumentalisierung der Opfer von Zorica Ilic, 12.7.2006).
Bosnia-Herzegovina - Part 19
posted by
julia 18 years ago
In the framework of the “German Days Sarajevo” from June 1 until June 9, 2006
relations presents
“Lost and Found“, the opening contribution of the 35th
International Forum of New Cinema at the Berlin International Film Festival 2005.
Screening of “Lost and Found” with an introduction by Katrin Klingan, relations’ Artistic Director: June 5, 2006, 6 pm, Obala Meeting Point, Hamdije Kreševljakovića
13, Sarajevo
Bosnia-Herzegovina - Part 18
posted by
julia 18 years ago
While waiting for the end of the baking process of my muffin-cookies, I am reading some articles on the
constitutional reform in Bosnia-Herzegovina, or rather about the failure of the reform. On Thursday night (27th April), after 14h of parliamentary debates, 26 of the 42 members of the House of Representatives voted for the constitutional amendments (cf.
this blog, 25.4.2006, for more details on the amendments). Only 2 yes-votes were missing for the 2/3 majority necessary to adopt the reforms.
Bosnia-Herzegovina - Part 17
posted by
julia 18 years ago
In a
letter to the
Times, the President of the European Association of Archeologists, Prof. Harding, complains about the sudden international attention given to the excavation of the
"pyramids" in Visoko (central Bosnia-Herzegovina) (cf. the ImagineSEE-blog,
7.2.2006 and
Bosnia-Herzegovina - Part 16
posted by
julia 18 years ago
The amendments to the constitution of Bosnia-Herzegovina, developed and approved a few weeks ago by the Bosnian party leaders, are now being discussed in the two parliamentary houses (today in the House of Representatives, tomorrow in the House of People) - cf. this blog,
17.11.2005 and
21.3.2006; and
Transitions Online, 24.4.2006, for more details on the amendments and the revision process of the constitution.
Bosnia-Herzegovina - Part 15
posted by
julia 18 years ago
Sretan Osmi Mart! Today in Sarajevo street-vendors are selling flowers at every corner of the street - it is International Women's Day (cf. the
Redaktion blog and a
Der Standard article on the 8th May in ex-Yugoslavia). In an
article for the Inter Press Service News Agency, Vesna Peric Zimonjic reminds us that "Bosnia's rape victims [are] forgotten" and hopes that the award-winning film
Grbavica will help to lift the taboo, which makes the lives of an estimated 20 000 (or more) Bosnian rape victims extremely difficult.
Bosnia-Herzegovina - Part 14
posted by
julia 18 years ago
Allow me to share a picture with you, taken last week, when spring seemed to start in Sarajevo...
Bosnia-Herzegovina - Part 13
posted by
julia 18 years ago
The negotiations on constitutional changes are still ongoing between the political party leaders, but not much has been achieved... Nothing very surprising as "those same people who started the war and conducted it were also the Dayton Accords signatories. When we see today who is fighting to keep every letter of the Dayton Accords in place, it is clear that the Dayton Accords was put together along lines dictated by nationalist leaders whose wartime conquests it confirmed." - writes
Svetlana Broz in a powerful and emotion-loaded
essay in the first issue of the online journal
Spirit of Bosnia.
Bosnia-Herzegovina - Part 12
posted by
julia 19 years ago
A historical day for Bosnia-Herzegovina - but in a rather unspectacular way. The SAA negotiations started today in the Government/Parliament building in Sarajevo, with the BH negotiation team around
Igor Davidovic sitting on one side, and the small EU team lead by Reinhardt Priebe, director of the Commission's Office for the Western Balkans, on the other.
Bosnia-Herzegovina - Part 11
posted by
julia 19 years ago
A background article on
Bosnian Rape Babies, first published in The Independent (London) on 13 December 2005 is now available on the website of the
Bosnian Institute...
Bosnia-Herzegovina - Part 10
posted by
julia 19 years ago
Today, on the 10th anniversary of the signing of the Dayton-Paris Peace Agreement in Paris (cf.
this blog, 7.11.2005), the Steering Board of the
Peace Implementation Council (PIC) appointed the former
international mediator for BH Christian Schwarz-Schilling (75) as the next High Representative. The former Christian Democratic telecommunications minister, former Parliamentarian and member of the human rights committee in the German Bundestag will succeed Paddy Ashdown at the end of January.
Bosnia-Herzegovina - Part 9
posted by
julia 19 years ago
This does not mean that Bruce Lee will unite us, because people are different and cannot be united and we will always be Muslims, Serbs or Croats. But one thing we all have in common is Bruce Lee. (Veselin Gatalo, youth group Urban Movement Mostar)
Bosnia-Herzegovina - Part 8
posted by
julia 19 years ago
Bosnian political leaders of all three communities today issued a general statement on their commitment towards constitutional reform.
Bosnia-Herzegovina - Part 7
posted by
julia 19 years ago
The 21th November - an important date for the Western Balkans (2)
Yesterday was also the tenth anniversary of the signing of the Dayton agreement (cf. this blog, BH), which ended a 3-year
war in which 100 000 people died (this figure is the result of a recent study by the Research and Documentation Center in Sarajevo,
which compiled a list of all victims, about 70% of whom are Bosniaks, 25% Bosnian
Serbs, 5% Bosnian Croats).
Bosnia-Herzegovina - Part 6
posted by
julia 19 years ago
The 21th November - an important date for the Western Balkans (1)
After Serbia and Montenegro started formal talks with the EU on a Stabilisation and
Association Agreement on 7 November 2005, the EU foreign ministers approved yesterday (21
November) the
beginning of SAA talks with Bosnia-Herzegovina. EU-Enlargement Commissioner
Olli Rehn is to travel to Sarajevo on Friday (25 November) to open the talks officially.
Bosnia-Herzegovina - Part 5
posted by
julia 19 years ago
Interesting interview by
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty with former High Representative Wolfgang Petritsch on BH and the EU, on the US initiative to revise the constitution (cf.
this blog, BH, part 2)...
Bosnia-Herzegovina - Part 4
posted by
julia 19 years ago
A recent
article on school textbook reform by Hélène Harroff-Tavel (OSCE) paints a gloomy picture of
primary and secondary education in Bosnia-Herzegovina, which is still
fragmented along ethnic and political lines. The same is true for university education (cf.
the BH National Report on the Bologna Process 2005, an 8-page PDF-document which is really worth reading!).
Bosnia-Herzegovina - Part 3
posted by
julia 19 years ago
The French delegate Minister for European Affairs, Catherine Colonna, spoke today at Sarajevo University on the EU integration of Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Bosnia-Herzegovina - Part 2
posted by
julia 19 years ago
Changing Dayton? Strangely enough (?), it is the international community who initiated a meeting to revise the Dayton agreement, while Bosnian politicians - who usually criticise Dayton the most - cling to the complicated Dayton state structure with two state-like entities (Bosniak-Croat Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serb Republika Srpska), the district of Brčko and ten cantons.
posted by
julia 19 years ago
A lot of conferences are commemorating the 10th anniversary of the
Dayton peace agreements that ended the 1992-95 war in Bosnia-Herzegovina. A first version of the peace agreements was signed on November 21, 1995 in Dayton, Ohio and the final version of the "General Framework Agreement for Peace" was adopted in Paris on December 14, 1995 (cf.
BBC News).